Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet

Kengo Kuma

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet by Kengo Kuma

A Walk in the Woods
We designed a toilet village inside the lush greenery of Shoto Park.

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

The five huts, each covered with eared cedar board louvers installed at random angles, are connected by a walk in the woods that disappears into the forest.

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Each toilet that makes up the village is designed with a distinct layout, facility, and inteEach toilet that makes up the village is designed with a distinct layout, facility, and interior to accrior to accommodate different needs (family, dressing and grooming, wheelchair, etc).

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

By dividing each section into separate buildings, we created a “public toilet village” that is open, breezy, and easy to pass through, a design appropriate for the post-pandemic times.

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Even in our toilet design, we are entering the age of diversity and a time to go back to the forest.

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

Nabeshima Shoto Park Toilet (2021-06-24) by Kengo KumaShibuya City Tourism Association

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