Supe Valley Storytelling Workshop Participants visit locations by StoryCenterCyArk
Introducing the Supe Valley
Many people are familiar with the Machu Picchu archaeological site, but far fewer know that evidence of the oldest-known human civilization in the Americas has been found on Peru's central coast, in the Supe Valley.
Tap to explore
Supe Valley Storytelling Workshop Participants Work on Laptops by StoryCenterCyArk
Sharing the stories
In March 2023, StoryCenter traveled to Supe Puerto to guide local residents through a week-long hands-on community storytelling workshop through the U.S. Community Heritage Exchange Initiative.
Supe Valley Storytelling Workshop, Peru by StoryCenterCyArk
Participants learned to craft, record, shoot, and edit short, personal stories from their lives.
Elvis and Miligritos at Supe Valley Storytelling workshop by StoryCenterCyArk
What sites are in the Supe Valley?
The group visited the archaeological sites of Caral, Aspero, and Vichama, and shared their knowledge of local history and mythology. The project was designed to honor the local communities that have contributed so much to the archaeological efforts in the Supe Valley.
Two participants in the Supe Valley Storytelling workshop by StoryCenterCyArk
Listen to the stories
The stories are being shared to increase visits to the area and promote continued conservation. Listen to the stories of three community members.
At Home
by Lourdes Maria Huerta Silva de Peña
A Buried City
by Ana Maria Reyes Flores
The White Owl
by Milagritos Soledad Garcia Guardales
This project was made possible thanks to support and efforts from the following organizations: The U.S Department of State and StoryCenter