Nanago Dori Park Toilet

Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab Team

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Nanago Dori Park Toilet (2021-08-12) by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab TeamShibuya City Tourism Association

Nanago Dori Park Toilet by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab Team

Hi Toilet - a “contactless” toilet
My inspiration to design a fully voice activated toilet came about after much research and reading around users' behaviours in public toilets across Europe and the US to avoid contact with the surface;

Nanago Dori Park Toilet (2021-08-12) by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab TeamShibuya City Tourism Association

60% stepping on toilet levers to flush, 50% opening the door with toilet paper, 40% closing the door with hip, 30% avoiding hand-contact as much as possible by using elbow.

Nanago Dori Park Toilet (2021-08-12) by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab TeamShibuya City Tourism Association

After three years of research, planning and designing, we came up with the concept of the VOICE COMMAND Toilet, “Hi Toilet” where all commands were activated by voice. 

Nanago Dori Park Toilet (2021-08-12) by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab TeamShibuya City Tourism Association

This idea has been in place long before the arrival of COVID-19, but COVID accelerated the acceptance of this unique user experience in terms of “toilets being contactless”. If this toilet could deliver a “Clean City Tokyo” image to the world, I would be extremely happy.

Nanago Dori Park Toilet (2021-08-12) by Kazoo Sato / Disruption Lab TeamShibuya City Tourism Association

Assistance on External Design: quantumAssistance on Architectural Design: Kubo Tsushima ArchitectsAssistance on Voice Command: Birdman

Credits: All media
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