Discover Mexico City
Within Gustavo Casasola´s Collection, we find a large section called ‘Mexico City,' with hundreds of photographs that depict the evolution of this city. Mexico City is full of contrasts and open to change, and these black and white images capture the passing of time. We explore the buildings that have endured and those that have ceased to exist and we see how everyday life continues to shift and change according to the needs of the population. This tour isn’t chronological, but rather it starts in the heart of the city, the Zocalo, wanders across the famous city center streets and emblematic spaces, and finishes in the column of independence. Through its streets, discover Mexico City and the eras that shaped it.
Mexico City’s first public square
‘Plaza de la Constitución,’ also known as the Zocalo, is located in the heart of Mexico City. The Zocalo is encompassed by the ‘Catedral Metropolitana,’ ‘Palacio Legislativo,’ and 'Palacio de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México', as well as the vestiges of the Aztec’s ‘Templo Mayor.’
Esquina de Moneda y Jesús MaríaColección Gustavo Casasola
Moneda Street with Jesús María Street are located within Perimeter A of the historical city center.
Calle monedaColección Gustavo Casasola
Numbers 16 and 18 of Moneda Street used to be the 'Mayorazgo de Guerrero' houses. Given that their facades were similar, they were named the houses of the sun and the moon respectively.
CDMX058 zócalo arboladoColección Gustavo Casasola
Here we see the Zocalo, the ‘Gobierno de la Ciudad de México’ building, the Deputation Alley, which would later on make way for 20th November Street.
Madero Street
Throughout history, this street has had many names, from 'San Juan de Letrán' to 'Isabel la Catolica', it was known as San Francisco Street, and further down the avenue it changed to Profesa Street, and as it approached the Zocalo it was known as the Plateros Street in honor of the jewelers that were located there. It was renamed Francisco I. Madero in honor of Francisco Villa, and there we can find emblematic buildings such as the 'Casa de los Azulejos', the old Iturbide palace, Profesa Church and the Temple San Felipe de Jesús, among others.
Iglesia la Profesa de Guillermo KahloColección Gustavo Casasola
This is an image of the Profesa Church in 1904, the street that bypassed the building was renamed Profesa in its honor, and inside you can find a 'retablo' designed by Manuel Tolsá
Casa de los AzulejosColección Gustavo Casasola
On Madero Street there was a small plaza called ‘Plazuela de Guardiola’ and a house that was acquired by the Escandón family and was later destroyed in 1938, and next to it the House of the Counts of Orizaba, better known as ‘Casa de los Azulejos.’
Casa de los AzulejosColección Gustavo Casasola
The ‘Casa de los Azulejos’ has borne witness to key historical events and in 1917 it became the iconic Sanborns restaurant.
San Juan de Letrán
Originally Eje Central was made up of 9 segments, ‘Ajusco’ ,’Panamá’, ‘Niño perdido’, ‘San Juan de Letrán’, ‘Ruíz de Alarcón’, ‘Aquiles Serdán’, ‘Leyva’, ‘Santa María la Redonda,’ and ‘Abundio Martínez’. ‘San Juan de Letrán’ occupies the city center area, from Salto de Agua to Madero Street, and the intersection of these important avenues prompted the creation of the Eje Central Lázaro Cardenas.
CDMX037 San juan de letránColección Gustavo Casasola
During the fifties, San Juan de Letrán became a symbol of modernity, as one of the tallest buildings of Latin America would begin its construction in it
Puesto semipermanente en la esquina de Arcos de BelénColección Gustavo Casasola
Fuente de Salto del Agua located between Eje Central and Arcos de Belén is a fountain that formed part of the aqueduct systems of the city and was built during the prehispanic era by Nezahualcóyotl
Cotidianidad en la ciudad de Gustavo Casasola ZapataColección Gustavo Casasola
As we travel down Arcos de Belén street, it reaches Chapultepec avenue and in this image we can spot the tram tracks.
Juarez Avenue
Juarez Avenue houses one of the most iconic buildings in Mexico City, the 'Palacio de Bellas Artes'. It is one of the most popular cultural destinations and next to it is the Alameda park, which was built in 1592 and is a favorite meeting point for the population. At the beginning of the avenue we find the 'La Nacional' building, which was finished in 1934 and marked the start of the modern era in the city, for it was considered to be the first skyscraper in the country. The ex convent of Corpus Christi that used to house the daughters of indigenous leaders no longer exists but the building continues to stand in the avenue.
CDMX090 Av Juarez, casa de los condes GuardiolaColección Gustavo Casasola
In the background we can see the house of the Counts of Guardiola, which was later purchased by the Escandón family. The townhouse was torn down and the Guardiola Building was erected and today it houses the Bank of Mexico.
Palacio de Bellas ArtesColección Gustavo Casasola
In San Juan de Leran and Juarez Avenue intersection we find one of the most emblematic and majestic buildings of the city, the 'Palacio de Bellas Artes.'
Palacio de Bellas ArtesColección Gustavo Casasola
The Palacio de Bellas Artes underwent different construction stages, the first was from 1904 to 1912 and led by the architect Adamo Boari, and the second stage began in 1928 under the supervision of Mexican architect Federico Mariscal
CDMX169 Pérgolas de la AlamedaColección Gustavo Casasola
The 'Alameda Central' was built in 1592 and is considered to be the oldest public park in Latin America
CDMX164 Av. juárez alamedaColección Gustavo Casasola
In Juarez Avenue we can observe the 'Alameda Central' and the unfinished dome of the 'Palacio de Bellas Artes.'
Av. JuárezColección Gustavo Casasola
Traveling down the Juarez Avenue we also encounter other emblematic avenues, such as the Paseo de la Reforma. In this crossing we can observe the National Lottery building and the statue of Charles IV
CDMX178 Cruce entre Av. Juárez y paseo de la reformaColección Gustavo Casasola
Here we see the Yves Limantour home and in the background, we can spot the 'Alameda Central' and on the right the statue of Charles IV by sculptor, Manuel Tolsá
Monument to the revolution
After years of neglect, the project was resumed, however it would have a different focus, rather than being the legislative palace, it would become a building for public use, commemorating the Mexican Revolution
206Colección Gustavo Casasola
A sumptuous and decadent building that would serve as the senate and legislative palace was to be built to commemorate the centenary of the independence; however, the political turmoil that ravaged the country put a stop to the construction
Monumento a la RevoluciónColección Gustavo Casasola
In 1933 the construction was resumed and the architect, Carlos Obregón Santacilia finished the building and renamed it Monumento a la Revolución.
Casasola México
Vania Casasola Cordoba
Gustavo Casasola Salamanca
Izchel Gaviña González
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