By Mayor of London
Co-curated with the the Community-Led Action grantees
Children and Young People by Rehan Jamil Photography (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
In January 2021, the Mayor of London's Community Engagement Team launched the Mayor’s Community-Led Recovery Programme. The programme aims to facilitate engagement, involvement and collaboration with London’s diverse communities who have been most deeply affected by COVID-19.
It includes the Community-Led Action (CLA) programme. Grants have been awarded to 15 community organisations to initiate social action projects which gather insights focused on the impact of COVID-19 on their communities.
Children and Young People by Rehan Jamil Photography (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
The organisations' social action projects demonstrate how the Mayor's recovery missions can be successfully delivered. 11 recovery missions have been designed to facilitate London's recovery from the pandemic by focusing on key areas in the economic, social and health sectors.
Young People Working Together (2022) by Mayor of LondonMayor of London
London's Recovery: Young People
The pandemic has had a profoundly challenging impact on London's young population. Isolation due to the lockdowns and social distancing, limited access to outdoor space, the suspension of activities and homeschooling have contributed to poor mental and physical health.
The Mayor is on a mission to ensure that by 2024 all young people in need are entitled to a personal mentor and all young Londoners have access to quality local youth activities.
1) Chapel of Mercy
Changes and disruptions to learning due to the pandemic has significantly affected the education of schoolchildren. Chapel of Mercy have been providing free tutoring sessions, specifically designed for children of migrant families, who may not otherwise be able to afford it.
Work Session (2022) by Mayor of LondonMayor of London
Chapel of Mercy: Homework Assist
Chapel of Mercy in Romford is a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). They seek to be a pivotal pillar in helping to achieve the overall RCCG vision and mission. They are committed to reaching out to their community to improve people's lives.
The Homework Assist project helped children improve their Key Stage 1 and 2 Maths and English skills during free one hour Zoom sessions after school each weekday. In the sessions, the tutors assisted the pupils with their assignments and taught them an extracurricular syllabus.
Young People Working Together (2022) by Mayor of LondonMayor of London
The project focused on children of migrant families. These parents may struggle to help with homework, for example due to language barriers. The children may need extra support as they may require more time to translate the subject into their first language to understand it.
Before class, the students socialised and connected with their peers and tutor. This enabled them to grow in confidence, form new friendships and confide in their tutors who became mentors. Learning disabilities were identified and appropriate support was provided.
2) MVP Media
MVP Media support young people to learn important media skills often required for modern day careers and have a platform for their voices to be heard and valued. They better prepare young people for employment, where COVID has worsened pre-existing barriers.
Young People Recording Podcast Episode (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
MVP Media CIC: Break Bread and Build - The Podcast
MVP Media is a youth-driven social enterprise that develops skills and creates opportunities for young people in the creative industries. Through workshops, mentoring and paid internships, MVP helps young people progress through school, university and into successful employment.
Break Bread and Build Promo Video (Captioned) (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
Break Bread and Build - Promo Video
A promotional video introducing the Break Bread and Build project to young people.
Participant with Camera (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
To create the Break Bread and Build podcast, 12-16 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds shared food (Break Bread), participated in mentoring (Build), prepared topics and created four podcasts. Producers, aged 19-24 and from disadvantaged backgrounds, produced the podcasts.
The podcast platforms the perspectives of young people on important social issues, such as drug misuse and domestic violence. Through these open discussions and mentoring, participants developed self-reflection, investigative skills and positive mindsets.
Break Bread and Build Podcast - Episode 3: Gang Culture (Captioned) (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
Break Bread and Build Testimonials (Captioned) (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
Break Bread and Build Project - Testimonials
A video where participants discuss what they have gained from participating in the Break Bread and Build podcast project. This includes gaining confidence and new life values.
Thrive LDN Podcast, Ep 1: LGBTQ+ Rights (Captioned) (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
Thrive LDN Podcast - Ep 1: LGBTQ+ Rights (Excerpt)
MVP also produced this podcast series, Thrive LDN, which compliments the Break Bread and Build podcast. In this series, experts and professionals are invited to discuss topics including LGBTQ+ rights, sexual health and mental health, often drawing on their lived experiences.
New Production Setting (2022) by MVP Media CICMayor of London
The pilot Break Bread and Build project has proven an innovative concept. Due to learnings, MVP is now working on optimising production quality, employing a former MVP project attendee as a professional lead content producer.
Young MVP participants will work closely with this producer, enhancing their vocational skillset, professionalism and digital portfolio.
3) Womens Inclusive Team
The wellbeing of young, especially BAME, people in Tower Hamlets has been highly impacted by COVID. For reasons such as cultural attitudes, parents/carers are often unable to identify young people's needs and access help. Women's Inclusive Team provide this wellbeing support.
Children and Young People by Rehan Jamil Photography (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
WIT: Promoting Good Mental Health for Somali Children
Women's Inclusive Team (WIT) supports the black and ethnic minority communities in Tower Hamlets through their 'Rise and Shine' youth programme, women’s empowerment projects, mental health support and a food bank and community kitchen.
See Me, See You Film Poster (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
To improve mental health for 5-16-year-olds from BAME, mostly Somali, backgrounds, WIT delivered creative workshops and discussions about mental health. Leaders in Community (LiC), a youth-led charity, worked with the young people to produce a short film 'See Me, See You'.
See Me, See You Short Film (Captioned) (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
'See Me, See You' Film
The film comprises interviews with young people and the creative activities, showing how WIT and LiC improved their understanding of wellbeing and their wellbeing itself. The young people celebrate their identities and culture and enjoy connecting with each other and themselves.
COVID and Mental Health Workshop Poster (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
COVID and Mental Health Workshop
WIT also delivered a specific COVID and mental health workshop which over 40 young people attended. It was led by a representative from the Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies services, the local young mayor and individuals with lived experiences of mental health issues.
WIT COVID Support Video (Captioned) (2022) by Womens Inclusive TeamMayor of London
WIT COVID Support Video
A video showing the vital support and services that WIT has been providing across their community during the pandemic, to improve everyone's mental and physical wellbeing. This includes cooked meals and daily befriending calls, as well as their youth workshops.
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