Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Macedonian Center International Theater Institute
Macedonian Center ITI/PRODUKCIJA develops and performs international promotion of local Macedonian contemporary performing arts.
Theatre, opera/musical theater, dance, performance; international promotion via communication, education, publishing and collaborative productions (short experimental films, video theater, video drama readings, video drama pitching).
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Video Monodrama. Best short experimental video
Made on open locations (public spaces) in Skopje: Skopsko Pole (trash field of old trains). 12 International Awards for best short experimental video, special jury award, critics award, audience award at Indie Film Festivals in Europe, UK, USA, India.
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo
The subsequent selection of photographs is a storyline of Kirill's internal struggle with himself. Each of the photographs is a selection from his inner monologue.
Trapped inside himself
Kiril Yerofeyev is an intellectual, lucid type, has no courage in life - has courage in literature, alcoholic. Kiril Yerofeyev is like a buffalo - lonely and trapped inside himself.
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Frightens us!
Kiril Donchov is so very talented and convincing as Kiril Yerofeyev, which (almost) frightens us!
Video Monodrama
Railway station: The Star of Bethlehem
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Wants peace
Kiril Yerofeyev wants peace of mind like a leisurely duck, tranquility without the effect of cocktails with vodka and cologne.
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Wondering, why?
Today Kiril Yerofeyev is dead drunk, and the seal is wondering, why?
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Waiting for Godot
Waiting for Godot to Gabrovo!
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
God is merciful
If I get alive, and if God is merciful.
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Lord of the Rails!
Kiril Yerofeyev in front of Lord of the Rails!
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Loses both
He who drinks the only vodka keeps his sanity and good memory or vice versa, he suddenly loses both.
Destination: Skopje-Gabrovo. (21th Century) by Vesna A. BrishkoskaENICPA. European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
Missed the train
Pathetic lucidity - Kiril Yerofeyev missed the train for Gabrovo!
You are all set!
Your first Culture Weekly will arrive this week.