The Birth of the States of the Mexican Republic Part II

Mapa del estado de Coahuila (1884) by Colección Cartográfica Antonio García CubasArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Coahuila  

Creation of the Free and Sovereign State of Coahuila and Texas  

Oficio de la creación del Estado Libre y Soberano de Coahuila y Texas (1824) by José Miguel Ramos ArizpeArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

The year 1824 marked the beginning of the Mexican federation, an idea promoted by Dr. José Miguel Ramos Arizpe and, having adopted that system and integrating the old province of Coahuila as a state of union with Texas, the news was known by the peoples and villas; as was the case of the office circulated by the Coahuila provincial council on May 25, 1824 from the city of Monclova.  

Oficio de la creación del Estado Libre y Soberano de Coahuila y Texas (1824) by José Miguel Ramos ArizpeArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Portada del libro de actas de la excelentisíma Diputación Provincial de Coahuila (1824) by Diputación Provincial de CoahuilaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

The cover of the minute book of the most excellent Provincial Council of Coahuila, shows the form of political organization that proceeded to the creation of the Free and Sovereign State of Coahuila and Texas in 1824.  

Carta General del estado de Veracruz (1905) by Comisión Geográfica ExploradoraArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Veracruz  

Between 1822 and 1825, the port of Veracruz suffered sporadic bludgeons by the last stronghold of the Spanish troops stationed in San Juan de Ulúa. Many inhabitants of the port migrated to neighboring towns and the government moved to Xalapa.  

Decreto de instalación del congreso constituyente del Estado de Veracruz (1824) by Congreso Constituyente del Estado de VeracuzArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

On February 21, 1823, the authorities swore and published the Constitutive Act that would give rise to the federation; On January 31, 1824, the old Municipality of Veracruz was recognized as a state in the aforementioned document, thus, on February 17 of that year, the swearing-in of the constitutional act of the federation takes place in Xalapa and Córdoba.  

Decreto número 9 de 20 de mayo de 1824 (1824) by Congreso Constituyente del Estado de VeracuzArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Constitución política del Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz (1825) by Congreso Constituyente del Estado de VeracuzArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Later, the first Constituent Congress was installed in Xalapa, as the seat of state powers. 

On May 9, 1925, the State of Veracruz was founded as a political entity.

On November 18, the surrender of San Juan de Ulúa, the last Spanish stronghold, took place, in such a way that while throughout the country a new constitution was promulgated and its institutions were established, Veracruz had to initiate the same process but without losing sight of the hostilities of Spanish troops.  

Artículos 4° al 6° de la Constitución Política del Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz (1825) by Congreso Constituyente del Estado de VeracuzArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

In 1824 the government printing press in Xalapa began the printing of all official documents, as well as the publication of the journal of laws and decrees, which arose from the urgent need for a body where the deliberations of the local congress and the commandments were made known. legal approved there. The General Archive of the State of Veracruz holds a complete collection of these newspapers from which these images have been taken.  

Plano del Estado de Quintana Roo (1974)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

General Archive of the State of Quintana Roo  

Decrees of the creation of the Federal Territory of Quintana Roo within the Official Gazette of the Federation.  

Diario Oficial de la Federación del mes de noviembre de 1902 (1902) by Secretaría de GobernaciónArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 24, 1902 where the territory of Quintana Roo is established as an integral part of the states of the Republic that make up part of the Federation, through the reform of Article 43 of the Constitution.  

Diario Oficial de la Federación del mes de noviembre de 1902 (1902) by Secretaría de GobernaciónArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

This reform stipulates that the territory of Quintana Roo will be formed from the eastern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula, which will be limited by a dividing line, starting from the North Coast of the  Golfo de México.  

Diario Oficial de la Federación del mes de octubre de 1974 (1974) by Secretaría de GobernaciónArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

On October 8, 1974, Article 43 of the Constitution is reformed, in which the Territory of Quintana Roo is ratified as a State of the Federation and the division of the territory of Baja California into two portions.  

Diario Oficial de la Federación del mes de octubre de 1974 (1974) by Secretaría de GobernaciónArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico


Periódico Oficial del gobierno del estado libre y soberano de Quintana Roo del mes de octubre de 1974 (1974) by Secretaría de la Gobernación de Quintana RooArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Locally, the Official Newspaper of the Government of the Free and Sovereign State of Quintana Roo publishes on October 12, 1974, the decree made official by the Congress of the Union.  

Mapa de intendencia de San Luis Potosí by AnonymusArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

State Historical Archive "Lic. Antonio Rocha"  

On this occasion, the State Historical Archive “Lic. Antonio Rocha ”presents a series of manuscripts written between 1823 and 1824 protected in the documentary collection of the Province. Through these, users will be able to read the essential parts of the sessions of the Provincial Council in which the matter of the adoption and constitution of the Mexican Republic in San Luis Potosí was referred; how these events would be held; the preparatory meetings, the ceremonial that had to be observed, and the party and decree that was distributed specifying how and when the installation of the first constituent congress of the state would be. Also included, due to its relevance, is the first decree issued by this legislative body dated April 22, 1824, in which its legitimate installation is recorded.  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Meeting in the Chamber of sessions of the most excellent Provincial Council, the political superior and interim mayor Mr. José Idelfonso Díaz de León and the president and members of the provincial council, Lozano, Ramos, Guillén, Guerrero and Escandón discuss various issues; Upon reaching the point Article number 5 reads: 

“After reading a copy of the 16th of this month that contains the sovereign decree that prevents the publication and solemnization of the approval of Article 5 of the constitutive act on adopting the Mexican Nation for its government the form of a federal popular representative Republic, which presented in the act of the president stating that the MI City Council has arranged, among other things, to celebrate Mass of thanks on the twenty-fourth; the most excellent deputation agreed to attend it, and that the aforementioned order be filed with the others of its class. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Gathered in the Chamber of its sessions of the most excellent Provincial Delegation composed in the act of the gentlemen the political superior and interim mayor García Diego, Ramos, Guillén, and Escandón in Article 1, says: 

“An official letter from the president of this date was read, which is accompanied by a copy of the decree that contains the constitutive act of the nation: another one in which it is ordered to be published and to swear its observance; and another of the proclamation made for this reason by the supreme government, announcing that it has designated the afternoon of the 15th of the current for the oath, and the following day for the church function, and demanding the appointment of the two individuals of the most excellent deputation that they must attend the act of publishing the side in accordance with the second decree of those expressed. His Excellency, aware of everything, appointed Messrs. García Diego and Escandón, who in particular will agree with his honor on the way in which they should present themselves, in the concept that the deputation will attend the function of thanks, ready. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

The meeting continued, and in point Article 6 it was said: 

“After reading an official letter from the political chief on the 5th about the appointment of a commission to arrange the ceremonial to be observed on the day of the installation of the Congress: the most excellent deputation agreed that however in Mexico this must be verified before here There is no need for anything other than to find out what is done there to serve as a standard."  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Gathered in the Chamber of their sessions of the most excellent Provincial Delegation composed in the act of the gentlemen the political superior, interim mayor Ramos, Guillén, Guerrero and Martínez in Article 1 says: 

"An official letter from the president was read, dated today, in which he communicates that yesterday the election of the proprietary and alternate deputies of the Constituent Congress of this state had been verified, indicating the convenience that would result from abbreviating the day of his installation, following the spirit of the sovereign decree of January 8 that provides the same with respect to the primary, secondary and province boards, assuming that all those named are in this city with the exception of Mr. Hoyuela, Aguirre, Maldonado and Núñez de la Torre, which could also be present for the day indicated, since the distance to which they are not so much. After having talked at length about the matter, Mr. Guillén explained that, abbreviated as they were, the deadlines for the elections turned out to have been the same as for the installation, even if it was verified on April 21, and that it was also necessary to take into account that Many of the deputies needed to return to their neighborhood to settle their affairs: it was agreed that, having intervened in the agreement that indicated that day, Messrs. Lozano and Escandón, who are not present, reserve the deliberation of this matter for Wednesday the 17th in extraordinary session, summoning for her the expressed Mr. Escandón and by official letter to Mr. Lozano who is in the town of Mexquitic warning him that in case of being prevented from presenting himself he will feel his vote in writing in response; in the intelligence that Mr. García Diego will also be cited. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Letter in which the list of individuals who were elected for proprietary and alternate deputies of the Constituent Legislature of the state of San Luis Potosí is attached, noting that Messrs. Hoyuela, Aguirre, Maldonado and Núñez de la Torre are missing, who are a short distance away.  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Gathered in the Chamber of its sessions of the most excellent Provincial Delegation composed in the act of the gentlemen the political superior chief, mayor and elective members García Diego, Ramos, Guillén, Escandón and Martínez in Article 2 says: 

"The opinion that Messrs. Guillén and Escandón have extended on the ceremonial that must be observed in the installation of the Congress of this state was read, and the points it comprises having been discussed one by one, they were all approved by the most excellent deputation."  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

“With the exception of the 4th which tries to have the tedeum sung after said installation, and whatever is consequential to it; Consequently, it is arranged that that act be verified in the same way as according to the public papers, it was done in Mexico and Puebla, for which consideration was taken that otherwise, as it was due for Congress to attend said act, there was a need to deal with the honors that corresponded to it, which, nor the determination of its attendance, is a matter in which the deputation should mix, being proper to the Congress itself; and that in the case of not attending this, as it should already be dissolved, it would not have the repeated act of solemnity that corresponded to the great reasons that demanded it; Not being so inconsiderate, the individuals of a corporation that shortly before had functioned as the first authority in the steps indicated by the law for the installation of Congress would appear in public as private individuals: reflections that the deputation would no doubt occur to those of Mexico and Puebla. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

"In this regard, it was agreed that the president as political chief serve to give the convenient orders for the execution, officiating the parish priest with regard to what has to be observed for the reception of the entourage, and other ceremonies of the church: to the general commander for the ordinance salutes, and other demonstrations that touch the troops, in the concept that the first ones will not be made in the main square, to avoid the damage received by the explosion, the building of the houses councils, but in some of the squares, or if said commander does not find it inconvenient, in the artillery barracks; and to the very illustrious City Council for the assistance it must provide, and for its attendance at the installation and tedeum: for which purpose it will be passed to said political chief with a copy of this agreement to the said opinion, with the quality that given the agreed provisions and The most that you consider conducive, return it to the secretary of the deputation to be filed. It was also agreed that the officials of said secretary, and if necessary, those of the political chief, assist the work of the Congress on the day of installation, and the other days that run until he fixes his office as to good have it. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Gathered in the Chamber of its sessions of the most excellent Provincial Delegation composed in the act of the gentlemen the political superior chief, intendant and elective members Ramos, Guillén, Escandón and Martínez in Article 1 says: 

“An official letter from the president was read communicating another from the very illustrious City Council of this city in which he says that he does not believe it corresponds to understand the solemn function of the installation of Congress, because in the decrees he cites it is not indicated that this is to charge of the municipalities.  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

“Consequently, and despite the fact that various reasons could be alleged to the City Council to convince it that it is obliged to provide the aid that was required: as this would take up a lot of time with the risk that nothing would be achieved, urging to take the appropriate measures for being next the day of installation; It was agreed to commission so that they understand in everything related to the solemnity of that act, invite or notify the prelates, ecclesiastics, general commander of arms, and employees in rents, the mayor and García Diego, who will also be in charge to ensure that in the Congress hall, seats are arranged with the corresponding decorum and distinction, outside the bar, for the attendees, including the very illustrious City Council, which, according to the president, is already understood that it must attend the repeated Act, in the concept that the expenses that are disbursed in everything, as well as in the tedeum, must come out of the Treasury of Public Finance, in accordance with the spirit of the order of the sovereign Congress of March 27 last. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

“The meeting continued, and in point Article 6 it was said: 
"Being appointed for the installation of the Congress on the 21st of the current, and being in this city as is well known the majority of the deputies who are to compose it, although they have not presented themselves to the most excellent deputation but very few as prevent Article 10 of the sovereign decree of January 8; it agreed that the preparatory meetings mentioned in said decree be held on the 19th and 20th, with the president summoning the deputies for nine in the morning of the aforementioned days in this room. "  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

First decree issued by Congress, relative to having been legitimately installed. 

It contains nine articles on the exercise of the other powers; that the political chief will be interim governor; that the inhabitants of the state should not be required to contribute higher than those paid in other entities of the federation.  

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Sesiones de la Diputación Provincial en las que se refirió el asunto de la adopción y constitución de la república mexicana en San Luis Potosí (1824) by Diputación Provincial de San Luis PotosíArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Carta General del Estado de México y el DF by Luis G. BecerrilArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Tultepec Municipal Archive  

Within the Municipal Archive of Tultepec there is a document where the Supreme Executive Power gives reports on the Province of Chihuahua and the Province of New Mexico.  

Decreto Número 68 del Soberano Congreso General Constituyentes de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (1824)Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico

This document printed in 1824, is Decree number 68 of the Sovereign General Constituent Congress of the United Mexican States, where the Supreme Executive Power informs that the Province of Chihuahua would become a State of the Federation, as well as the Province of New Mexico as territory of the Federation.  

Carta General del Estado de México y el DF by Luis G. BecerrilArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Municipal Archive of Rayón  

Actas de Cabildo (1883) by Alberto GarcíaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Minutes of the Cabildo, testimony of political activity in the Municipality of Rayón. 1875, 1876, 1878. 

The first acts of the council that testify to the beginning of political life in the nascent Municipality of Rayón, established by decree on October 15, 1874. Being governor, C.L. Alberto Garcia. 53 years after the consummation of the Independence Movement.  

Actas de Cabildo (1883) by Alberto GarcíaArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Solicitud para montar un pedestal a Miguel Hidalgo (1910) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Request of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Rayón to mount a pedestal of the father of the country, priest Don Miguel Hidalgo, in the town square, "Alberto García" on the occasion of the centenary of the Independence of Mexico.  

Solicitud para montar un pedestal a Miguel Hidalgo (1910) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Solicitud para montar un pedestal a Miguel Hidalgo (1910) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Circular relativa a un decreto en unos articulos de la Cosntitución General de la República (1911) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Circular on a decree regarding the suspension of guarantees granted in some articles of the General Constitution of the Republic. Testimony dated 100 years after the Independence of Mexico that shows us part of the consolidation in legal matters within the State of Mexico to which the municipality of Rayón was taken into account.  

Circular relativa a un decreto en unos articulos de la Cosntitución General de la República (1911) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Circular relativa a un decreto en unos articulos de la Cosntitución General de la República (1911) by UnknownArchivo General de la Nación - Mexico

Credits: Story

See the third part at:  

General Archive of the State of Coahuila:   
Fondo Siglo XIX, C1,F7,E7,11F.
Fondo Siglo XIX, C1,F7,E7,11F.

General Archive of the State of Veracruz:
Compilación de Leyes y Decretos del año 1825. Páginas 17, 25, 304 y 305.  Xalapa, Ver.  Año 1888. Imprenta de Gobierno. Biblioteca AGEV.

General Archive of the State of Quintana Roo:
Colección Hemerográfica 
Colección Cartográfica

State Historical Archive "Lic. Antonio Rocha ”from the State of San Luis Potosí:
Diputación, Libro 11, Fojas: 246 f y v, 249.
Diputación, Libro 12, Fojas: 127 f, 134 v, 179 v, 180 v, 181 f y v, 225 v, 228f y v, 227 f, 231 v, 232 f y v, 233 v, 236 v, 237 f.

Tultepec Municipal Archive:  
Sección: Gobernación, Expediente: 001, Foja: 23.

Municipal Archive of Rayón:  

Fondo Histórico, Sección actas de cabildo, vol.1. 
Fondo Histórico, Sección presidencia, vol. 4. 
Fondo Histórico, Sección presidencia, vol. 4.  

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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