Remembering Krzysztof Kieślowski - Memories Through the Lens of Piotr Jaxa

A selection of previously unpublished photos documenting the process of creating the "Three Colours" trilogy

Krzysztof Kieslowski on the set of "Blue" (1992) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

Personal experiences

Out of more than 9,000 photos I took during 9 months of work at the turn of 1992/93 in France, Switzerland and Poland on the set of "Three Colours" directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski, I am showing you 13 - Piotr Jaxa. 

It is a very difficult choice, because how can I show the phenomenon of  the Director, Artist, Man in a dozen or so photographs? - Piotr Jaxa 

Juliette Binoche and Benoît Régent - still from "Blue" (1992) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

"Three Colours"

The Three Colours Trilogy is the collective title of three films directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski: Three Colours: Blue (1993), Three Colours: White (1994) and Three Colours: Red (1994), in a French-Polish-Swiss co-production.

Irene Jacob, photo for the poster of "Red" by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

The stories told in each film are independent, although the characters of each "colour" do meet in the final scene of Red

Krzysztof Kieslowski on the set of "Red" (1993) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

In Krzysztof's films, there is a universal truth about us and a very interesting look at the world - Piotr Jaxa. 

Juliette Binoche, still from "Blue" by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

Common points

Each of the three films also has recurring themes, such as elderly people recycling bottles.

Film "White", Zbigniew Zamachowski (1993) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

The last take of each film shows a crying character. In Blue, Julie de Courcy cries looking into space, in White Karol cries looking at his wife, and in Red, it is Judge Kern who cries while looking through a broken window into the lens.

Film "Red", Irène Jacob, Jean-Louis Trintignant (1993) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

The trilogy is also interpreted as anti-tragedy, anti-comedy, and anti-romance, respectively.

Krzysztof Kieslowski, director of photography Sławomir Idziak and the film crew on the set of the film "Blue" (1992) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

All three films were written jointly by Kieślowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz (together with feature consultants Agnieszka Holland and Sławomir Idziak) and produced by Marin Karmitz. Music for all three was composed by Zbigniew Preisner. 

Film "White", Julie Delpy, Krzysztof Kieslowski, director of photography Edward Kłosinski, Hotel Brystol in Warsaw (1993) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

Film crew in the landfill (1993) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

Remembering Krzysztof

I dream of creating an album from this rich collection of photos called "Remembering Krzysztof" and I believe I will succeed - Piotr Jaxa 

Krzysztof Kieslowski on the stairs of Palais de Justice (1992) by Piotr JaxaContemporary Art Foundation In Situ

Krzysztof had been my friend from the time of the studies at the Film School in Łódź until the end of his too short life. We dearly miss his presence, wisdom, and talent today. 

 Fortunately, films, interviews and photos remain - Piotr Jaxa. 

Credits: Story

Quotations and photos - Piotr Jaxa.

Credits: All media
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