What have you learned about Indonesian weaving tradition?

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Tubular Wrap / Kain Sarung 0709Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

1. What is a sarong/sarung and how is it used?

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Weaving on a wooden loom

2. What types of natural fiber used in Indonesian traditional weaving?

Kain Tengkuluk BalapakUnit Pengelola Museum Seni

3. When do people use weaving with gold threads ?

Tenun Geringsing 0102Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

4. Name type of traditional weaving believed could heal?

How many did you get right?

1. What is a sarong/sarung and how is it used?

2. What types of natural fiber used in Indonesian traditional weaving?
Answer: Cotton, Silk, Abaca fiber.

3. When do people use weaving with gold threads ?
Answer: Weddings and royal celebration

4. Name type of traditional weaving believed could heal?
Answer : Geringsing weaving

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Use these questions as an inspiration to browse Indonesian Textiles theme page and quiz your students.
Answers for these questions are available below in the sources below
Versatile Sarongs
Hanging on Golden Threads
Ikat Geringsing

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