Women for Expo: Gender studies and female networks

Women are protagonists in Italy Pavilion

Pink Drink - "Projects for Women" Competition by Pathological addiction department Area Vasta 3 - Asur MarchePadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Pink Drink is a prevention project against alcohol abuse, promoted by the Health Service dealing with pathological dependences. It is a women addressed project in relation with food and health.

Women in Art, an exploratory study on Art Basel - "Projects for Women" Competition by ASK Research Centre - Luigi Bocconi UniversityPadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Women in Art is part of a broader study on the legitimization processes of artists in the contemporary art system. The research traces an overview of the female presence in the system.

Piano C: Coworking, Cobaby, Community - "Projects for Women" Competition by Piano CPadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Female networks

Piano C. Launched in Milan in December 2012, Piano C began as a co-working and women’s services programme. Over time, it turned into an innovative set of solutions to facilitate women’s entry in the work force and make it more productive.It all began with creating a community and making a series of services available to the coworkers, including “time-saving” services, training, social occasions, rec rooms, and agreements with the local neighbourhood. As it evolved, Piano C soon became a pro-active player in providing innovative and productive ways to match women with job opportunities, through the development of innovative social projects for women focused on providing strategies and tools to support women’s employment.

Timebanking in Carnate - "Projects for Women" Competition by Timebanking in CarnatePadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Bank of Time. We live in a society typified by the isolation of the individual and a culture of self-sufficiency. Through this project, La Banca del Tempo intends to promote a new model of collaboration with municipal administrations, which aims to tackle, at the economic and social levels, the many emerging local crises before they become chronic. The project focuses on Carnate, a small town 20 km from Milan. The town grew around its train station; its development was not rationally planned, and it lacks a true town centre where people can meet. In such a context, Banca del Tempo plays an important role in facilitating active participation in community life: it promoted the creation of a network of agencies, families, and individuals whose aim is to strengthen the local social fabric. Creating this network potentially makes it easier to identify abuses and reach out to people who suffer from temporary social exclusion yet are unwilling to publically ask for help.

The colors of change: women's stories - "Projects for Women" Competition by Associazione Culturale ArpegePadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Associazione Arpège. How many women, wives, mothers, and professionals struggle with the job vs family dilemma? How can the need to express oneself in the workplace co-exist with the need for a fulfilling emotional life? Over the last few years, the search for a fully rounded-out existence has had to grapple with the need to “re-invent” one’s life.Change has thus become a priority, both to fulfil one’s desires and to create new horizons. The Arpège cultural association has put together a project to present the experiences of several women who have chosen change, as told through a series of public presentations, each one focused on a specific theme. The goal was to have presentations that would be free from the emotional and psychological baggage that could have taken away attention from the main topic at hand.

Women's Wine for Women - "Projects for Women" Competition by !DonnaPadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

!DONNA is a non-profit organization founded in Milan with the goal of supporting women creativity and talent in the sectors of Italian excellence. The mission is to promote female synergy and cooperation to bridge the gap between culture and enterprise. "Il vino delle donne per le donne" (Women's Wine for Women) is a one-of-a-kind participatory wine-making experience, the first one launched in Italy to help women make a difference in their lives. 

Mothers. Know. Know-how - "Projects for Women" Competition by Network MamasPadiglione Italia Expo Milano 2015

Network Mamas is a web platform that matches families who need specialized professional assistance with the moms who possess the skills required to provide such assistance. Network Mamas’ ambitious project is to create simple instruments and procedures to encourage remote work on the part of Italian mothers, who are often forced to give up their jobs or accept disadvantageous compromises in order to maintain a balance between their professional and family lives. Network Mamas has two reference markets: one concerns all the mothers who use the internet as a source of information and education, and the other includes those mothers who already have marketable professional skills and who are interested in remote work or micro work.

The "Women Tree" concept is that women benefit immediately from nurturing their talents in a fertile framework of mutual support and respect. The network’s members are personal care professionals.

Credits: All media
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