Occupation-Manifest: Favela-Root

Favela-Root, an occupation-manifest to say who we are, what we want and who is with us on this path with the opening of the new Museum of the Favelas.

Image of the Palace of the Campos Elíseos (1898) by Palace of the Campos Elíseos - São Paulo state buildingMuseu das Favelas

A museum under construction

The Museum of Favelas is a public facility of the State of São Paulo, located in the Campos Elíseos Palace. Inaugurated in November 2022, the museum begins the occupation of this palace with an exhibition that builds a restorative sense of strengthening of the identity and memory of Brazilian favelas and the people who inhabit each of these territories.

The Favela-Root exhibition aims to plant the roots of the favelas in the Campos Elíseos Palace. The exhibition, arranged in the museum's internal and external areas, takes us to the foundations of the formation of the identity of people who inhabit the peripheries: ancestry, women, the workforce and material and affective shelters. Favela-Root plants seeds for an institution guided by respect for the community of people who live in the outskirt hoods across the country.

"Maria Beatriz Nascimento" (Dry Cut) (2021) by Paulo NazarethMuseu das Favelas

Maria Beatriz Nascimento

Paulo Nazareth
Dry Cut | Maria Beatriz Nascimento
Aluminum sheet, wood, steel, concrete, black paint.
São Paulo, 2021

"Maria Beatriz Nascimento" (Dry Cut) (2021) by Paulo NazarethMuseu das Favelas

"Maria Beatriz Nascimento" (Dry Cut) (2023) by Paulo NazarethMuseu das Favelas

One of Brazil's most important historians

Maria Beatriz Nascimento (1942–1995), black woman from Sergipe, historian, poet, teacher and intellectual who researched and formulated theories that help us to better understand Afro-Brazilian history, the history of quilombos and to strengthen the black movement in Brazil.

“Quilombo is a history. It’s a word that has a history.”

Through the work of the artist Paulo Nazareth, we honor Beatriz Nascimento, evoking her as the guardian of the Museum of Favelas, with the firmness necessary for our history to put down deep roots and rebuild our legacy. 

“We have rights to the territory, to the land. Several and several and several parts of my history tell that I have the right to the space I occupy in the nation (...) The Earth is my quilombo. My space is my quilombo. Where I am, I am. When I am, I am.”

"Favelereira" (2022) by Babi LopesMuseu das Favelas


Babi Lopes
Marine plywood panel, latex paint, pigments, spray.
São Paulo, 2022

Ancestry and the strength of the feminine

Favela is a term derived from the word “Favelereira”, the name of a tree typical of the Brazilian caatinga. This plant full of thorns survives in extremely arid environments, and even so, manages to produce flowers and fruits. The panel is a tribute to the firmness and ancestral affection of black women who, together, planted the roots of this country so that we could reap these fruits today.

"Favelereira" (2022) by Babi LopesMuseu das Favelas

"Favelereira" (2022) by Babi LopesMuseu das Favelas

Babi Lopes

Babi Lopes, 26, is a Fashion Design and Visual Arts technician. She lives in the North Zone of São Paulo. She is currently studying Art History at UNIFESP. Her art expresses affections through murals, canvas paintings, illustrations and sculptures.

"Roots" (2022) by Lídia Lisboa and Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin FronterasMuseu das Favelas


Lídia Lisboa
Crocheted fabric
São Paulo, 2022

The installation Roots is made up of three sculptures by Lídia Lisbôa. The invitation for this creation came with the need to value the process, bringing seven women to the making of the work who, through this project, were able to expand their networks and affections.

"Roots", Lídia Lisboa, Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin Fronteras, 2022, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
"Roots", Lídia Lisboa, Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin Fronteras, 2022, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
"Roots", Lídia Lisboa, Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin Fronteras, 2022, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
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Lidia Lisbôa with the collaboration of: Ana Paula do Nascimento Souza, Bety Poquechoque Quispe, Jeovanna Rosario Huanca Loza, João Goulart da Silva, Juniara Albuquerque, Laura Choque Mamani, Verônika Verão dos Santos and Zulema Calizaya Choque. Teats that suckled the world, Cocoons, Hugs, Crocheted fabric. São Paulo, 2022

"Roots" (2022) by Lídia Lisboa and Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin FronterasMuseu das Favelas

Lídia Lisboa

The artist works with sculpture, engraving, painting, sewing and crochet. His artistic practice is developed through manual work, imbued with complexity that shows itself as sensitive poetics and as an act of resilience and physical resistance in large-scale works.

"Roots" (2022) by Lídia Lisboa and Collective Tem Sentimento and Collective Sin FronterasMuseu das Favelas

Collective Tem Sentimento

It is a non-profit organization that operates in the territory of Cracolândia (“The Land of Crack”, “Crackland”), offering training in cutting, sewing and creative economy, in addition to assistance for cis and trans women in situations of social vulnerability.

"Roots" (2022) by Lídia LisboaMuseu das Favelas

Sin Fronteras

Entrepreneurs Sin Fronteras is a cooperative formed by women seamstresses, entrepreneurs and immigrants. They carry out textile productions on a small and medium scale and aim to act consciously in the fashion circuit, bringing fair remuneration to their participants.

Creative team of the work "Roots" (2022) by Lidia Lisboa, Coletivo Tem Sentimento e Coletivo Sin FronterasMuseu das Favelas

Opening ceremony of the Museum of Favelas, in November 2023, with all the artists involved in the making of the work.

"Peripheral Vision" (2022) by Topográficas and Collective ColetoresMuseu das Favelas

Peripheral Vision

Topográficas and Collective Coletores
Video mapping with soundtrack, 10 minutes
São Paulo, 2022

"Peripheral Vision", Topográficas and Collective Coletores, 2022, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
"Peripheral Vision", Topográficas and Collective Coletores, 2023, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
"Peripheral Vision", Topográficas and Collective Coletores, 2022, From the collection of: Museu das Favelas
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Peripheral Vision

Excerpt from Peripheral Vision videomapping

Mix bodies, colors and natural environments of peripheral spaces. Each scene refers to a unique moment experienced in the periphery. These paintings are artistic ways of portraying the extreme regions of the capitals with a focus on the memory of those who lived and produced these languages. The experience tells stories through videos, photos and sayings. The scenes are multiple invitations to see, hear and think. They are the showcases of an Occupation Manifest in affection.

"Peripheral Vision" (2022) by Topográficas and Collective ColetoresMuseu das Favelas

Topográficas and Collective Coletores

The Museum of Favelas invited Topográficas together with Collective Coletores to create an experience that conveyed the energy of the favelas and all their visceral culture, which is the cultural basis for the formation of our country. 

Collective Collectors (2022) by Collective ColetoresMuseu das Favelas

Collective Collectors

Formed in 2008 on the outskirts of São Paulo by artists and researchers Toni Baptiste and Flávio Camargo, Collective Collectors uses the city as a support for actions in different visual languages ​​that discuss the peripheries, historical erasures and the right to the city.

Topográficas (2022) by TopográficasMuseu das Favelas


Topográficas is a laboratory and studio for understanding, interpreting and translating contemporary plural realities. It was founded in 2020 by Monique Lemos - researcher, anthropologist and passionate about building realities that use Anthropology as a lens and a tool

"Peripheral Vision" (2022) by Topográficas and Collective ColetoresMuseu das Favelas

Participating artists and creators:

Daniel Eduardo, Presley Targino, Coletivo Coletores, Fluxo imagens, Carlos Pires, Luan Batista, Dalila Coelho, Daniela Cordeiro, Marcus Deusdedit, Jairo Malta, Toni Baptiste, Ingrid Barros, Emanuely Makaya, RaH BXD, João Teodoro Ribeiro, Christine Jones, Vic Almeida,  Diguett0, Negrinho de Favela, Foto de Cria, Daniela Cordeiro, Flávio Camargo, Thassio Ramos, Negotinho Rima, Jo Odisséia das Flores, Barão DRR, Mr Grande E.

"Mirrors" (2022) by KayodêMuseu das Favelas


São Paulo, 2022

Museum of Favelas invited rapper Kayodê and researcher Jailson de Souza to share productions that reflect on the concepts of beauty and self-love, provoking the public to look at their own history and the nuances present in the Brazil's favelas and peripheries.

Kayodê (2022) by KayodêMuseu das Favelas


Rapper from São Paulo who started his career in funk. In 2022, he released the album “Flow da Pele” with 18 original tracks along with the short film “Podcast/Pedra da Memória” on Youtube in which he addressed topics such as police abuse suffered by black people.

"Mirrors" (2023) by KayodêMuseu das Favelas

About the beautiful and the favela

Jailson de Souza e Silva
São Paulo, 2022

I see myself on that slab. My first time in the favela. Solidarity with my friend and hostess, I told her: “the inequality in our society is absurd. It is a pity that the favela is so ugly in a city called marvelous for its beauties”.

And she, daughter of Oxum, Orixá of love and the waters of the river, just looked at me, smiled and said “Your tame eyes are ugly. Who don't realize the beauty of the ladies sitting on the corner talking; of children playing with toys made by them, that their sons and daughters have no idea they exist; who do not know how to see beauty in dance and music expressed in the bodies of these young people, also made by them.

Who cannot feel the beauty in the intensity of life present in these constructions made by us, against the State that takes care of you and the market that produces for your consumption. Why can't you see the beauty in our bodies and inventions?”
And I couldn't help but be bothered by the disorder: noise, an excess of bodies, an excess of things, an expression of chaos. And the friend who guided me, a breeder of the place, feeling my annoyance, just said “why think that only in order is beauty?”

And it was only there that I realized that I had always associated chaos and ugliness, order and beauty, without knowing it.
And the friend went on to say: “Out of every 100 commercial establishments in the Maré favela, 20 are bars or beauty salons. It's beautiful to live our bodies, our time and space, together, not locked in our homes: in the streets, at the dance, on the football field, in the samba circle, in forró, in the erotic surrender to our place, living the present above all.

Nothing is more beautiful than living together. Funk, rap, graffiti, slam, "passinho" are born there. The urban art we make dominates the city; it comes from chaos, not order.”
And the mirror keeps showing me its speech, telling me its images: why do you think the way you think, why do you act the way you do?
And there I was, wanting so much to hear what the mirror was telling me, to see what it was showing me. And I went back to look deeper, looking for what maybe I hadn't seen, to feel what maybe it hadn't felt.

Jailson de Souza e Silva (2022) by Jailson de Souza e SilvaMuseu das Favelas

Jailson de Souza e Silva

The son of northeastern migrants and raised on the outskirts of Rio. Founded the Favela Observatory and is the current general director of the Intl. Univ. of the Periphery/Maria e João Aleixo Institute. Co-author of the books “The favela reinvents the city” and “The new carioca”

Museum of Favelas team (2023) by Museum of FavelasMuseu das Favelas

Who forms the Museum of Favelas

Team: the creators, curators and protagonists.




Governor | Tarcisio de Freitas
Deputy Governor | Felicio Ramuth
Secretary of State for Culture, Economy and Creative Industry | Marília Marton
Executive Secretary |  Marcelo Henrique de Assis
Chief of Staff | Daniel Scheiblich Rodrigues

Acting Coordinator of the Museological Heritage Preservation Unit | Vanessa Costa Ribeiro 

Acting Director of the Museological Heritage Preservation Group | Mirian Midori Peres Yagui

Director of the Technical Coordination Group of the State System of Museums | Renata Cittadin 

Director of the Administrative Support Center | Denise dos Santos Parreira

Technical team of the Museological Heritage Preservation Unit: Angelita Soraia Fantagussi, Edna Lucia da Cruz, Eleonora Maria Fincato Fleury, Fabiana Josefa da Silva Magalhães Araújo, Kelly Rizzo Toledo Cunegundes, Luana Gonçalves Viera da Silva, Luiz Fernando Mizukami, Marcia Pisaneschi Sorrentino, Marcos Antônio Nogueira da Silva, Mirian Midori Peres Yagui, Rafael Egashira, Regiane Lima Justino, Roberta Martins Silva, Sofia Gonçalez, Tayna da Silva Rios


Chief Executive Officer | Ricardo Piquet
Director of Governance and Management | Simone Rovigati
Director of Business and Partnerships | Julianna Guimarães
Project Director | Sergio Mendes
Director of the Museum of Favelas | Daniela Alfonsi

Administrative Council l Regina Márcia Nunes Gaudêncio (Chairman of the Board of Directors I) | Roberto Souza Leão Veiga (Chairman of the Board of Directors II) | Ana Lucia Poças Zambelli (Vice-Chairman of the Boards of Directors) | Suzana Kahn Ribeiro | Danielle Gomes de Almeida Valois | Luis Gustavo Costa Araújo | Márcia Pimentel Carneiro | Márcio Lacs | Joseph  Brais Júnior | José Renato Rodrigues Ponte Fiscal Council Renato Sobral Pires Chaves (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) | Luiz Félix de Freitas

Strategic Council of the Museum of Favelas - ConFavelas 
Celso Athayde (Chairman) | Adriana Barbosa | Andre Szajman | Dexter | Eliane Trindade | José Roberto Marinho | Karla Recife | KondZilla | Maria Alice Setúbal | Marlova Jovchelovitch Noleto | Patrícia Audi | Paula Lima | Paulo Sérgio Kakinoff | Preto Zezé | Regina Casé | Renato Meirelles | Rene Silva | Ricardo Piquet | Rodolfo Schneider | Sérgio Sá Leitão

Area Leadership

Administrative, Finance and Accounting:
Ana Paula Maia | Executive Advisor: Andrea Lombardi | Compliance: Márcia Carneiro | Personal department: Uanes Teles | Legal: Bruna Martins | Budget and Costs: Alexandra Taboni Massa | Sponsorship and Commercial: Daniel Bruch | People and Organizational Culture: Isabella Carneiro | Planning, Performance and Process: Nicole Sieiro | Supplies: Josias Mendes


Educational Actions | Coordination
Leandro Silva Education Assistant Érika Augusta da Silva Educators Fábio Santos Souza, Isabelle Santos da Silva, Kissy Luan, Mayara Soares, Weverton Camargo Service Assistants Henrique Martins, Roberta Camargo, Sayonara da Silva, Victor Ribeiro Nunes 

Administrative and Financial | Coordination Erica Mantovanello Jr Administrative Analyst Jeniffer Caroline Ribeiro Administrative assistant Amanda Lopes Maximo
Reference, Research and Library Center | Coordination Renata Furtado Museologist Carolina Rocha Researcher Vivian Ébano Librarians Sidnei Rodrigues
Communication | Coordination Priscilla Fenics Junior Communication Analyst Vanderson Silva Santos Communication assistant Isadora Simas Designer Stefanie Flauzino Santos Silva 

Personnel Department | DP Assistant Andressa Ferreira

Buildings and IT | Manager Marco Antonio Neves Building Assistant Alexsandra Santos Lima IT Analyst Jr Geovani Luiz Senhorin Maintenance Assistants Adriano Monteiro da Silva, Wellington de Godoy Maintenance Officers Ivanildo Eugenio Soares, Airton Neves Antônio

Exhibitions and Cultural Program | Coordination Marina Barbosa Production Assistant Isabella Prado Domingos

Legal | Senior Lawyer Leandro Aparecido Reis Brasil

Planning and Performance | Jr Analyst Leonela Oliveira 

Institutional Relations and Entrepreneurship Center | Coordination Carla Zulu  Entrepreneurship Center Assistant Lucas Eduardo dos Santos
Entrepreneurship Center Supplies | Purchasing Analyst Jr. Ana Paula Rodeani Silva Purchasing Assistant Tamires Martinez 

Developer of the virtual exhibition “Ocupação Manifesto: Favela-Raíz” Pedro Sant’Anna

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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