Terri Walker visits Jamaica

Documentary series following the journey of four UK music artists Diztortion, Terri Walker, Saskilla, and Shakka as they embark on a heritage tour of their home towns

Homelands (2016) by Punch RecordsPunch Records

Terri Walker is a UK born RnB soul singer-songwriter who grew up in Germany to Jamaican parents

Homelands (2016) by Punch RecordsPunch Records

Speaking on her heritage roots, Walker discusses the significance of Trench Town and its Germanic connections and how hyper-local events such as Weddy Weddy Wednesdays go unnoticed in its recognition towards music production and talent growth

Homelands (2016) by Punch RecordsPunch Records

The music of Jamaica is hugely influential and Walker was on a mission to determine the links between her persona and her heritage

Homelands (2016) by Punch RecordsPunch Records

She admires how the people of her country make something celebratory despite having very little resources, and the community spirit in supporting fellow Jamaicans in solidarity and faith: That is what ultimately Walker describes herself as - a proud Jamaican

Terri Walker - Homelands Documentary (Jamaica)Punch Records

Watch Homelands exclusively on Youtube

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