The Rochester, NY firm E.E. Fairchild manufactured a jigsaw puzzle in commemoration of the 1976 Bicentennial of the United States. Although the puzzle is not marked with the official logo, a red, white, and blue rounded five-point star, it is marked as "Authorized by United states Bicentennial Society.��??The more official licenser was the American Revolution Bicentennial Authority, which authorized use of the star when the manufacturer paid a license fee. This puzzle does, however, pay homage to John Trumbull's painting The Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown,��??held by the Yale University Art Gallery. Probably Fairchild paid a license fee to Yale. The puzzle demonstrates the wide variety and popularity of Bicentennial merchandise at this time during the mid-1970s. The entire nation enthused with new patriotism, embraced in the wake of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal.