Welcome to the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Joseph Lizzadro, a Chicago business leader. His passion for art and nature was born in his native Italy. Son of a cobbler, he learned the craft of lapidary as an adult. His hobby became a legacy when Mr. Lizzadro was looking for raw jade to make cufflinks. A Chinese dealer sent him a carved bottle for use, but he thought it too beautiful to cut. Instead, it became the first piece in a priceless collection of art objects, mineral specimens, gems and gem materials.

Hanging Jade Hu (1644/1900) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

The First Piece in Joseph Lizzadro's Collection

A Hu vase with Chain Handles. This piece displays a Badger and Magpie, when seen together are symbols of happiness. On the front of the vase is a Taotie, or the face of a dragon that is a guardian. 

JadeiteLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art


This is a piece of raw Jadeite prior to it becoming refined and sculpted. Despite being the most popular carving material in China, jade was often imported from Burma as China has no jade deposits. 

Mughal Style Bowl (1800-01/1899-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Moghul Style Bowl

Originating in India, this style became popular in China during the 18th century Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). Often depicting lotus flowers and symmetrical floral patterns.

Lotus Flowers

Found on the base of this bowl, Lotus flowers represent fertility, happiness, elegance, and rebirth. 

Vase Depicting Nezha Defeating Dragon King (1800-01/1899-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Nezha Defeating the Dragon King

An old Chinese folktale of a young boy named Nezha, who defeats the dragon king Au Kuang after the dragon king slays Nezha's friend and threatens to destroy his village. 

Au Kuang

Au Kuang is depicted riding a dragon, a symbol of an emperor. 


He is depicted with an elephant meaning high moral, intelligence, and strength. 

The Tragic Death of Lady Yang Guifei by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

The Fate of Lady Yang Guifei

Born to a family of a high official, Yang Guifei, maiden name Yang Yuhuan became the most favorite concubine of Emperor Xuanzong. It was said that their epic romance brought about the devastating rebellion that caused the eventual decline of the Great Tang dynasty (618-907). 

Altar Set on Cloisonne Stands (1368-01/1644-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Nephrite Altar Set on Cloisonné Stands

Collectively known as "Wugong" 五供, the five altar pieces were displayed in either Daoist or Buddhist temples in Northern China. They were used to place incense to purify the space, flowers as offerings to the deity, and light (candles) to illuminate the darkness of ignorance.


Dragons are the symbol of the emperor and are often associated with wisdom, longevity, and good fortune. 


Clouds are often depicted as loose flowing forms representing heaven. 


A mystical hooved beast sometimes depicted with a single horn. They are guardians of Heaven and symbolize longevity and goodwill. 

Alter Set (1700-01/1799-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Lapis Lazuli Set

A set of three lapis lazuli snuff vessels rested on a carved wooden base made in Russia and imported into Qing China (1644-1911). Snuff vessels often contained a mixture of tobacco and other leaves for medicinal purposes in China.

Roman Colosseum (1700-01/1799-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Florentine Mosaic of the Colosseum in Rome

Micro-mosaics made in Rome, Italy utilize small fragments of colored stones, clay or glass, called tesserae. Each square inch can comprise over 400 tesserae. The subject matter is often based on 18th century engravings of Roman antiquities and views of Rome.


During the 1800's when this piece was made, the concept of a vacation or leisure time was in its infancy. This couple here represent this new movement of taking time away from work. 

Snake Master (2000/2010) by Luis Alberto Quispe AparicioLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Snake Master

Created by Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio, a Peruvian artist, this skull is made from Tanzanian Ruby. 

Rose Quartz Bowl (1900-01/1999-12) by UnknownLizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Rose Quartz Bowl

Made in Germany, this Rose Quartz bowl is a display of modern craftsmanship.

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