This piece was created by Fernando Botero in 1987 and depicts two people, a couple dancing at what seems to be party. Fernando Botero paints and draws bigger people and sees the beauty in the people the world tries to say isn’t beautiful. The formal elements of space is depicted here, the thing that takes up the most space is supposed to be the main focus of the artwork. Color is another formal element that is portrayed well, mostly primary and secondary colors with varying hues and values. By the colors you can tell that you are at maybe a gathering for older couples or a high school reunion and not at a nightclub or a studio. The Movement is shown by following their hands to their faces, to the women’s head, to the couple she is looking at which is depicted by the leg you see, showing the couples are moving around some out of frame. In my opinion it is a very great depiction of dance showing a beautiful moment between a couple.