Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet

Takenosuke Sakakura

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet by Takenosuke Sakakura

The former toilet in Nishihara 1-chome were uninviting and rarely used.

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

We thought it was important to create a facility that not only fulfills the basic requirements of a public toilet,

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

such as having enough toilets to ensure a reasonable wait time,

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

but offers a unique appeal that encourages more people to use the facility.

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

By constructing a facility that is bright and open in the limited space of the site,

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

We hope that the toilet will illuminate the park like andon, or lanterns, creating an inviting public space for the visitors.

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

Nishihara Itchome Park Toilet (2020-08-31) by Takenosuke SakakuraShibuya City Tourism Association

Credits: All media
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