Casasola’s Revolution

Entrada zapatista a la Ciudad de México en 1914 de Manuel RamosColección Gustavo Casasola

The Mexican Revolution and the Casasola photographs are intertwined and there is no way of understanding one without the other. This photographic record makes tangible one of the most important social movements of the 20th Century, the Mexican Revolution. Before the upheaval of the war and the creation of Casasola´s Agency, there was a young reporter, Agustín Victor who loved to write and take pictures. One day, he borrowed a camera and began to mix his two passions, becoming one of the most celebrated press photographers in Mexico City. At the outbreak of war, he had a camera in his hands, ready to capture the multitude of testimonies and experiences. After the war of independence, the revolution was one of the most important social struggles in Mexico and this struggle is shown in full force in each of the images of the Archivo Casasola. Today we piece together the war and this archive, which is one of the most representatives of the Mexican Revolution

Palacio Legislativo en construcciónColección Gustavo Casasola

Mexico’s President, the General Porfirio Díaz, commissioned monuments and buildings to be erected to celebrate the centenary of the independence (1910) and to this day, they are the most beautiful and emblematic of Mexico City.

Desfile del 16 de septiembre en 1910Colección Gustavo Casasola

Pre-revolutionary Mexico was defined by the prolonged presidency of Porfirio Díaz, who besides developing the industry in the country, the railway and port systems, he nurtured a political system that alienated the population.

Carmen SerdánColección Gustavo Casasola

Carmen Serdán is one of the icons of the Mexican Revolution, she belonged to the democratic movement and was against re elections.

Madero con grupo de profesoras y simpatizantes del Club AntirreeleccionistaColección Gustavo Casasola

Francisco I. Madero was the leader of the Revolution and while visiting the state of Guerrero, he was received by a group of teachers who belonged to the Anti Re-Election Club.

La Adelita de Gerónimo HernandezColección Gustavo Casasola

During the Revolution, armies moved around using the railway system, and in these journeys, a train car was designated to the women who were known as “Las Soldaderas,” who supported the combatants during the struggle at the time. This photograph was taken by Jerónimo Hernández in 1910.

Soldados y adelitas acampando arriba de un trenColección Gustavo Casasola

It is well documented that women took part in the revolution, they were in charge of cooking, they served as nurses and they took up arms as well in the fight.

Soldaderas sentadas en un vagón y una de pie con su fusilColección Gustavo Casasola

Women took up arms and fought in the revolution.

Francisco León de la Barra en Palacio Nacional junto con Francisco I. MaderoColección Gustavo Casasola

The triumph of the revolution forced Porfirio Díaz to step down and call for elections. In the meantime, Francisco León de la Barra (see on the right) would occupy the position of Interim President.

Recepción diplomática de Francisco I. Madero de Agustín Víctor CasasolaColección Gustavo Casasola

Here we see Francisco I. Madero, President of Mexico accompanied by his wife, Sara Pérez, in a diplomatic reception held in the Turkish Embassy in 1912.

54 decena trágica, foto de casasola de Agustín Víctor CasasolaColección Gustavo Casasola

The tragic events that occurred on the 9th of February and that would last for ten days were known as the “Tragic 10.”

Decena trágica de Agustín Víctor CasasolaColección Gustavo Casasola

The events of the Tragic 10 forced habitants of the capital to move because of the non stop cross fire concluded with the murder of then president Francisco I. Madero and vice-president, José María Pino Suárez

Emiliano Zapata retrato de cuerpo completo con sableColección Gustavo Casasola

Emiliano Zapata Zalazar. Photographie made at the Hotel Moctezuma in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Emiliano Zapata a su llegada a Buenavista de Heliodoro J. Gutiérrez,Colección Gustavo Casasola

General Emiliano Zapato arrived to Mexico City short time after President Diaz resignation. He was received by the members of the revolutionary army.

Adelitas acampando en los techos de los vagonesColección Gustavo Casasola

Its always been hard to be a woman, but in revolution times it was even harder, the ‘soldaderas’ used to travel on the roof of the trains, because the men and horses needed to travel in a "safer way".

Prisioneras zapatistasColección Gustavo Casasola

Here we see ‘Zapatista’ women being arrested. Within this group was one of the sisters of the General Emiliano Zapata.

Los Dorados de VillaColección Gustavo Casasola

The group closest to Francisco Villa were known as “The Golden Ones” and they were in charge of his security.

Retrato de Pancho Villa de Gustavo Casasola ZapataColección Gustavo Casasola

Inside the train wagon of the northern line, surrounded by ammunition that was used during the famous battle scenes, we see the General Villa in 1913.

Mujer que tenía fama de ayudar al bien morirColección Gustavo Casasola

During the revolution there were some women who would get out in the battle field to help the wounded soldiers or revolutionaries. They were famous for using their herbal knowledge to help bad wounded soldiers die peacefully.

Villa llorando por la muerte de MaderoColección Gustavo Casasola

While arriving to Mexico City, Francisco Villa visited the tomb of Francisco I. Madero to pay his respects, there he shed tears of sorrow.

Maria AriasColección Gustavo Casasola

In 1914, the General Álvaro Obregón, arrived to the tomb of Francisco I. Madero where he removed his gun from its holster and gave it to the professor María Arias as recognition for her bravery, courage, and efforts to defend the democracy and her opposition to the dictatorship of Victoriano Huerta. It was at Francisco I. Madero’s tomb that Álvaro Obregón gave his gun to María Arias and from that point onwards she was named Maria Guns by the press.

Entrada de los zapatistas a la Ciudad de México en diciembre de 1914Colección Gustavo Casasola

On the 6th of December 1914, the Generals Emiliano Zapata and Francisco Villa make their triumphant entrance to Mexico City, accompanied by their troops.

Pancho Villa en la Silla PresidencialColección Gustavo Casasola

The gold rolled chair has been historically used by the presidents of Mexico. On December 6th 1914 the General Franciso Villa sat on it to pose for the picture and take a moment’s rest.

In the background we see Dolores Jiménez y Muro, who was a revolutionary and activist who fought for the Democracy and women rights.

Mujeres con canastas buscando alimento en el año del hambreColección Gustavo Casasola

Due to rationing and scarcity, women had to travel in search of food and goods. 1915 was known as "the hunger year"

Pueblo en espera de la repartición del maízColección Gustavo Casasola

During the food shortage in the Mexican Revolution, people had to wait in line for the distribution of corn.

Inauguración del Palacio NacionalColección Gustavo Casasola

Here we see the president Venustiano Carranza inaugurating the courses of the Heroic Military College

Carranza entrando a ApizacoColección Gustavo Casasola

Venustiano Carranza wanted to move the seat of government's power to the port of Veracruz, as he was being persecuted by the Plan de Aguaprieta group.

General Calles y General ObregónColección Gustavo Casasola

Following the death of Venustiano Carranza, the General Adolfo de la Huerta was named president and he called for elections, in which the General Álvaro Obregón was elected. We see him at the center of the photo.

Monumento a la RevoluciónColección Gustavo Casasola

The Revolution halted the construction of many buildings, including the legislative palace. The architect Carlos Obregón took up the task to complete the unfinished work of Émile Bénard.

Agustín Casasola con su cámaraColección Gustavo Casasola

Agustín Víctor Casasola Velasco (1874-1938) was a photographer and passionate reporter. He left the people of Mexico an important legacy that to this date serves to showcase the historical events of the country.

Créditos: Historia

Casasola México
Vania Casasola Cordoba
Gustavo Casasola Salamanca
Izchel Gaviña González

Créditos: todo el contenido multimedia
En algunos casos, es posible que la historia destacada sea obra de un tercero independiente y no represente la visión de las instituciones que proporcionaron el contenido (citadas a continuación).
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