Mongolia: Unexplored Territory

Artisti contemporanei dalla Mongolia

Catalogue of the Imago Mundi Collection "Unexplored Territory" (2013) di Contemporary Artists From MongoliaImago Mundi

Catalogue of the Imago Mundi Collection "Mongolia: Spirit Of The Gobi" (2013) di Contemporary Artists From MongoliaImago Mundi

Territorio inesplorato

Conosco la Mongolia da una decina di anni. È un Paese remoto – esteso tra Russia e Cina – grande più di quattro volte l’Italia ma con appena tre milioni di abitanti. Si prevede che la popolazione salga a cinque milioni entro il 2030 ma oggi, dalle vette degli Altai al deserto di Gobi, la sensazione prevalente è quella di un silenzio primordiale che invita alla meditazione.

Tsolmonbayar Batbaatar - Blue Flag (2013) di Tsolmonbayar BatbaatarImago Mundi

"Blue Flag"

Tsolmonbayar Batbaatar, Monglia 2013, 10x12cm

In a rapidly standardising world, Mongolia is an unspoiled space of great natural and spiritual beauty, where the activities of daily life still follow the rhythm of the seasons.

The subsoil, for example, is rich in raw materials, from coal to oil, copper and gold, but the earth is frozen for six months of the year, making them difficult to extract.

Batmunkh Choijilnamsrai - Dressage Of Brumby (2013) di Batmunkh ChoijilnamsraiImago Mundi

"Dressage of Brumby"

Batmunkh Choijilnamsrai, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Tserenchimed Battulga - Youth (2013) di Tserenchimed BattulgaImago Mundi


Tserenchimed Battulga, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Munkhtsetseg Batmunkh - Mongolian Brand (2012) di Munkhtsetseg BatmunkhImago Mundi

"Mongolian Brand")

Munkhtsetseg Batmunkh, Mongolia, 2012, 10x12cm

Bakhbergen, Ris & Khan la Khan, Traditional Yurt, Mongolia (2011-03) di Jimmy NelsonJimmy Nelson

Urbanisation sits alongside the herders, who have nomadism in their blood; they rear their livestock, from which they produce excellent cashmere. Getting to know them is a truly authentic experience.

Mongol Ger (Early XX century) di Anonymous Mongolian artist 1893The Bogd Khaan Palace Museum

They live in traditional gers – circular felt tents, described by Herodotus as early as 400 BC – which to my mind represent veritable masterpieces of northerly design. On the outskirts of the capital Ulan Bator and in the desert they are set together in clusters.

Munkhbat Baatar - Sukhbaatar Square (2013) di Munkhbat BaatarImago Mundi

"Sukhbaatar Square"

Munkhbat Baatar, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Ochbold Batjargal - Talisman Of Blue Sky (2013) di Ochbold BatjargalImago Mundi

"Talisman of Blue Sky"

Ochbold Batjargal, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Rinchinochir N. - Mongolian Traditional Painting (2012) di Rinchinochir N.Imago Mundi

"Mongolian Traditional Painting"

Rinchinochir N., Mongolia, 2012, 10x12cm

Rinchinochir N. - Mongolian Traditional Painting (2012)

Là ho potuto vedere come i pastori vivano sospesi tra i frammenti della modernità – fuori dalle tende ci sono parabole tv e automobili parcheggiate – e i ritmi millenari della natura. Nelle zone fuori città si organizzano come nell’antichità gare sportive dove il cavallo è il vero protagonista. I cavalli mongoli sono piccoli ma molto robusti, resistenti alle distanze e ai climi estremi. Le tradizionali gare a cavallo risalgono molto probabilmente ai tempi di Genghis Khan.

Ganzorig Dangaa - Those Dainty (2013) di Ganzorig DangaaImago Mundi

"Those Dainty"

Ganzorig Dangaa, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Delgertsetseg Battulga - Lullaby (2013) di Delgertsetseg BattulgaImago Mundi


Delgertsetseg Battulga , Mongolia, 2013,  10x12cm

Enkhtur Pulj - Warm Talk (2013) di Enkhtur PuljImago Mundi

"Warm Talk"

Enkhtur Pulj, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Chadraabal Adiyabazar - Benetton Bull (2013) di Chadraabal AdiyabazarImago Mundi

"Benetton Bull"

Chadraabal Adiyabazar, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Ulan Bator is a capital city destined to become very modern, thanks to major investments; a city animated by turbulent development (changing from a small town to a metropolis in just twenty years), which is now curbed by the judicious management of the public administration, following principles introduced by international consultants.

Odgerel Tsulbaatar - Who, When Will Do For Us? (2013) di Odgerel TsulbaatarImago Mundi

"Odgerel Tsulbaatar - Who, When Will Do For Us?"

Odgerel Tsulbaatar, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Vandan Badamjav - Orphan Colt (2013) di Vandan BadamjavImago Mundi

"Orphan Colt"

Vandan Badamjav, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Altanchimeg Chagdgavaa - One Body (2013) di Altanchimeg ChagdgavaaImago Mundi

"One Body"

Altanchimeg Chagdgavaa,Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

The Mongolians that I have met in person have all proved to be excellent business people. They are warm, interested, sporting in the true sense, ready to take risks and to fully assume their responsibilities.

Olzbaatar Tserendorj - Morning (2013) di Olzbaatar TserendorjImago Mundi

"Olzbaatar Tserendorj"

Olzbaatar Tserendorj, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Batbaatar B. - Untitled (2012) di Batbaatar B.Imago Mundi


Batbaatar B., Mongolia, 2012, 10x12cm

Sukhburen N. - Untitled (2012) di Sukhburen N.Imago Mundi


Sukhburen N., Mongolia, 2012, 10x12cm

I believe that this collection of works by artists of all ages can help us to understand a country that aspires to modernity, while preserving the vigorous roots of its past. Mongolian art tells us of the enchantment of nature. The infinite horizons and deep spirituality of Mongolia attract the attention of the Western world.

Luciano Benetton

Telmen Bayasgalan - Legend (2013) di Telmen BayasgalanImago Mundi


Telmen Bayasgalan, Mongolia, 2013, 10x12cm

Riconoscimenti: storia

Catalogue Editing
Tseelei Battogtokh
Oyunbat Nyamdeleg

Editorial Coordination
Enrico Bossan

Art Direction
Namyoung An

Enkhbayasgalan Battogtokh
Valentina Granzotto

Gansukh Burendorj (Mongolian)
Cristina Ermacora (Italian)
Caroline Henderson (English)

Narantsetseg Magvan
Studio Intra

Marco Pavan

Mauro Bedoni

Enkhtuya B. - 'Meditation'

Project Management
Oyunbat Nyamdeleg

Valentina Granzotto

Editorial Coordination
Enrico Bossan

Luciano Benetton
Ch. Boldbaatar
Ts. Uranchimeg

Editing And Translation
Emma Cole
Jozef Falinski
Narantsetseg M.
Tom Ridgway
Pietro Valdatta

Art Direction
Namyoung An

Marco Pavan

Marco Pavan

Special Thanks To
Luciano Benetton
Gherardo Viani
Gansukh B.
Battogtokh Ts.
Enkhbayasgalan B.

Tsengunjav Gurjav - Mongolian Mistress

Ringraziamenti: tutti i partner multimediali
In alcuni casi, la storia potrebbe essere stata realizzata da una terza parte indipendente; pertanto, potrebbe non sempre rappresentare la politica delle istituzioni (elencate di seguito) che hanno fornito i contenuti.
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