​“Ștefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum

“Ștefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum, established in 1955 under the initial name of Polytechnic Museum, upon the initiative of a group of intellectuals from Iasi, has developed and diversified its patrimony, comprising objects of great importance for the evolution of sound recording and playback, the history of photographic and cinematographic technique, the evolution of communications, the development of the computing technique, as well as memorabilia.

"Ștefan Procopiu" Science and Technique Museum”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

​“Ștefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum

Mechanical Music Instruments in the Collections of “Ștefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum propose a visual and acoustic approach allowing the (re)discovery of the fascinating world of music automata along with its entire variety of devices: music boxes, organettes, clocks and albums with musical mechanism, symphonions, polyphones, mechanical pianos, pianolas etc.

Eroica Symphonion (1896) by Fabrik Lochmanscher Musikwerke AG”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The "Eroica" Symphonion was built in 1896, in Leipzig (Germany), by Fabrik Lochmanscher Musikwerke AG. The device is activated by means of a spring which determines the rotation of the three disks, spinning simultaneously in the same direction, creating a three-dimension sound. In the upper part, the device has a clock, while the library of records is located in the lower part, allowing the easy changing of the disks.

Orchestral Music Box (1880/1880) by Fabrique de Genève”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

This music box (of the orchestra-type built in 1880 in Switzerland, uses the pin cylinder or pin reel as recording support , which, through its spinning at a constant pace, acts upon the register with vibrating blades tuned according to the music notes and controls the accompaniment formed of a small drum and six small bells.

"Ștefan Procopiu" Science and Technique Museum”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The "Valsonora" orchestrion, which contains six instruments, was built in 1905 by Sächsischen Orchestrion Fabrik F.O.Glass - Klingenthal, Germany. It is formed of a cabinet of wood, which contains two parts: the upper one contains the mechanism actuating the pin reel and the instruments which they control, and the lower part where another cylinder is kept. When the cylinder spins, the pins and the bridges determine the actuation of a system of levers which act upon the instruments: piano, drums, cymbal, xylophone and castanets.

Chantal Gramophone (1915) by Chantal Factory”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

The "Chantal" Gramophone produced in 1915 by the Chantal Factory of Belgium, is a crank device which uses a disk for the sound playback. The melody is recorded on the disk through the vibrations of the needle, which carves lateral grooves with a constant depth.

Mignon Typewriter (1902/1905)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

"RetroTehnica" is another temporary exhibition designed to immerse the visitor into a journey in the world of technical instruments and apparatuses.
The „Mignon” typewriter (Germany) is part of the category of typewriters which came out between 1902 and 1905.

This model has a small carriage and no keys. A type hammer moves along a plaque which has the letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks inscribed on it Through two keys, the letter is transferred onto a rotating cylinder which makes an impression on the paper. The key located on the left selects the letter you want, whereas the one on the right actuates the operation of printing the letter.

Gray&Son Magneto-Electric Machine (1878/1910)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

"Gray & Son" Electromagnetic medical device is a kit used in the treatment of mental illnesses and other types of pain or neuralgia. The component parts are: an induction coil, an electromagnet and a balance wheel which actuates the coil through a metallic chord. The crank handled by the operator to generate power is located on the outer part of the box, in the front. At the back of the box, on the outer part, there are terminals to which two wires are connected; there is a flange at each end of the wires, and it goes onto the patient’s skin. Beneath each flange, directly onto the skin, there are sponges to prevent from the stinging sensation provoked by electrical current.

Sundial (1880)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

"Sundial" (circa 1880, France)
The sundial is made out of marble, it has a circular shape and is fitted with a magnifying glass and a blast cannon (bronze). One can make out two of the four cardinal points, namely East and West on the dial, and around this card, there are numbers showing the time, written using Roman numerals (XII, I, II, III…, on the right-hand side, respectively XI, X, IX…, on the left-hand side). The sundial was positioned in such a way that the sunrays could be harnessed in the focal point of the lens; thus, after a few seconds, there was a small blast which signaled it was 12 o’clock.

"Ericsson" telephone (1895/1900)”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași

"Ericsson" local battery telephone (Sweden, circa 1895 - 1900)
It is a desk telephone, mounted in a wooden box with a decoration depicting nature painted on the front part. On the right is the crank handle of the telephone inductor and next to the handset is the red call button.

Credits: Story

Dr. Lacramioara Stratulat - Manager of the "Moldova" National Museum Complex IASI

Dr. eng. Monica Nanescu - Head of ​“Ștefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum

Credits: All media
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