Wunmi Onibudo

Photographer in London

Becca, Emily & Ottavia by Wunmi Onibudo (2020-06) by Photographer: Wunmi Onibudo and Models: Becca, Emily & OttaviaRaze Collective

Becca, Emily and Ottavia by Wunmi Onibudo

Becca said: "This year I’ve come out as bisexual to family & friends and I’ve been in my first relationship with a woman. I’m currently learning to accept and be proud of who I am. Pride to me is the strength to live my life as my true self."

Emily said: "Pride to me is the strength I now have to not only accept and love my identity, but also the courage and determination in my voice to stand up for the human rights of everyone."

Ottavia said: "I moved to London three years ago from a small Italian town in the mountains. During my time spent here, I've been lucky enough to meet incredibly open minded human beings who've helped me through my journey of self-education and acceptance. Pride to me is liberarion, it's understanding, it's love. It's being strong enough to help other people feel free to express who they are. "

Becca, Emily & Ottavia at Park Royal, London (2020-06) by Photographer: Corinne CummingRaze Collective

London photographed by Wunmi Onibudo


Wunmi is a portrait and documentary-style photographer, shooting general aspects of modern culture, taking portraits that show a sense of character and/or intimacy.

Wunmi said: "Pride Inside felt like a good way to contribute to something more joyful - and in some way, perhaps, feel useful. I know staying at home is already an important way to be helpful, and I was letting myself be okay with not taking many photos while in this period of isolation. When I was first contacted about this, it felt like a good way to pick up a camera without too much pressure, while doing something that felt celebratory. Also, I had been a complete recluse in isolation, so it felt like a great reason to emerge in order to see people (at a distance)."



Charlie & Nick by Wunmi Onibudo (2020-06) by Photographer: Wunmi Onibudo and Models: Charlie & NickRaze Collective

Jacq by Wunmi Onibudo (2020-06) by Photographer: Wunmi Onibudo and Model: JacqRaze Collective

Aisha & Lexie by Wunmi Onibudo (2020-06) by Photographer: Wunmi Onibudo and Models: Aisha & LexieRaze Collective

Credits: Story

All portrait photographs by Wunmi Onibudo
Site photography by Corinne Cumming

For Pride Inside www.prideinside.co.uk

Raising funds for the LGBT+ Consortium.
Show you support by donating here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/PrideInside

Administered by Raze Collective

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions (listed below) who have supplied the content.