

Shellac Project Behind the Scenes (2018)德意志留声机

录音先锋: 德意志留声机

Leo Tolstoy: The Object of Life (English) from Wise Thoughts for Every Day (Rec. 31 October 1909) 创作者:the Shellac Project德意志留声机



That the object of life is self-perfection, the perfection of all immortal souls, that this is the only object of my life, is seen to be correct by the fact alone that every other object is essentially a new object. Therefore, the question whether thou hast done what thou shouldst have done is of immense importance, for the only meaning of thy life is in doing in this short term allowed thee, that which is desired of thee by He who or That which has sent thee into life. Art thou doing the right thing?


Leo Tolstoy: What is Religion? (French) from Wise Thoughts for Every Day (Rec. 31 October 1909) 创作者:the Shellac Project德意志留声机

La religion n’est pas une croyance établie une fois pour toutes, une croyance aux phénomènes surnaturels qui soi-disant se produisirent autrefois, ni la croyance à la nécessité de certaines prières et de certains rites. Elle n’est pas non plus, comme le pensent les savants, le reste des superstitions et de l’ignorance antiques, qu’il n’est, dans notre temps, d’aucune nécessité d’adapter dans la vie. La religion, c’est le rapport de l’Homme envers la vie éternelle, envers Dieu, rapport établi en accord avec la raison et la science contemporaine et qui seul pousse l’humanité en avant vers le but qui lui est assigné.
« L’âme humaine, c’est la lampe de Dieu », dit une sage expression hébraïque. L’homme est un animal faible, misérable, tant que dans son âme ne brûle pas la lumière de Dieu. Et quand cette lumière s’enflamme (et elle ne s’enflamme que dans l’âme éclairée par la religion), l’homme devient l’être le plus puissant au monde. Et il n’en peut être autrement, parce qu’alors ce n’est plus sa force qui agit en lui, mais celle de Dieu.
Voilà ce qu’est la religion et en quoi consiste son essence.


Leo Tolstoy: The Critical Moment in Life (German) from Wise Thoughts for Every Day (Rec. 31 October 1909) 创作者:the Shellac Project德意志留声机


Nichts ist so wahr, als dass der Gedanke an die Nähe des Todes alle unsere Handlungen dem Grade ihrer wirklichen Bedeutung gemäß für unser Leben einteilt. Einer, der zum sofortigen Tode verurteilt ist, wird sich nicht um die Vermehrung oder Erhaltung seines Vermögens, auch nicht um seinen guten Ruf, auch nicht um den Triumph seines Volkes über andere Völker, auch nicht um die Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten und ähnliches bekümmern, wird aber eine Minute vor der Hinrichtung den Betrübten zu trösten trachten, dem gefallenen Greise auf die Beine helfen, die Wunde verbinden, dem Kinde ein Spielzeug ausbessern und ähnliches tun.



Leo Tolstoy: Man and His Freedom (Russian) from Wise Thoughts for Every Day (Rec. 31 October 1909) 创作者:the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Говорят, человек не свободен, потому что все, что он делает, имеет свою предшествующую во времени причину. Но человек действует всегда только в настоящем, а настоящее вне времени; оно только соприкосновение прошедшего и будущего, и потому в момент настоящего человек всегда свободен.
Не беспокойся о завтрашнем, потому что нет завтра. Есть только нынче; живи для него, и если твое нынче хорошо, то оно добро всегда.
Растут люди только испытаниями. Хорошо знать это и так принимать выпадающие на нашу долю горести, облегчать свой крест тем, чтобы охотно подставлять под него спину.
Если признаешь жизнь не в теле, а в духе, то нет смерти, есть только освобождение от тела.
Мы сознаем в душе нечто такое, что не подлежит смерти. Отдели только в своей мысли то, что не телесно, и ты поймешь, что в тебе не умирает.
Мы не имеем никакого права быть недовольными этой жизнью. Если нам кажется, что мы недовольны ею, то это значит только то, что мы имеем основание быть недовольными собою.


Mitglieder der Kapelle der Staatsoper Berlin - Pietro Mascagni: “Intermezzo" (1927) 创作者:Members of the Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Pietro Mascagni德意志留声机


Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Erich Kleiber - The Moldau (excerpt) (1928) 创作者:Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Erich Kleiber、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1928和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

这段埃里希·克莱伯(Erich Kleiber)在1928年的录制的早期录音见证了他过人的指挥才华。他与柏林国立管弦乐团共同演绎了这一段精彩生动的《伏尔塔瓦河》。

Raoul Koczalski (piano) - Nocturne No. 2 in E flat major, op. 9 No. 2 (1936) 创作者:Raoul Koczalski (piano)、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1936和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

直到今天,劳尔·科察斯基(Raoul Koczalski)依然被公认为历史上最优秀的肖邦演奏者之一。这位作曲家兼钢琴家1897年出生于一个波兰贵族家庭,作为神童,年仅12岁时就已经完成了他第1000场音乐会。他也是二战之前为德意志留声机录音的一线明星之一。二战时,他被软禁在柏林而不能录音和表演;战后他继续活跃在德国和波兰,不过不久后于1948年不幸去世。

Mischa Elman (violin) - Hummel: Waltz in E Flat Major (1913) 创作者:Mischa Elman (violin), Percy B. Kahn (piano)、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1913和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

早期室内乐录音的绝佳范例:小提琴家米夏·艾尔曼(Mischa Elman)于1913年录制了这首胡梅尔的《华尔兹》。

Georg Kulenkampff (violin), Franz Rupp (piano) - Wagner, arr. Wilhelmj: Albumblatt (1935) 创作者:Georg Kulenkampff (violin), Franz Rupp (piano)、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1935和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

20世纪的30和40年代,德国小提琴家乔治·库伦坎普夫(Georg Kulenkampff)在德国尤为著名,不过他1948年在50岁时就不幸英年早逝。

Titta Ruffo - Gounod: "Valentin's Prayer" from Faust (1907) 创作者:Titta Ruffo (baritone) with orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1907和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

1907年,当时的传奇歌剧演唱家,男中音蒂萨·鲁弗(Titta Ruffo),用他的母语意大利语录制了《浮士德》选段“华伦丁的祈祷”。这在当时并不平常,因为当时的歌剧界有着用法语演唱的不成文规定。虽然这张唱片已经历经了111年的风雨,但是依然将当年高超的歌剧水准彰显无遗。

Tilt brush performance to "Valentine’s Prayer" (2018) 创作者:© Atma和The Shellac Project德意志留声机


Thomanerchor Leipzig, Cond. Karl Straube - "Du heilige Brunst" (1928) 创作者:Thomanerchor Leipzig, Cond. Karl Straube、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1928和the Shellac Project德意志留声机


Tilt brush performance to "Dir Jehova will ich singen" (2018) 创作者:© Atma和The Shellac Project德意志留声机


Ural Cossacks Choir (Baritone solo - Lavrovsky), Cond. Alexander Scholuch - Stenka Razin (1928) 创作者:Ural Cossacks Choir (Baritone solo: Lavrovsky), Cond. Alexander Scholuch、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1928和the Shellac Project德意志留声机


Erna Berger (soprano), Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Wolfgang Martin - Mariä Wiegenlied, op. 76 No. 52 (1935) 创作者:Erna Berger (soprano), Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Wolfgang Martin、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1935和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

花腔抒情女高音歌唱家贝尔格(Erna Berger)被认为是20世纪最重要也是最为著名的德国女高音之一。她以对莫扎特作品的出色演绎尤为出名,并在退休之后依然举办了许多艺术歌曲的独唱会。这首马克斯·雷格作品《圣玛丽亚安眠曲》录制于1938年,也是贝尔格演唱生涯的巅峰之时。

Adele Kern (soprano) - Zerbinetta's Scene from Ariadne auf Naxos (1933) 创作者:Adele Kern (soprano), Staatskapelle Berlin, Cond. Alois Melichar、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1933和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

阿黛尔·凯恩(Adele Kern)是20世纪二十到三十年代的著名花腔女高音歌唱家。她在施特劳斯歌剧《阿里阿德妮在纳克索斯》扮演主角Zerbinetta,由施特劳斯亲自执棒指挥。1933年,她与柏林国立管弦乐团合作录制了该歌剧中她的主要唱段。

Koloman von Pataky (Tenor) with orchestra的《Koloman von Pataky (Tenor )- Mozart: Un'aura amorosa (from Cosi fan tutte)》德意志留声机

匈牙利男高音科罗曼•冯•帕塔奇(Koloman von Pataky)在上世纪二十到三十年代时维也纳国立歌剧院炙手可热的歌剧明星,也是20世纪演绎莫扎特的最优秀的男高音之一。这段1927年的录音便是一个极好的例证。

Koloman von Pataky (Tenor) with orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft和the Shellac Project的《Koloman von Pataky (Tenor) - "Freunde, vernehmet die Geschichte" from Postillon Song》德意志留声机


Margarete Klose - Seguidilla: Draußen am Wall von Sevilla from Bizet's Carmen (1941) 创作者:Margarete Klose、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1941和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

玛格丽特·克洛泽(Margarete Klose)是柏林国立歌剧院上世纪三十到四十年代最闪耀的明星之一。她在瓦格纳歌剧《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中扮演的Brangäne使她在拜罗伊特音乐节上也一夜成名。这段对《卡门》选段《塞吉第亚舞曲》的精彩演绎录制于1941年。

Mattia Battistini (baritone) - Di Provenza il mar, il sol (1911) 创作者:Mattia Battistini、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1911和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

马提亚·马提斯提尼(Mattia Battistini)在当时被誉为“意大利之光”。这段1911年录制的《茶花女》选段“普罗旺斯的陆地和海洋”见证了他的辉煌年代。

Umberto Urbano (baritone) - Ay, Ay, Ay! (from Serenata Criolla) (1929) 创作者:Umberto Urbano (baritone) with orchestra, Cond. Johann Heidenreich、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1929和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

上世纪20年代的意大利明星男中音翁贝托·乌尔瓦诺(Umberto Urbano)既拥有优美的声线,又有着帅气的外表。他在歌剧和流行歌曲领域都有所建树,比如这段小夜曲《哎,哎,哎》。

Ludwig Wüllner: Ganymed (1915) 创作者:© Ludwig Wüllner、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1915和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

路德维希·乌尔纳(Ludwig Wüllner)是一位20世纪早期著名的德国演员和歌手。1915年,他朗诵录制了歌德最著名的诗歌之一《佳尼美德》。

Johannes Heesters with orchestra - Man müsste Klavier spielen können (1941) 创作者:Johannes Heesters with orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1941和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

荷兰歌手约翰内斯·希斯特(Johannes Heesters)从上世纪三十年代起在德国的人气久盛不衰,直到他108岁逝世。他被认为是世界上活跃时间最长的艺术家,在舞台上演出了90年之久。这首讽刺歌曲告诉人们,男人只有会弹钢琴才能成为传奇,并能召来桃花好运。

Otto Reutter: Wie reizend sind die Frauen (1927) 创作者:Otto Reutter with orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1927和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

奥托·罗伊特(Otto Reutter)是上世纪二十年代的幽默剧演员,自己创作了很多幽默歌曲。这段《没什么再能打击我》录制于1927年,他用柏林方言幽默地唱出了他自己的经历。

Tilt brush performance to "Wie reizend sind die Frauen" (2018) 创作者:© Atma和The Shellac Project德意志留声机


Lale Andersen with orchestra - In the Distant Tropics (Hein Mück aus Bremerhaven, German version) (1942) 创作者:Lale Andersen with orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1942和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

德国歌手和演员拉莉·安德森(Lale Andersen)因二战中演唱《莉莉玛莲》而世界闻名。这首歌可谓是二战时士兵思乡的代名词,因此也被德国禁止演唱。但是她也用英语演唱了一些歌曲,比如这一首关于她家乡不来梅哈芬的歌曲。

Louis Armstrong & his Orchestra - Handy: St. Louis Blues (1934) 创作者:Louis Armstrong & his orchestra、℗ Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft 1934和the Shellac Project德意志留声机


Tap dance performance to “St. Louis Blues" (2018) 创作者:© Andrew Nemr和The Shellac Project德意志留声机

踢踏舞表演(表演者:Andrew Nemr),配乐为1934年录制的《圣路易斯布鲁斯》。

Alois Melichar, Berliner Philharmoniker - Schubert: Symphony No. 8 " Unfinished" (1935) 创作者:Berliner Philharmoniker, Alois Melichar和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Austrian conductor Alois Melichar was also a music editor, composer, and the musical director of Deutsche Grammophon from 1927 to 1933. He was regularly conducting the Berlin Philharmonic with whom he made some remarkable recordings, such as Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony. After the Second World War Melichar pretended to have been banned from conducting since 1936, with intent to retrospectively play down his role in the Third Reich. But in fact he had been active in the Regime's service until the end of the war, not least as a composer of film scores.

Robert Heger, Staatskapelle Berlin - J.Strauss II: Wein, Weib und Gesang (1928) 创作者:Staatskapelle Berlin, Robert Heger和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

The 1928 recording of the Strauß Waltz "Wine, Woman and Song" is one of the earliest audio files of German conductor and composer Robert Heger. Being a sympathizer of the Nazi ideology, during the "Third Reich" he was quite involved with the Nazi Regime and became one of the most important personalities in Germany's musical life. However, after the war he was soon considered undischarged and could continue his career.

Váša Příhoda, Otto A. Graef - Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen (1935) 创作者:Váša Příhoda (violin), Otto A. Graef (piano)和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Violinist Váša Příhoda, born in 1900 in Bohemia (now Czech Republic), was one of the big instrumental stars of this generation, celebrating big successes all over Europe.

Váša Příhoda, Otto A. Graef - Paganini: Introduction and Variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" (1938) 创作者:Váša Příhoda (violin), Otto A. Graef (piano)和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Váša Příhoda's career is said to have started with a performance of Paganini's "Nel cor più non mi sento" Variations which he played in a café in 1919, and which happened to be witnessed by famous conductor Arturo Toscanini. Nearly two decades later the violinist, now famous, recorded this work for Deutsche Grammophon alongside pianist Otto A. Graef. It was a work which came along with him a life long, and of which he also made his own arrangements.

Landon Ronald, London Symphony Orchestra - Borodin: Polovtsian Dance No. 8 (1910) 创作者:New Symphony Orchestra, London Landon Ronald和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Early testimonials of great orchestral culture are the recordings by
the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Landon Ronald. In 1910 they devoted themselves to masterworks of Russian Music such as the Polovtsian Dances from Borodin's opera "Prince Igor" and his symphonic poem "In the Steppes of Central Asia".

Landon Ronald, London Symphony Orchestra - Borodin: In the Steppes of Central Asia (excerpt) (1910) 创作者:New Symphony Orchestra, London Landon Ronald和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Early testimonials of great orchestral culture are the recordings by
the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Landon Ronald. In 1910 they devoted themselves to masterworks of Russian Music such as the Polovtsian Dances from Borodin's opera "Prince Igor" and his symphonic poem "In the Steppes of Central Asia".

Paul van Kempen, Berliner Philharmoniker - Liszt: Les Préludes (1937) 创作者:Berliner Philharmoniker Paul van Kempen和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

Franz Liszt's symphonic poem "Les Préludes" was presented in an
exemplary interpretation by the Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Paul van Kempen in 1937. As some years later the first main theme from Liszt's work was abused as war propaganda by the Nazi's weekly cinema newsreel - though using a different recording - , a dark shadow fell on this work’s reception and other recordings of "Les Préludes" from that time. However, now this multi-layered interpretation of van Kempen is considered one of the best.

B. Dessau, H. Grünfeld, M. Mayer-Mahr - Tchaikovsky: Andante cantabile from String Quartet No. 1 (1911) 创作者:Bernhard Dessau (V), Heinrich Grünfeld (Vc), Moritz Mayer-Mahr (K)和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

In 1911 Tchaikovsky's Opus 11, originally a String Quartet, was
recorded in a trio arrangement worth hearing. It was played by Bernhard Dessau (violin), Heinrich Grünfeld (cello) and Moritz-Mayer-Mahr (piano).

Leo Blech, Staatskapelle Berlin - Verdi: Sie flieh´n mich? Wie grausam! from Rigoletto (1933) 创作者:Hans Batteux, tenor Eduard Kandl, bass Artūrs Cavara, tenor Erna Berger, soprano Felix Fleischer-Janczak, baritone Karl August Neumann, baritone Staatskapelle Berlin Chor der Staatsoper Berlin Leo Blech和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

At the beginning of the 20th century Leo Blech was considered one of the most notable conductors of his generation, especially with regard to operatic life in Berlin, which he had strongly shaped. His artistic position was so stabilized that during the first years of the Nazi regime he had special permission to continue his work in spite of the fact that he was Jewish. But in the course of the dramatic events of the following years, Blech and his wife narrowly escaped being deported and fled to Sweden. After the war the conductor could continue his career for a few years. In his recordings of some opera scenes by Mozart and Verdi (1933) he is joined by some of the great singers of his time.

Leo Blech, Staatskapelle Berlin - Verdi: Nur Scherze sind's und Possen from Un ballo in maschera (1933) 创作者:Erna Berger, soprano Felix Fleischer-Janczak, baritone Artūrs Cavara, tenor Else Ruziczka, alt Eduard Kandl, bass Staatskapelle Berlin Chor der Staatsoper Berlin Leo Blech和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

At the beginning of the 20th century Leo Blech was considered one of the most notable conductors of his generation, especially with regard to operatic life in Berlin, which he had strongly shaped. His artistic position was so stabilized that during the first years of the Nazi regime he had special permission to continue his work in spite of the fact that he was Jewish. But in the course of the dramatic events of the following years, Blech and his wife narrowly escaped being deported and fled to Sweden. After the war the conductor could continue his career for a few years. In his recordings of some opera scenes by Mozart and Verdi (1933) he is joined by some of the great singers of his time.

Leo Blech, Staatskapelle Berlin - Mozart: Hm! hm! hm! hm! from Die Zauberflöte (1933) 创作者:Erna Berger, soprano Adele Kern, soprano Else Ruziczka, alto Max Hirzel, tenor Karl August Neumann, baritone Mitglieder der Kapelle der Staatsoper Berlin, dir. Leo Blech和the Shellac Project德意志留声机

At the beginning of the 20th century Leo Blech was considered one of the most notable conductors of his generation, especially with regard to operatic life in Berlin, which he had strongly shaped. His artistic position was so stabilized that during the first years of the Nazi regime he had special permission to continue his work in spite of the fact that he was Jewish. But in the course of the dramatic events of the following years, Blech and his wife narrowly escaped being deported and fled to Sweden. After the war the conductor could continue his career for a few years. In his recordings of some opera scenes by Mozart and Verdi (1933) he is joined by some of the great singers of his time.


Digitized from metal masters used to manufacture shellac discs:

(P) 1904 - 1942 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin,
(C) 2018 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
