Vaccination in Mexico's History

From the first incursions to the creation of the National Vaccination Council,mexico's archives have protected for more than 200 years the witness documents of the matter of application and production of vaccines with lasting protective effects.

Ejemplar del Origen de la vacuna y medios de encontrarla (1804) by Francisco Xavier de BalmisArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Historical Archive of the Judiciary of the State of Mexico

The origins of vaccination in Mexico occurred in the early nineteenth century, when large expeditions were made in order to carry out research that yielded results similar to those obtained by the English doctor Edwar Jenner to face the epidemics that plagued the territory, such as smallpox. The research was documented in this form called "Origin of the vaccine and means of finding it in the kingdom of New Spain", which is based on the aforementioned work of Jenner, who in 1796 proposed the control of smallpox by injecting a child with the blood of a woman infected with bovine smallpox. By 1804 a cow was located in Atlixco and another in Valladolid de Michoacán with the same characteristics that referred to having bovine smallpox, being taken to the district of Tlalnepantla for study and information of results. 

Primer número del periódico mensual "Salud" (1944) by Secretaría de Salud y AsistenciaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Puebla

Cartilla de vacunación con prólogo de desengaño (1805) by Joseph MoralesArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal General Archive of Puebla

From the expeditions carried out by Francisco Xavier de Balmis from which he derived the implementation of the technique of vaccination arm by arm against smallpox, which consisted of taking the flow of smallpox from an infected person with a sharp object and injuring another individual between the shoulder and the elbow until blood came out , this method was disseminated throughout the region of New Spain through the document entitled: "Primer of vaccinating, with a prologue to the disappointment of the public", which circulated among the population to combat the disinformation that circulated in the jurisdiction of Puebla.

Prólogo de desengaño (1805) by Joseph MoralesArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Before the establishment of the training to prepare the vaccine and the organization of vaccination councils in Puebla, the medical manager in the city of Puebla los Angeles and member of the Central Vaccination Board of that city externó in the form the observations that should be carried out for the inoculation process.

Propaganda de vacuna contra la viruela (1804) by Réal GrabadorArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Lithograph of a propaganda included in the Gaceta de México, in 1804, informing about the vaccine against smallpox and inviting the population to apply it.

Reglamento que dio a conocer Francisco Xavier de Balmis (1810) by Francisco Xavier de BalmisArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Historical Archive of the State of Tlaxcala

The establishment of regulations for the correct way to move and apply the vaccine against smallpox in New Spain, as well as the importance of distributing it and promoting its reliability among the population, continued to spread despite the political and social instability that afflicted the novohispano territory in 1810, as can be seen in this report by Francisco Xavier de Balmis highlighting that the application and perpetuation of the  vaccine could prevent skin diseases, dropsy, fevers, diarrhea, dysenteries and others.

Reglamento que dio a conocer Francisco Xavier de Balmis (1810) by Francisco Xavier de BalmisArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Regulation for the application of smallpox vaccine

Instrucción formada para ministrar la vacuna (1824) by Félix María CallejaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal General Archive of Puebla

The new novohispanas authorities such as the governor and captain general Félix María Calleja continued to instruct that the vaccine was the only viable protection against epidemics, so they continued with the tasks of supplying and raising awareness of the healing properties of introducing an immunizing fluid.

Orden del virrey Francisco Xavier Venegas (1816) by Francisco Xavier VenegasArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Oaxaca

The work carried out by Francisco Xavier de Balmis to introduce the method of vaccination to the novohispano territory was of such high importance that the viceroy Francisco Xavier Venegas gave the order that the expenses of the expeditions and experiments related to vaccination be covered by the bishops and their cabildos, by means of a privileged alms.

Reglamento para la propagación y conservación de la vacuna (1824) by Gobierno de GuanajuatoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the Executive Power of Guanajuato

With the consummation of independence and the establishment of Mexico as a Republic, the provisions, communications and actions regarding the management, effectiveness and application of vaccines showed significant advances in the development of public health prevention. Highlighting the state regulation of vaccination of 1824 against smallpox in Guanajuato, which established the way of application of the bovine fluid by the doctors of the health board and where appropriate by the bleeding with more skill.

Reglamento para la propagación y conservación de la vacuna (1824) by Gobierno de GuanajuatoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

With the consummation of independence and the establishment of Mexico as a Republic, the provisions, communications and actions regarding the management, effectiveness and application of vaccines showed significant advances in the development of public health prevention. Highlighting the state regulation of vaccination of 1824 against smallpox in Guanajuato, which established the way of application of the bovine fluid by the doctors of the health board and where appropriate by the bleeding with more skill.

Informe del fluido vacuno que será aplicado a 6 niños (1824) by Jacinto RamírezArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

The application would be mainly in children, since they were the ones who suffered with the greatest aggression. Another testimony shows us how the advances were made, for example, that 93 children had been injected from the state capital that same year of 1824 and that the encomienda was continued.

Informe de poner en práctica el reglamento de la vacuna (1824) by Pablo GallardoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

With the emergence of the epidemics of smallpox in Sinaloa and measles and malignant fever in San Luis Potosi, the municipal authorities informed the governor of Guanajuato that they will try to implement this vaccination regulation, but since there are no funds necessary to carry out the process, a neighborhood board was used that voluntarily helped to obtain the expenses that involved the application of the vaccine.

Oficio remitido al Ayuntamiento de Zacatecas en solicutud de vacunas (1832) by Ayuntamiento de DurangoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Zacatecas

Coordination between state authorities has always been indispensable: Communications between the authorities of the different states for the installation and application of the smallpox vaccine were fundamental for the arrest of the epidemic and the application of sanitary measures, a very important aspect that the Zacatecan government took with its counterparts to counteract the existing epidemics.

Solicitud para que se remitan vacunas (1862) by Comisión Militar de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Informe de práctica de vacunación en niños (1858) by Francisco EstradaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Historical Archive of the State of San Luis Potosí

A similar case occurred in the state of San Luis Potosí, when the existence of cholera morbuswas alertedin 1833, a disease usually transmitted by a bacterium that inhabits the water causing severe diarrhea and dehydration. The authorities asked the local health board to regulate the curative measures and condom methods immediately, these works brought with them to make use of the experimentation of the bovine fluid to obtain the vaccine that in 1858 was already supplied in the child population.

Recomendación de procurar con el deber humano de propagar la vacuna (1858) by Manuel Zúñiga Sub-Prefecto de Cuautitlán al alcalde TultepecArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal Archive of Tultepec

Efforts to extend vaccination in municipalities remained constant and with episodes of importance, as occurred in Tultepec in 1858 when a smallpox alert led the mayor of the region to resort to the arm-to-arm method, in order to obtain pus without alteration, with the vaccination of some robust and healthy children. Once the results were obtained, samples would be taken for the other inhabitants of the municipality.

Decreto referente a las disposiciones para la administración de la vacuna (1873) by Congreso del Estado de HidalgoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Historical Archive of the Judicial Power of the State of Hidalgo

The advances made in the nineteenth century in terms of research, production and distribution of vaccines in Mexican territory allowed it to be increasingly common to access them in a mandatory and free way as part of the health provisions issued by the authorities, as can be seen in this decree issued in 1873 by the Congress of the State of Hidalgo on the provisions for the administration of the vaccine and its regulation.

Paramédicos by Hermanos MayoArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Informe de una epidemia de viruela (1904)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal Historical Archive of Ixtlahuaca

Already entered in the early twentieth century again an epidemic of smallpox was unleashed in the jurisdiction of the District of Ixtlahuaca in 1904, as an action to mitigate the effects of this disease, the General Secretary of Health and Assistance and the representative of the Health Delegation were responsible for gathering in public spaces children , to apply the vaccines, highlights that the prophylactic procedure that was used in those years was the inoculation of vaccine lymph, which is the process of the blood fluid that circulates through the veins as an intermediary in the nutritional changes between the blood and tissues.

Instructivo de como aplicar la vacuna de la viruela (1922) by Secretario General del Departamento de SalubridadArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Oaxaca

The distribution of illustrated instructions on how to apply the vaccine and information about the epidemic to be treated were distributed in some states such as Oaxaca, this as another means of assistance to the spread of vaccination.

Instructivo de como aplicar la vacuna de la viruela (1922) by Secretario General del Departamento de SalubridadArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Noticias de mortalidad y número de vacacunaciones (1908) by Director Gral. de EstadísticaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Tabasco

By 1905 the National Bacteriological Institute was founded to carry out studies that would lead to the production of serums and vaccines with which to fight diseases and prevent epidemics, despite the economic limitations, over time research was done on the typhus, which were recognized as useful to describe the bacterium.

Noticias de mortalidad y número de vacacunaciones (1908) by Director Gral. de EstadísticaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

During this period of research, comparative reports also began to be recorded on the mortality of people infected by epidemics such as typhus and smallpox, and the number of individuals vaccinated in the same period, as was done in the state of Tabasco in 1908 through the General Directorate of Statistics.

Grupo de niños durante una campaña de vacunación (1941)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Veracruz

Group of children during a trophic-paratific vaccination campaign at the Hygiene Center of Camerino Z. Mendoza, Veracruz, in 1941.

Registro de menores vacunados (1913)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal Historical Archive of Izúcar de Matamoros

As part of the statistics on the subject, the number of minors who were vaccinated in each locality was recorded, as was the case in the district of Izúcar de Matamoros, in 1913, in the state of Puebla, where after receiving the supplies requested for the application of vaccination, the municipal president of this town would send to the health authorities the list of inoculations carried out.

Informe que remite 200 ampolletas de la vacuna antivariolosa (1930) by Manuel RivapalacioArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Historical archive of the municipality of Ecatzingo de Hidalgo

By presidential decree, in 1926 vaccination against smallpox from cattle was made mandatory, with this began the mass campaigns for its application. The various identities of the country, such as the municipality of Ecatzingo de Hidalgo, in the state of Mexico begin to provide a certain number of vials for application.

Información referente a certificados de vacunación (1933) by Gregorio S. RiveroArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

As a preventive measure, in 1930, the then Secretary General  of the Government, asked the various municipalities to inform the school authorities not to register any child who did not present the certificate that he had been recently vaccinated.  

Guarderías de la Cruz roja (1935) by Díaz, Delgado y GarcíaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico


Acciones contra brote de viruela (1939)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal Historical Archive of Huetamo

However, in the same year of 1930, in other regions such as the municipality of Huetamo, in Michoacán, smallpox outbreaks continued to emerge, which were controlled thanks to the timely intervention of the Federal Delegation of Health. A total of 3900 vaccines could be applied, obtaining a 40 percent advance in immunization immunization of the total population.

Campañas de inmunización aplicadas en hospicios y orfanatos (1937) by Manuel IturriagaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Puebla

Similarly, immunization campaigns would be applied to the asylees of hospices and orphanages in 1937, as occurred in the state of Puebla, where the public charity would be responsible for requesting the supplies and application of these vaccines.

Carnet de vacunación (1937)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Vaccination card used in 1952

Informe de rociado de las costas (1959) by Gobierno de Quntana RooArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Quintana Roo

In some states, such as Quintana Roo, complementary measures were taken, such as spraying the coasts to eradicate malaria in 1959, this campaign was also assisted by the Secretary  of Health and Assistance, which would lead to the introduction of the Universal Vaccination Program in 1991, achieving goals such as the eradication of poliomyelitis, diphtheria, measles and neonatal tetanus, and the control of whorea cough and severe forms of tuberculosis.

Personal del Centro de Higiene en campaña de vacunación (1941) by VillagránArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Veracruz

In terms of vaccination, the vast history that Mexico has transformed it into a pioneering country in the production of vaccines at the local level and in the implementation of one of the most complete vaccination programs, although the coverage of the different vaccines continues to be insufficient, the latest surveys establish that the actions implemented by the National Vaccination Council have allowed an improvement in the rates of protection of individual and complete vaccinations.

Credits: Story

Historical Archive of the Judicial Power of the State of Mexico, Fund: Administrative, Section: Instructions, 1810.
Archivo General Municipal de Puebla Fondo: Impresos varios, Vol. 1. Historical
Archive of the State of Tlaxcala. Background: Cologne, Section: Administrative, Series: XVIII century (Independence period), Box: 28, File: 21. General
Archive of the State of Oaxaca. Background: Treasury, Section: Pay office, Series: Applications, Cash: 19, File: 12.
Archivo General del Estado de Oaxaca,Fund: Gobierno Sección: Salubridad, Serie: Campañas de salud, Caja: 4210, Exp. 3. Archivo
General del Poder Ejecutivo de Guanajuato, Fondo: Biblioteca, Sección: Legislación, Serie: Decretos, Signatura: 17817, Exp. 817.
Archivo General del Poder Ejecutivo de Guanajuato,Fondo: Secretaria de Gobierno, Sección: Municipios, Serie: Correspondencia, Signatura: Cajas: 2 y 9, Exp. 3 y 24. General

Archive of the State of Zacatecas  Fund: City council of Zacatecas Series: Hospitals and Health Box: 4 Exp. 108 and 148. Municipal
Archive of Tultepec, Health Section, Exp. 10. Historical
Archive of the State of San Luis Potosí, Fund: City Council, File: 1858.2, Exp. 28. Historical
Archive of the Judicial Power of the State of Hidalgo,Historical Fund of the Historical Archive of the Judicial Power of the State of Hidalgo; Subfondo Estado de Hidalgo, Section: Legislative-Executive Powers, Series: Provisions.,whose%20temporality%20va%20de%201553
Municipal Historical Archive of Ixtlahuaca,Ramo Salubridad y Asistencia, Vol. 1, Exp. 5. Archivo
General del Estado de Tabasco, Fund: Estadísticas, Exp. 4. General
Archive of the State of Veracruz. Background: Miguel Alemán. No. Inventory 6 and 25. Municipal
Historical Archive of Izúcar de Matamoros, Puebla,Fund: Political Headquarters of Izúcar de Matamoros, Series: Justice, Beneficence and Hygiene Subseries: Beneficence and Hygiene.
Historical archive of the municipality of Ecatzingo de Hidalgo,Section: Health, Folder: Smallpox, Box 4, Exp. 0019, 0027 and 0038.
Municipal Historical Archive of Huetamo "General Jesús Millán Nava",Section: Municipal Presidency, Subject: Miscellaneous, Box: 7.

Archivo General del Estado de Puebla,Fondo: Beneficencia Pública del Estado de Puebla, Administración General, Sección: Administración, Serie: Correspondencia, Caja 140, Exp. 267.
Archivo General del Estado de Puebla,  Fondo: Beneficencia Pública del Estado de Puebla, Hospicio, Sección: asitencia, Serie: Asilados, Caja 35, Exp. 2156.
Archivo General del Estado de Quintana Roo,Fund: Territorio Federal de Quintana Roo, Sección: Salud, Serie: Informe, Exp. 2818.

Credits: All media
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