A Whistle-stop Tour of Indian Heritage

Explore the wonders of India through these historic monuments

By Google Arts & Culture

Map of the Wonders of India

From the Taj Mahal to the Undavalli Caves, take a tour around these iconic locations and explore their heritage...

Rang Ghar

Often referred to as the “Colosseum of the East,” Rang Ghar is one of the oldest surviving amphitheaters in Asia, dating back to 1746 CE. You won’t be able to watch a buffalo fight there today but this building was once used as a royal sports pavilion – its name even translates to “House of Entertainment.”

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is not only one of the Seven Wonders of the World but it is also a mausoleum, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a monument to a husband’s enduring love for his late wife.

Ajanta caves

The Ajanta caves are some of the oldest surviving examples of ancient Indian art. Explore inside the 30 caves and uncover the treasures of Buddhist architecture, paintings, and sculptures.

Buddhist Monument at Sanchi

Throwback to BCE, this Buddhist monument is one of the oldest sanctuaries in existence that you can still visit today. Commissioned by the emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE, this makes Sanchi over 2,000 years old!

Harwan Monastery

At the Harwan Monastery, you can walk in the footsteps of some of the greatest Buddhist masters who studied at this site during the 1st and 2nd century BCE.

Hampi monuments

Hampi was the capital of the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire in the 14th century. This ancient site has over 1600 remains and if you visit the Vitthala Temple, you can see the carved stone chariot built during the reign of King Devaraya II in 1422-46 CE.


Discover the historical city of Champaner in western India, which is an important religious shrine that people would often visit on their pilgrimage. 

Nalanda Mahavihara

Head back to school and visit the oldest university in the Indian subcontinent, the Nalanda Mahavihara. Founded in the 5th century CE, this site still continues to inspire modern universities today.

Viratngar Stupa

It is still not known why Viratngar Stupa was abandoned after the 1st century CE. When the site was excavated many years later, ashes were found among the remains and this suggests that the town was destroyed by a blazing fire.

Bishnupur Temples

The town of Bishnupur is famous for its 21 terracotta temples made from local laterite stones – this gives them their vibrant rusty-red color. 

Kandhar fort

A huge statue of the deity Kshetrapala can be found near the Kandhar fort. The statue may be broken, but from the toenail that survives, its height is estimated to be more than 50 feet.

Churches and Convents of Goa

The interiors of the churches and monuments left over from the Portuguese Jesuit and Franciscan presence in Goa from the 16th century onward contain the work of local artists, whose skilled labor went into creating altarpieces, paintings, and furnishings. 

Undavalli Caves

If you haven’t already heard of the famous Undavalli Caves, then you won’t want to miss out on uncovering some of India’s greatest ancient architecture. Check out those statues!

Great Living Chola Temples

You might have to strain your neck to take in the beauty of the Great Living Chola Temples, with the tallest tower vimana reaching over 63 meters high.

These cultural treasures are only the first stops to uncovering the wonders of India, discover more about this incredible country.

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