Canal tour through the Speicherstadt Hamburg

Discover the warehouse district on a canal tour.

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Water 1

These waterways were artificially created during the construction period from 1885 to 1927 and to this day six of these town canals pass directly through the Warehouse District.

Block P (14 August 2004) by ELBE&FLUT / Thomas HampelSpeicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel mit Chilehaus

With the narrow and shallow harbour barges, visitors are able to get a glimpse of the branched canals and see the storehouses from their originally more important aspect: the front facing the water.

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Water 3

Although Hamburg is located about 100 km from the North Sea, it is subject to the tidal range. On average, it is 3.5 m and the algae mark on the facades makes it easy to see the changing water level.

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Water 4

Hamburg is known as: ‘Venice of the North’. The view from the canals lets visitors understand why. It becomes obvious how many bridges are needed simply to connect the area of the Warehouse District.

Brooksbrücke (22 June 2004) by ELBE&FLUT / Thomas HampelSpeicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel mit Chilehaus

It is noticeable that there are various different types of bridges – from wrought iron art nouveau railings through to modern steel structures – that traverse the many waterways.

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Water 6

The Fleetschlösschen (the Canal Castle) has direct access to the water. In the past, the barges could berth directly at the building and customs were able to inspect the loaded goods.

Wasserschlösschen (07 July 2004) by ELBE&FLUT / Thomas Hampel;Speicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel mit Chilehaus

The Wasserschloss (the Water Castle) was orginally used by harbour workers. Here, they had their accommodation and workshop. Today, it houses a tea shop and restaurants and bars.

Blocks U and S (07 July 2007) by ELBE&FLUT / Thomas HampelSpeicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel mit Chilehaus

As much as a walk through the Warehouse District is worthwhile, the view from the water should not be underestimated. It offers completely different perspectives of this quite unique storage complex.

Credits: Story

Concept, text and creation: Rebecca Stehmann, Waterkant Touren

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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