A new visual language

This story celebrates the bold and powerful work of Nwaka Okparaeke. Disrupting spaces in style. Brick by Brick building a new foundation for a new wave of artists & storytellers.

Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

Freedom in creativity

Nwaka is a Nigerian and British Film director and Photographer. She is passionate about sharing authentic stories from unique perspectives. Her work has a unique dream-like style with its often unexpected, surreal compositions and exciting use of colour.

Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

A representation of her own identity

'My imagination and past experiences come through as I create colourful escapes.'

No Face Conspiracy 3 by Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

No Face

A photo-series between Nwaka Okparaeke & collaborator Elfreda Dali. In this collection the concept of uncovering the truth behind conspiracies is explored. In this image two women are poised perfectly, adorned in traditional clothing grasping a bouquet of flowers.

No Face Conspiracy 5 by Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

Light & Dark

Nwaka's artwork is in a league of it's own, setting new levels & contributing to the emerging Afro-Surrealism movement, as she employs vivid colours, contrast, and emotion to construct new worlds celebrating the Black experience.

No Face Conspiracy 1 by Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

Magical Moments

Her work explores a deeper level to connect and represent unique perspectives. In this image two men gaze as another man somersaults in the sky. This results in a fantastical and transcendental visual world which truly has no limits.

No Face Conspiracy 2 by Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

Making the surreal real

Nwaka is drawn to themes of peace, serenity, love and freedom and how these fundamental elements of life connect every experience. 

No Face Conspiracy 4 by Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

Bold & Beautiful In Utopian Worlds

Nwaka Okparaeke’s work is distinctive for their dazzling, dreamy sense of colour and light. They empower her subjects as they unapologetically inhabit a utopian world.

Nwaka OkparaekeBounce Cinema

World building

As a photographer, Nwaka has created cover stories for leading magazines such as Crack, gal-dem, and Wonderland and created album artwork for award winning artists  such as Scribz Riley, Little Simz & Kojey Radical.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.