School Vacations at the Cultural Complex:

Discover the Samambaia Vacation Camp and its fun activities that help develop local children's artistic and intellectual potential.

Cantar para alegrar o dia (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Vacation camp

The vacation camp was held over five days during July and made use of the facility's indoor and outdoor areas and its undercover parking lot,. 

Hora da diversão (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Cultural vacation

The project's aim was to keep local children busy with cultural activities during the school vacation by bringing them into the Cultural Complex and giving them a fun week.   

Crianças na Colônia de Férias 2019 (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Aprender & brincar (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Lots of entertainment

The goal was to use play, games, and workshops to awaken their interest in reading, theater, dance, and other cultural activities.

Felicidade presente (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Mutual help

Aimed at children and youngsters aged between seven and twelve, the Cultural Complex Vacation Camp's main objective was to develop their creative abilities, teamwork, concentration, and discipline.    

Crianças de Samamabaia na Colônia de Férias (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia


School vacation time is when children tend to spend their leisure time on their mobiles and computers. This event offered lots of games where they could socialize and have fun while being encouraged to learn on the courses available at the Samambaia Cultural Complex.

Um filme da colônia de férias (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Em sala para brincar (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Mães, pais e responsáveis prestigiam as crianças (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Cultural performances

In the end, the children were able to make rehearsed presentations during the days of the summer camp and the result was very gratifying and beautiful.

Ler é se divertir (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Atividade no palco (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Caminho divertido (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Aprendendo histórias (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Children of all ages

The whole event ran from July 15 through 19. The activities were held in the afternoons from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Samambaia Cultural Complex facilities and in the parking lot.   

Encontros na Colônia de Férias (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Atividades recreativas (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Explicando a atividade recreativa (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Doce supresa (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Creativity to awaken their interest

Children only need the right environment to spark their curiosity about their national and local culture. And, when this can be done through play, it's just perfect because they'll take things in much better.

Felicidade presente (2019-07)Complexo Cultural Samambaia

Credits: All media
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