Anthony, 'The Saint Beyond Carmo' - Part I: Daily Life

A project developed by Paulo Munhoz (Federal University of Santa Maria - Frederico Westphalen (RS) and external researcher at the Online Journalism Research Group (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia)

Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo square. (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

In 1594, a primitive chapel was founded at the main street of the future neighborhood. The chapel was founded in honor of Saint Anthony, thus giving name to the neighborhood: Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo.

Saint Anthony's square (Largo de Santo Antônio) is the main meeting point of the neighborhood.

Square of Pascoal's Cross (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The city of Salvador faced a notorious urban development in the late 16th century. This neighborhood was constructed beyond one of the doors of the wall that protected the city (called Doors of the Convent of Carmo).

Square of Pascoal's Cross (Largo da Cruz do Pascoal) is one of the landmarks of the neighborhood.

Smiles (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Scented Water and Flowers (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The neighborhood has a rich architectural ensemble formed by important churches in Bahia: the churches of Nossa Senhora do Boqueirão, Nossa Senhora dos Quinze Mistérios, Perdões and Santo Antônio. The traces of the colonial period are visible in its monuments and streets (such as Rua dos Ossos, Rua dos Marchantes, Rua dos Perdões, Rua dos Carvões).

The washing of the neighborhood churches' stairs mobilizes the devotees of Candomblé. Flowers and scented water are used in a symbolic gesture of purification and blessing.

Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The Square of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo (Largo do Santo Antônio Além do Carmo).

The innocence of children (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Numerous religious, cultural and festive events take place in the neighborhood.

The street vendor (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Everyday, street vendors sell diverse products in the neighborhood. This practice persists since the colonial period.

Brooms for sale (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Local market (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

This place is one of the various traditional pubs in the neighborhood. It was opened by Mr. Porfírio and Ms. Conceição, a couple of spanish immigrants.

Bahian traditions (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Bahian traditions are seen everywhere.

Children's games (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

"Bando da Anunciação" (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

A philharmonic presentation through the streets of the neighborhood. The “Bando da Anunciação” proclaims the coronation of the Emperor of the Divine Spirit, a festival that takes place annually in the neighborhood, during the Pentecost period.

Sunset at Largo do Santo Antônio (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The neighborhood also has a privileged view of the Bay of All Saints (Baía de Todos os Santos) and of the downtown.

Night falls at Saint Anthony's square. (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

At night, residents gather in the Saint Anthony's square.

2 July civic parade (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

On the 2 of July, Bahia celebrates the Independence of Brazil with a civic parade. Schools, non-governmental entities and the population in general take over the neighborhood's main street.

The neighborhood's culture and gastronony (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Residents gather in the steps of the Church of Boqueirão.

Bahian bohemian (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The bohemian life, with its pubs and samba circles, attracts both tourists and soteropolitanos (the habitants of Salvador).

Daily life and diversity (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Church of Saint Anthony (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The interior of the Church of Saint Anthony, which routinely becomes a cultural stage for cameratas, orchestras and choral performances, attracting residents, visitors and tourists from all locations.

Project: Antônio, the Saint from Além Carmo (Daily life) (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony


This video is the result of the project Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo (Antônio, Santo do Além Carmo). It aims to enhance and strengthen the memory and culture of the neighborhood of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo, in Salvador, Bahia, in an attempt to preserve the history, customs and traditions of one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brazil.

Credits: Story

Project and Photography: Professor Doutor Paulo Munhoz.

Paulo Munhoz is a photographer, journalist, designer and teacher, with 25 years of experience practice in journalistic photography. PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia, he is currently an adjunct professor at the
Federal University of Santa Maria (RS) and external researcher of the Group of Research in Online Journalism (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia.

Project producer and video director:
Agneya Ferraz

Video editing:
Lindiwe Aguiar


Bomfim, J.D. (2007). Salvador da Bahia: Estudo geográfico do centro histórico e a sua integração sócio-urbana. Tese de Doutorado. Doutorado em Geografia da Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universidad de Salamanca.

Dorea, L. E. (2006). Histórias de Salvador nos nomes das suas ruas. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Moreira, V. D.; Souza, M. C. B. (1975). Notas históricas sobre Santo Antônio Além do Carmo. Fundação do Patrimônio Artístico e Cultural da Bahia. Coordenação de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Setor de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Salvador.

Nascimento, A. A. V. (2007). Dez freguesias da cidade do Salvador: aspectos sociais e urbanos do século XIX. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Ribeiro, D. A. (2007). Análise do processo de gentrificação na localidade do Santo Antônio Além do Carmo de 1985 à 2007. Monografia em Geografia. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Universidade Católica do Salvador/UCSal.

Santos, M. (1959). Milton. O centro da Cidade do Salvador: estudo da geografia urbana. Salvador: Universidade da Bahia.

Vasconcelos, P. A. (2002). Salvador: Transformações e permanências (1549-1999). Ilhéus: Editus.

Vilhena, L. A. (1922). Cartas de Vilhena Noticias Soteropolitanas e Brasílicas 2 Volumes. Salvador: Imprensa Official do Estado Ba.

Credits: All media
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