Boca da Noite Archive - Part 2

Discover the memory and history of Gilda, a street transvestite and popular figure in Curitiba in the 1970s and 1980s.

In 2010 and 2015, the CIA Senhas de Teatro, along with other artists from the city, rescued Gilda's image and history through the cabarets of the Gilda Project.

Foto Performance Mangueiraço Público (PHOTOGRAPH) by Elenize DezgeniskiMuseu da Diversidade Sexual

"There could be seen a party of people committed to a symbolic and real cleaning of the pavement while they refreshed their own bodies mixed in the old stones of the street. They took care of the street as one takes care of their own house or their bodies. 

Foto Artistas Gilda Convida Maria Bueno (2015) (PHOTOGRAPH) by Elenize DezgeniskiMuseu da Diversidade Sexual

That cleaning ritual faced a dirt that is never observed and perhaps also never cleaned, that of a layer of so many accumulations of dejects and narratives being sedimented like archaeological layers of the city in which we live in the present.

Layers of stories and flows of economic interests, processes of disciplining bodies, protests and possible ways of urban life. Something like a procession, a street party, a collective assembly or the momentary establishment of some utopia was configured." (Paulo Reis)

Retrato de Ricardx Nolascx (PHOTOGRAPH) by Elenize DezgeniskiMuseu da Diversidade Sexual

Foto Movimento Praça de Bolso da Gilda (PHOTOGRAPH) by Goura NatarajMuseu da Diversidade Sexual

In 2018, another movement emerged with the objective of creating a small square for her, which would be built through collaborative actions organized by collectives in favor of urban mobility and LGBTQI+ rights. 

Tap to explore

In 2021, the space was transformed into “Largo da Saúde” with the installation of three panels in memory of the victims of COVID-19, which cost more than half a million reais to public coffers.

In 2022, during the 67th Paranaense Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná, the artist Guilherme Jaccon carried out the project “Gilda, we miss you”, which installed a bronze plaque in Boca Maldita that refers to the one idealized in 1983. The installation of the plaque is still provisional and awaits approval by the City Hall of Curitiba. Inaugurated with a carnival procession with the participation of two carnival blocks, Sái do Armário e Me Dei Bem and Malinki-se, together with the artists Ricardx Nolascx, Simone Magalhães and Vini Maia, the plaque was installed in Boca Maldita near the obelisk.

Foto Placa "Gilda você deixou saudades" (PHOTOGRAPH) by Luana NavarroMuseu da Diversidade Sexual

The installation of the plaque is still provisional and awaits approval by the City Hall of Curitiba. 

"Boca da Noite Archive" is a project by artist Guilherme Jaccon that began in 2015 with the goal of organizing a collection of documents, testimonials, newspaper clippings, artwork and cultural actions that work on the memory and history of Gilda, a street transvestite and popular figure of Curitiba in the 1970s and 1980s. The name "Boca da Noite" is a reference to the popular movement created in 1983 after Gilda's death, which aimed to install a bronze plaque in her honor.
* This exhibition presents historical and dated content from a time when discussions of gender had not yet been established as they are today and, for this reason, some of the material may contain terms and articles in disuse.

Ficha técnica:
Idealização e curadoria: Guilherme Jaccon
Identidade visual e diagramação da exposição: Claudio Moreira
Captação de vídeos: Trópicº
Edição de vídeos: Fernando Helfenstein
Intérprete de Libras: Talita Sharon Simões
Revisão e tradução de textos: Ti Ochoa
Locução de vídeos: Elenize Dezgeniski e Santiago Tobias de Santana
Jornalista: Raíssa Micheluzzi

Agradecimentos: Marcia Moraes, Sueli Araujo e toda CIA Senhas de Teatro; Luana Navarro; Elenize Dezgeniski; Paulo Reis; Pedro Lauro e Família; Equipe e direção do Museu da Imagem e do Som do Paraná; Goura Nataj e equipe; Diego Fiorentino e Sabrina Demozzi; e toda equipe do Museu da Diversidade de São Paulo.

Credits: Story

Governador do Estado de São Paulo: Rodrigo Garcia
Secretário de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo: Sérgio Sá Leitão
Secretária Executiva: Cláudia Pedrozo
Chefe de Gabinete: Frederico Maia Mascarenhas
Coordenadora da Unidade de Preservação do Patrimônio Museológico (UPPM): Paula Paiva Ferreira

Diretor Presidente: Carlos Gradim
Diretoria de Operações e Finanças: Roberta Kfuri
Diretoria de Equipamento: Marisa Bueno
Coordenação de Museologia e Acervo: Leonardo Vieira
Museologia: Leila Antero
Coordenação de Relações Institucionais e Projetos: Luiz Henrique Amoêdo
Assessoria de Comunicação: Eduardo Cordeiro
Coordenação do Núcleo de Ação Educativa: Val Chagas
Coordenação Administrativo Financeiro: Luiz Custódio da Silva Junior
Administrativo Financeiro: Vanda Maria Batista, Alexia Bastos Souza e Jhonatha Lucas
Compras: Jeferson Rocha de Lima
Produção: Denise Soares e Heitor Gabriel
Núcleo de Ação Educativo: Nay Costa e Ramon Lima

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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