There are many kinds of relationship between people, such as parents and children, couples, employers and employees. Friendship is one of the most comment relationships between people, and also one of the most important one. Everyone has friends and everyone needs friends. Sometimes friends are someone similar with us, and we will have similar interests or similar experiences, so that we can share ideas and stories with each other. Sometimes friends are different with us, but we also can exchange hobbies and teach each other new things. We cannot live without friends. When we are facing difficulties but our families are far from us, friends will be the one can help us. Friends are the person we can cry together and we also can laugh together. Friendship also has always been showed on literatures. It is one of the main themes in The Epic and Gilgamesh and The Left Hand of Darkness, it also has a position in Civilization and Its Discontents, An Ideal Husband and The Trials of Socrates.