Bodrum Castle: A Fortress Through Time

Discover the rich history and culture of this iconic castle, from its Crusader origins to its role as a prison during the Ottoman Empire

The Knight of St. John, The Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

Bodrum Castle was built by the Knights of St. John at the beginning of the 15th century AD. In 1522, after Suleiman the Magnificent conquered Rhodes, the center of the Knights, Bodrum Castle also came under Ottoman rule.

The Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

During the Ottoman period, the castle
was used as a small garrison and was converted into a prison in 1895. During World War I, the castle was bombed by a French warship and was badly damaged and

Amphora Exhibition Hall, Bodrum Museum of Underwater ArchaeologyThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

Bodrum Castle was used as a military base again for a short time during World War II, but has been a museum since 1964.

The Italian Tower, Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

The Knights of St. John is a multinational organization with members from various European countries, and each nation has built its own tower in its own style. There are French, Spanish, German, Italian, English and Spanish towers in the castle.

Knight Crests, The Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

The knights placed hundreds of coats of arms and reliefs above the entrances and on the walls. Other structures in the castle include the north moat, the fortified battlements, the harbor armory, the harbor tower, the forecourt, the inner gatehouse, the chapel and the inner courtyard.

Spolium from Maussolleion, The Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

Cisterns were built to collect rainwater by excavating the natural rock mass inside the inner castle. The ruins of the Maussolleion (Mausoleum), one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, were used as building material by the knights. Traces of the ancient world can also be seen on the walls.

Castle Mosque (Old Chapel), The Bodrum CastleThe Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums of Türkiye

The minaret and the bathhouse adjecent to the chapel were added during the Ottoman period. Bodrum Castle offers a multi-layered historical and cultural perspective with these features. And it is on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List.

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