"Gekinógrafo" pieza mecánica astronómica (1883) by Juan de Nosti, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 22, exp.754Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The history of patents in Mexico dates back to colonial times, when "royal graces" were granted to inventors for their creations, and was formalized in the nineteenth century. In 1820 an attempt was made to establish the first record in the matter, but the most stable effort began in 1853, when the Ministry of Development, Colonization, Industry and Commerce was created.
During the following decades before this institution the concessions of privileges would be obtained. Patent registration flourished in parallel with efforts to achieve political stability in the country amid internal and external conflicts.
"Gekinógrafo" pieza mecánica astronómica (1883) by Juan de Nosti, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 22, exp.754Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Under these conditions, the protection of intellectual property stimulated innovation and set a precedent for the country's development.
Digrama de un sistema para escribir música con números (1859) by Simón Dieudonné, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 05, exp.168Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
System for writing music with numbers
Innovation was not restricted to the economic sphere, as one of the most notable records of the early years of the ministry linked art and education. In 1859, a year after the start of the War of Reform, Simón Dieudonné requested the registration of a method of teaching music through numbers, which he sought to use in the classroom.
Patente de un sistema para escribir música con números (1859) by Mauricio Graf, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 05, exp.168Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The application for privilege for the system of teaching music with numbers presented by Dieudonné had a special character. Although it was not an entirely new invention, the patent was part of the right that the law of November 3, 1858 provided to foreigners to introduce a foreign discovery or procedure not practiced in the country. In this way, he sought to take advantage of the mechanism to accelerate and facilitate the teaching-learning processes of vo
Mejoras en el molino chileno (1859) by Miguel Healy, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 05, exp.169Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Improvements in the Chilean mill
During much of the nineteenth century the search for mechanisms for a better use of the land fueled the debates of the development of the field. Since a few years ago the Lerdo Law (1856) had sought to promote economic development through the introduction to the market of rural and urban farms, whether owned by the clergy or civil corporations, which also affected the indigenous communities. Among individuals, the desire to improve production processes was expressed in the request for patents such as that of Miguel Healy regarding the Chilean mill at the end of September 1859.
Solicitud de patente para un molino chileno mejorado (1859) by Miguel Healy, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 05, exp.169Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Healy's request did not mean an invention from nothing. Chilean mills stood out among the technological devices since colonial times and, without a doubt, were among the most advanced in the continent. From them, an important development of trades and transformations in rural social life was generated with complex milling systems. This did not mean that it lacked areas for improvement, since that was the space where Miguel Healy found a way to enhance it for Mexico, an argument that founded his petition. Surely he aspired to generate economic development from it, like that experienced in the south.
Telégrafo alfabético (1860) by Manuel Nava, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 06, exp.189Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Alphabetical telegraph
The creativity of Mexicans also sought to promote the development of communications in the national territory. By 1860 there were several telegraph lines connecting Mexico City, Puebla, Veracruz and Guanajuato.
That was not an obstacle to making proposals for improvement such as that of Manuel Nava, who requested privilege of exclusivity for the improvements he proposed for the telegraph.
Pantente de un Telégrafo alfabético (1860) by Manuel Nava, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 06, exp.189Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Recall that by then great efforts had been made to improve the instrument, but the gradual generalization of the Telegraph in Morse code was only a couple of decades old. Therefore, Nava's proposal for a directly alphabetical telegraph offered greater advantages and less expense both in construction and in its use.
Plano de una pierna artificial para personas mutiladas (1863) by Martín Otea, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 07, exp.220Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Artificial leg for mutilated people
The inventors of the nineteenth century were concerned early with generating technology to improve the quality of life of people. Diseases and wars left a balance of people seriously injured or without parts of their body. Challenged by situations like these, Martín Otea worked for twenty years on the design of an artificial leg for use by mutilated people, which he finally presented in 1863.
Certainly, in the world there were other inventions that sought to solve the problem, such as those manufactured in France and even others made in Mexico, so Otea had to prove the uniqueness of his invention.
Certificado de funcionalidad de la pierna inventada artificial para personas mutilidas (1863) by Martín Otea, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 07, exp.220Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
It is interesting to note that Martín incorporated a certificate signed by retired Lieutenant Colonel José Manuel Preciado, who claimed to have artificial legs of national and French workmanship, and affirmed with respect to Otea's "q[ue] will be the richest leg in movements that is [sic] manufactured". Martín Otea also worked on the design of artificial hands, a patent that was granted to him three years later.
Litera móvil para transportar heridos (1863) by A. Tardy, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 07, exp.224Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Mobile bunk bed to transport the wounded
Mexico had gone through different armed conflicts that raised the need for an apparatus to transport wounded and bodies in armed conflicts, but also in civilian life. In 1963, during the second French intervention, with battles such as that of Puebla and the capture of Mexico City, the issue was reconsidered, although by the hand of the invading army that took possession of the responsible office. In that same year, the marshal of trenistas and part of the French expeditionary army, A. Tardy, stood out as an inventor by requesting the privilege to benefit from a bunk to transport the wounded.
Camilla para el transporte de heridos (1863) by A. Tardy, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 07, exp.224Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Stretcher for the transport of the wounded
The invention consisted of a steam-powered carriage with the use of firewood and charcoal, a stretcher and a compartment for transporting utensils, which made care easier and faster. Tardy submitted his application for exclusive bunk privileges to transport the wounded in October 1863, to which he added the request for recognition.
Solicitud para privilegios exclusivos de la litera para transportar heridos (1863) by A. Tardy, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 07, exp.224Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The French soldier and inventor argued in his application that his device had a life of 10 years and requested the privilege of its use for 12 years, under the aspiration of taking the instrument to the entire territory, which he already envisioned as an empire.
Diseño de la máquina intuitiva para la enseñanza (1880) by Clemente Antonio Nevé, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 16, exp.596Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Intuitive machine for teaching
Education as a means of progress fueled the actions of governments and citizens in the second half of the nineteenth century. Thus, in 1880, Clemente Antonio Neve invented an intuitive machine for the teaching of Arithmetic, Grammar, Geometry, Geography and History in Mexican schools, an artifact already implemented in schools in Germany and the United States. The proposal was based on decades of teaching in places like Mexico City, Chalco, Naucalpan and Puebla. Thus, he was concerned with educational improvement and even in 1876 he had achieved the patent for an education system.
Patente de la máquina intuitiva para la enseñanza (1880) by Clemente Antonio Nevé, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 16, exp.596Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Clemente's request was one of many that proliferated beginning in the 1870s. As a note in the margin of the communication to the Secretary of Development lets us know, Neve obtained the granting of exclusive privileges two years after the invention, although the intuitive machine was already used in the classrooms.
Patente concedida para las mejoras en lámparas eléctricas y su fabricación a Thomas Alva Edison (1881) by Tomas Alva Edison, José Maria Arzac, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 18, exp.641Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Patent for improvements in electric lamps
In 1881, after great distribution competition and privilege demands for the electric light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison prevailed over Hiram Maxim and obtained the patent on the electric lamp. The certificate granted by the patent office of the United States of America, 14 explanatory sheets of its operation and manufacture, and a manual with described schemes were part of an application for privilege in Mexico.
Esquema de lámpara eléctrica mejorada (1881) by Tomas Alva Edison, José Maria Arzac, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 18, exp.641Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Between 1881 and 1883 Edison allowed José María Arzac to patent and request exclusive privileges in Mexico for his invention of improvements in electric lamps and in the methods of manufacture, distribution, regulation and measurement of electric currents to be used in the production of light, heat and force.
Esquema de excavadora hidráulica para minería de río (1881) by Roy Stone, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 18, exp.654Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Hydraulic excavator scheme for river mining
Underwater excavations have been used for the extraction of material and constructions of different kinds, including mining activity. In 1881, Roy Stone asked for exclusive privileges for a boat and an apparatus intended for underwater excavations. The system consisted of a boat with a bellows through which water passed to loosen and mix the materials that had to be extracted with tubes to drive the solid material to its destination.
Carta de Filomeno Mata, Secretario de la Cámara de Diputados, al Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Fomento (1881) by Roy Stone, AGN Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 18, exp.654Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Stone's request aroused such interest that the case did not remain in the Ministry of Development. As far as the documents allow us to know, his request was made known to the Congress of the Union at the end of May 1881.
Sistema de tranvías de cable aéreo (1882) by E. Molera, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 19, exp.666Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Aerial cable tram
In the history of the transport system in Mexico, it is recorded that in 1900 the first line of electric trams from the Zócalo to Tacubaya was established. This was possible through constant testing in the design and implementation of rail transport with energy sources other than coal.
In the AGN there is a request for privileges for an overhead cable tram system since 1882, designed by E. J. Molera.
Comunicación al Secretario de Fomento, Colonización, Industria y Comercio (1882) by E. Molera, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 19, exp.666Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Molera relied on a proxy to process his application, A. Laborio, who made the payment for the privilege in September 1882. From the gloss to the communication to the Secretary of Development we know that a month later he received a favorable solution. However, we do not know the reasons why it was not put into practice.
"Gekinógrafo" pieza mecánica astronómica (1883) by Juan de Nosti, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 22, exp. 754.Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
From 1883 to 1884, the educator and inventor Juan de Dios Ností patented a device called a gekinograph, an educational artifact for teaching. The educational apparatus sought to show the types of movements of the planet and its rotation around the sun, the declination of the sun according to the day, visualize the seasons of the year, the phases of the moon and solar and lunar eclipses.
Aplicaciones del gekinógrafo (1883) by Juan de Nosti, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 22, exp. 754.Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The gekinograph also served to determine the position of the stars, analogous to the astrolabe, but with a different mechanism. Ností, he also patented the main mechanical piece of this invention.
Foto-esculturas o grupos de Rendón (1889) by Nicolás Mauro Rendón, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 40, exp. 1179Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The photo-sculpture, also called "Groups of Rendón" after the name of the inventor, Nicolás Mauro Rendón, was a procedure created in 1889 that allowed to reproduce in the same print the portrait of a person in several positions.
Visually it could be interpreted as one of the first photomontages in Mexico. The procedure to reach such a result was quite artisanal, since paper, cardboard, glass and lead were used.
Privilegios exclusivos para la patente “Foto-Escultura” (1889) by Nicolás Mauro Rendón, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 40, exp. 1179Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Rendón patented three distinct methods for revealing easy postures and complicated postures, and it should be noted that his procedure received a positive response. Unlike other patents that had the approval of the Ministry of Development or even reached Congress, the request made had the issuance of the patent by Porfirio Díaz himself.
Calendario perpetuo para uso de escritorios y oficinas públicas (1899) by Gilberto Robles, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 48, exp. 1314Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Perpetual calendar for use by public offices
In 1899, engineer Alberto Robles obtained exclusive privileges for a perpetual calendar system. This consisted of two parts, one fixed and one mobile, which allowed to determine in a simple way the day of any date with both the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
Manual de uso del calendario perpetuo (1899) by Gilberto Robles, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 48, exp. 1314Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
At first glance the calendar seemed complex, but according to the author it was quite the opposite. Despite this, he decided to add a description in which he explained the parts that composed it, how the leap years were marked, what the months were in, the days and their corresponding dates, among other things. Really the calendar seemed to compute time to infinity, with the only limitation of the wear of the material with the passage of time.
Diagramas de mecanismo de utilización del calor solar (1901) by Manuel Antonio Gómez Himalaya, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 47, exp. 1299Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
System of appliances for the industrial use of solar heat
Already entering the twentieth century, in terms of energy generation, in Mexico different sources were already being explored within the period of industrialization: electricity, hydroelectric and oil. Under these circumstances, the inventor Manuel Antonio Gómez Himalaya requested exclusive privileges for a system of devices for the industrial use of solar heat.
The "reflective system", as its creator called it, consisted of a surface of silver glass or polished metal (flat, curved, spherical or parabolic) with reflective qualities that converged with the sun's rays through two types of rotational movements.
Especificaciones de Manuel Antonio Gómez Himalaya (1901) by Manuel Antonio Gómez Himalaya, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 47, exp. 1299Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
The method might seem simple, but it set an important precedent for the use of solar energy in Mexico. It would not be until 1980 when this source of energy became relevant in the country.
Tranvía de cable aéreo (1882) by E. Molera, AGN, Patentes y Marcas (1ra. Clase), caja 19, exp.666Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
This was a selection from among many patents of the second half of the nineteenth century today protected within the AGN. Such creations, sometimes from previous experiences and sometimes from nothing, filled with ideas the patent offices of the Ministry of Development, whose primary function was to ensure the promotion and protection of the mining and colonization industry, as well as in the agricultural and communication fields. Relevant patents set precedents for improvements in inventions that we can take advantage of today.
Referencias documentales:
Sistema para escribir música con números: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 05, exp. 168.
Mejoras en el molino chileno: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 05, exp. 169.
Telégrafo alfabético: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 06, exp. 189.
Pierna artificial para personas mutiladas: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 07, exp. 220.
Litera y camilla móvil para transportar heridos: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 07, exp. 224.
Máquina intuitiva para la enseñanza: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja, exp. 596.
Patente para las mejoras en lámparas eléctricas: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 18, exp. 641.
Esquema de excavadora hidráulica para minería de río: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 18, exp. 654.
Tranvía de cable aéreo: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 19, exp. 666.
Gekinógrafo: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 22, exp. 754.
Foto-escultura: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 40, exp. 1179.
Calendario perpetuo: AGN, México independiente, Fomento y obras públicas, Patentes y Marcas (1ra clase), caja 48, exp. 1314.
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