Peaceful places


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I have put these specific images together because they all give me a sense of peace and calm when I look at them. I have always been a fan of Monet and Van Gogh, which is why I chose these two particular artists and I find that their style is similar, and works well together in an exhibit.  


The first image selected is called “Undergrowth with two Figures” by Vincent van Gogh and is of a painting of a man and a women walking through an overgrown forest. We cannot see the figure’s faces, however they seem to be walking close to each other, perhaps in an embrace. The forest is filled with tall trees, however we only see the trunks, and the ground is overgrown in what looks to be a mixture of grass, weeds and flowers from the colours used.


The second image chosen is called “Irises” by Vincent van Gogh and features a painting of lovely flowers. From the title, we know that that flours depicted are of irises, however we can also see another type of flour in the background. Instead of a bright, bold paint, this painting is depicted with a lighter hue, creating a sense of calm for the viewer.


The third image is of a painting also by Vincent van Gogh called “Poppy Field”. In this painting, we see the use of Van Gogh’s signature painting stroke to create a beautiful painting of a field covered in poppies. In the background we see rolling hills, some tall trees and a deep blue sky.  

            The fourth image of a painting called “The Japanese Footbridge and the Water Lily Pool” by Claude Monet. This painting features a bridge crossing over a pond filled with water lilies. Behind the bridge we see weeping willow trees. The entire painting features the use of green hues which gives the painting a realistic feeling to a natural setting.


The last image is also of a painting by Monet called “Water Lilies”. This painting features an up-close view of a water lily pond. The use of painting technique gives the water a realistic reflection look and the use of blue, green, pink and purple makes the pond look beautiful and bright.


In relation to course themes, these images relate to the idea of viewers making meanings and the producers’ intended meaning of the paintings. Just by looking at the title of my gallery, you can get the sense that the meaning I have given all of these paintings are a place of peace, a place where I would see myself going to relax, meditate and enjoy the view. Although every viewer will have a different interpretation of what the painting means to them, the original artists would have had intent for the paintings and created their own meaning, which are very different from the meanings I have given them. Even though different meanings are given to the same painting, it does not change the painting. 

Undergrowth with Two Figures, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, b.1853, d.1890), 1890, From the collection of: Cincinnati Art Museum
The Japanese Footbridge and the Water Lily Pool, Giverny, Claude Monet, French, 1840 - 1926, 1899, From the collection of: Philadelphia Museum of Art
(Front), From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Poppy field, Vincent van Gogh, June 1890, From the collection of: Kunstmuseum
Water Lilies, Claude Monet, 1916, From the collection of: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.