
Explore how the invisible or the seemingly mundane can reveal great meaning

The Bullet-Proof Piñata (1995) by David AvalosRuby City

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Tangible/Nothing explores how the invisible or the seemingly mundane can reveal great meaning. 

Tangible/Nothing demonstrates how artists have used these methods to great effect to address loss, identity, gender, history, environmental concerns— or to question the very nature of art.” - Elyse A. Gonzales, director of Ruby City

Tangible Nothing Installation (2022)Ruby City

The exhibition features 40 works by national and international artists as well as those with San Antonio and Texas ties. San Antonio artists represented include Nate Cassie, Katie Pell, Chuck Ramirez and Juan Miguel Ramos.

Tangible Nothing Installation (2022)Ruby City

Curated by Gonzales, the exhibition was inspired in part by Linda Pace, the founder of the Linda Pace Foundation and a lifelong supporter of artists. 

 Though deceased in 2007, Pace and her legacy still deeply resonate throughout the Ruby City campus, its mission and the art community as a whole. The exhibition’s themes also reflect the social isolation caused by caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tangible Nothing Installation (2022)Ruby City

“Tangible/Nothing taps into our collective experience of absence and presence over the past two years when the physical separation from family and friends necessitated finding all manner of ways to connect with them in absentia—with many experiencing permanent loss,” said Gonzales.

Tangible Nothing Installation (2022)Ruby City

Serving as the connective tissue of the exhibition are a series of works by artists, many of whom were friends, that intimately portray or memorialize Pace, even if she is not pictured.

Tangible Nothing Installation (2022)Ruby City

Tangible/Nothing Installation (2022) by Elyse A. GonzalesRuby City

Credits: Story

Ruby City celebrated the exhibition with a free public opening reception on Friday, September 9, 2022, 5–8 pm, with a walkthrough featuring Gonzales and selected artists that evening. Tangible/Nothing will remain on view through April 30, 2023.

Credits: All media
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