The Billboard Campaign

Selected images featured across 1000+ ClearChannel sites, July 2020

Justin at North London Towers (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne CummingRaze Collective

40 images were selected from those taken to be featured in the National outdoor advertising campaign....

Launched nationwide in partnership with Clear Channel, the LGBTQ+ community took over 1,000 digital Out of Home screens with striking images of what Pride means to them instead of taking to the streets. 

Justin by Holly Revell (2020-06) by Photographer: Holly Revell and Model: JustinRaze Collective

The images appeared from Monday 15th June for two weeks, with a reach of 10 million, making sure the spirit of Pride is still felt in every corner of the UK....

They include the lead singer of a Belfast queer punk band (together with her pet rat), a Newcastle drag king, an NHS nurse in south London, original members of the Gay Liberation Front and an award-winning engineer who came to the UK as a refugee and went on to be named one of the BBC’s top 100 influential women in the world.... many of which are included on the following pages!

Nicola, Sarah, Melissa & Tamsin by Holly Revell (2020-06) by Photographer: Holly Revell and Models: Nicola, Sarah, Melissa & TamsinRaze Collective

Nicola, Sarah, Melissa & Tamsin were photographed by Holly Revell

"I'm an artist photographer who makes collaborative portraits exploring performance and transforming identities with members of the LGBTQI+ community. I've been documenting queer performance and its makers in London for about 10 years and I'm always up for Ginger's hairbrained ideas! I think it's really important to mark pride whatever the circumstances and this project felt real with the participants being represented in an honest, natural and positive way." - Holly Revell

Sabah by Ira Girogetti (2020-06) by Photographer: Ira Girogetti and Model: SabahRaze Collective

Sabah is a proud trans youth worker, psychotherapist in training, speaker, educator, and writer.

“Pride to me is more than just a rainbow sticker on the window of a store, more than glitter in the streets in June for a week. Pride is that feeling that comes from shouting for those who have lost their voice through injustice and broken hearts. Pride is that feeling that comes from loving each other and celebrating those who don’t often get it, Black queers, disabled folk, trans femmes, people of faith. Pride comes from honouring those who paved the way for us, our elders and before. Pride is also complicated, it can feel hard to feel proud all the time but just because I am not feeling proud, doesn’t mean I am ashamed. I don’t think these are opposites. Pride is sometimes an aspiration instead of a reality, sometimes celebration feels like a privilege when there is still so much to protest. Pride is political. And our pride is precious.”

Méfi by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photographer: Chloe Hashemi and Model: MéfiRaze Collective

“I will be celebrating Pride this year through activism. Racism within the queer community still exists and so does transphobia hence we need to constantly check our privilege and educate ourselves. That’s the way forward to support one another.” - Méfi, Brighton

Myles by Emli Bendixen (2020-06) by Photographer: Emli Bendixen and Model: MylesRaze Collective

Myles said: "Pride is an all year round reminder that our presence is valid. Pride should involve 'putting in the work' to make our spaces for pride as inclusive as possible, for the most vulnerable people in our communities. Pride is also a good excuse to make a playlist of the songs that make you feel great."

Shrouk by Emli Bendixen (2020-06) by Photographer: Emli Bendixen and Model: ShroukRaze Collective

Shrouk said: "Pride is usually the time I am booked the most to perform. My performances combine the most Egyptian art, belly dancing, with the most queer art, drag. I use my shows to raise awareness about LGBT+ issues back home in Egypt. But this year lockdown means a rare opportunity to be forced to stay at home and rest. I am very lucky that my housemates are queer, so I am looking forward to my indoor relaxed celebration with a glass of wine with my house mates :) "

Pawee at Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow (2020-06) by Photographer: Tiu MakkonenRaze Collective

Pawee said: "Being one of the models of this campaign has paved the way for opportunities to share my personal experiences to others, and in the hope of allowing the public especially those who haven’t been exposed or encountered any members of the LGBTQ community be informed and learned that we are no different from anybody else. That we are human beings and persons as well. I will be celebrating pride with my authenticity as a person and as nurse, hopefully having that space in the society to now be well represented..."

Seana by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Model: SeanaRaze Collective

“Pride is the celebration of those that fought for our rights as members of the LGBTQ+ community. This year we created “Digi Pride” for Birmingham Pride. As Birmingham is one of the biggest pride celebrations we created a video showcasing previous prides/pictures and videos of members of the LGBTQ+ scene. It was so cute.” - Seana, Birmingham

Jamie by Tiu Makkonen (2020-06) by Photographer: Tiu Makkonen and Model: JamieRaze Collective

Jamie is a Deaf artist, performer and actor originally from Belfast. Jamie’s first language is BSL.

Jamie was photographed by Tiu Makkonen.

Tarik by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photographer: Chloe Hashemi and Model: TarikRaze Collective

Charlene, Sharon & family by Ciara McMullan (2020-06) by Photographer: Ciara McMullan and Models: Charlene, Sharon & familyRaze Collective

Rhiannon & Ailis by Amelia (2020-06) by Photographer: Amelia and Models: Rhiannon & AilisRaze Collective

Ailis and Rhiannon live in Liverpool.

"Pride means power. It means taking control of your identity and presenting yourself as you want to be seen without fear. It means feeling able to celebrate who you are in a supportive space with those you love." - Ailis

"Pride has shown me how beautiful life can be, that it's really worth yelling about and shouting from the rooftops. It means allowing myself to celebrate who I am boldly and unashamedly, with no room for embarrassment." - Rhiannon

Lydia L'Scabies by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photographer: Chloe Hashemi and Model: Lydia L'ScabiesRaze Collective

Ciara & Bev by Ciara McMullan (2020-06) by Photographer: Ciara McMullan and Models: Ciara & BevRaze Collective

Ciara and Bev are members of riot grrrl feminist punk band Problem Patterns, based in Belfast

“To me pride is a space for being yourself. It's an international voice for the lgbtq+ community & somewhere to belong. Growing up and seeing the pride parades was the first time I felt welcome and accepted in my own sexuality . It is also a form of activism to raise the voices of those who are under attack in the community.” - Ciara, Belfast

“Usually, we get together with our LGBTQ+ friends and allies, catch up with those I haven't seen since last Pride, get dressed up, roller skate around Belfast city centre, see the parade, celebrate, but also it's when we're making ourselves most visible - we're not backing down, we're not going away, and we deserve the same rights as everyone else.” - Bev, Belfast

The Tracy's by India Fleming (2020-06) by The Tracy's by India Fleming and The Tracy's by India FlemingRaze Collective

Louise by Emli Bendixen (2020-06) by Photography: Emli Bendixen and Model: LouiseRaze Collective

Louise said: "Celebrating Pride is something that I look forward to every year. Previously I have hosted queer brunches with friends, planned out my outfit weeks in advance, and brought my friends along to celebrate the day together. Pride Inside has been an opportunity to remember that Pride is deeper than attending a march - it's within us, and we celebrate it every day of the year. Cancelling Pride doesn't cancel our queernesss - ever. "

Zee by Amelia (2020-06) by Photography: Amelia and Model: ZeeRaze Collective

Ramon & Gustavo by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photography: Chloe Hashemi and Models: Ramon & GustavoRaze Collective

Mynxie by Corinne Cumming (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne Cumming and Model: MynxieRaze Collective

"Pride is a time to honour those who fought for our rights by being the most authentic versions of ourselves, while celebrating all the love and diversity in the LGBTQ+ community." - Mynxie, London

Travis by Holly Revell (2020-06) by Photographer: Holly Revell and Model: TravisRaze Collective

"Pride means not holding their shame. Pride means refusing to believe in their lies. Pride means supporting my siblings. Pride means knowing I am part of a lineage. So much for me about the protest in modern pride, is in the reclamation of space. Walking down streets that you were harassed in. Partying in parades past people who have once called you named. This year - we can't do that - so this feels like an exciting way to still take up space." - Travis, London

Sharon by Joseph Wilson (2020-06) by Photographer: Joseph Wilson and Model: SharonRaze Collective

Dan by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Model: DanRaze Collective

Dan is a queer, Crip performer living in Birmingham.

Emma Jones is a portrait and events photographer.

Sam & Chris by Michael McGuire (2020-06) by Photography: Michael McGuire and Models: Sam & ChrisRaze Collective

Chiyo by Holly Revell (2020-06) by Photographer: Holly Revell and Model: ChiyoRaze Collective

Chiyo is an award winning trans drag artist living in London.

"As a cabaret performer, Pride is usually the busiest time of the year! You go to Queer venue after venue, parade after parade, festival after festival, to take up space and show the world how magical our existence is. This year, all those physical activities have been cancelled. So when Holly Revell, a photographer I respect and admire so deeply, approached me with this concept, I knew I wanted to be a part of something so beautiful! It’s so crucial we remind young Queer people that their existence is beautiful."

Graham & Jim by Michael McGuire (2020-06) by Photographer: Michael McGuire and Models: Graham & JimRaze Collective

Hetal by Amelia (2020-06) by Photographer: Amelia and Model: HetalRaze Collective

"To me, Pride is owning who you are and being totally unapologetic whilst doing so. It's a time for appreciating and celebrating the differences that make you, you! I also feel it's vital to pause and recognise that collectively, we still have a long way to go to achieve equality for all, here in the UK and across the globe." Hetal, Wirral

Riley by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photography: Chloe Hashemi and Model: RileyRaze Collective

Don & Matt by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photographer: Chloe Hashemi and Models: Don & MattRaze Collective

Don & Matt were shot by Chloe Hashemi in Brighton.

Chloe works in music, shooting festivals and gigs and working with musicians directly. She also shoots a lot of theatre and drag through working with the Brighton Fringe.

Lilly & Mark by Corinne Cumming (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne Cumming and Models: Lilly & MarkRaze Collective

Sam & Ben by Corinne Cumming (2020-06) by Photography: Corinne Cumming and Models: Sam & BenRaze Collective

"Having come out later in life, only 2-3 years ago, I have found reassurance and support in the Jewish gay community that has enabled me to be proud of both aspects of my identity despite the non acceptance from some parts of my family. I will celebrate Pride with my fiancé at home by putting rainbow flags on the outside of our home." - Sam, London

Ted by Joseph Wilson (2020-06) by Photographer: Joseph Wilson and Model: TedRaze Collective

Ted said: "I am holding a photo that shows the first copies of Gay News on the back of the bicycle. Gay News was the first gay publication in British history!"

Ash by Ciara McMullan (2020-06) by Photographer: Ciara McMullan and Model: AshRaze Collective

Ash said: "Pride means protesting the capitalist cis-het-patriarchy which oppresses us."

Yo by Chloe Hashemi (2020-06) by Photography: Chloe Hashemi and Model: YoRaze Collective

Yo spent Pride Inside "By decorating and dancing on my balcony, telling all my lgbtqi friends that I love them and I see and I hear them. All anyone deserves is to love and be loved freely."

Susie Blue & Audrey by Ciara McMullan (2020-06) by Photography: Ciara McMullan and Models: Susie & AudreyRaze Collective

Susie Blue said: "Pride gave my the strength to come out to my family ten years ago after I attended my first pride. Seeing everyone be so open and accepting of themselves gave me the courage to do the same."
Audrey said: "Pride, personally to me is the strength of a word wild community refusing to go unheard. Though in many places equal marriage is legal, Pride is a voice that is continually spreading the word that the LGBTQIA community exists, will always exist and our lives are real, valid and worthy. Pride is the reminder for those who forget that our community won't be stepped on."

Sakeema, Lewis, Emma, ShayShay, Eppie and Lucy by Joseph Wilson (2020-06) by Photographer: Joseph Wilson and Models: Sakeema, Lewis, Emma, ShayShay, Eppie & LucyRaze Collective

"I feel Pride when I get to see the vast diversity of our vibrant community come together to celebrate all the things that make us trailblazers, heartthrobs, inspirations & icons!" ShayShay, London

Mahatma & Mum by Corinne Cumming (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne Cumming and Models: Mahatma & MumRaze Collective

SHREK666 by Tiu Makkonen (2020-06) by Photographer: Tiu Makkonen and Model: SHREK666Raze Collective

"Pride is a Protest. Right now it’s vital we’re doing what we can to support the trans* community especially black trans womxn to fight the attacks on basic human rights." - SHREK666, Glasgow

Kay by Holly Revell (2020-06) by Photographer: Holly Revell and Model: KayRaze Collective

Kay was shot by Holly Revell in London.

Holly said: "This project has inspired me to dig into my archives and share some images from past pride events. It's a time to look back and to look forwards."

Anick by Corinne Cummings (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne Cumming and Model: AnickRaze Collective

Anick said: "I wanted to play my part as an intersex person, very rarely (if ever) have intersex people been included in conversations, pride movements or even giant advertising campaigns."

John by Joseph Wilson (2020-06) by Photographer: Joseph Wilson and Model: JohnRaze Collective

Credits: Story

For more information on Pride Inside, visit the website

Raising funds for the LGBT+ Consortium, show you support by donating here

Administered by Raze Collective

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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