Marie-Antoinette de Lorraine-Habsbourg, reine de France, et ses enfants Oil on Canvas. The infamous Queen Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, did not have a strong reputation with both the general public and the other nobles. Most notably, her Diamond Necklace Affair tarnished any hope for the revival of her reputation. In 1785, the Queen commissioned her official portraitist, Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun, to paint an image of Marie Antoinette as both a mother and queen. Due to her scandals, the portrait was an attempt to win back her subjects. In the portrait, Queen Marie Antoinette is pictured with her 3 children and an empty cradle. Although at first the cradle was to be filled with the birth of Sophie-Beatrice, Marie's 4th daughter, the cradle remained empty due to Sophie-Beatrice's untimely death at the age of 11 months. Instead of repainting the portrait, Vigee-Lebrun left the cradle empty to aid the Queen in winning sympathy from her subjects due to the royal family's grave loss.