The visit to Nîmes' Little Berlin

An open-air museum

LA VISITE DU PETIT BERLIN Nîmois (2022-10)Le Spot

The Expo de Ouf festival is an event that is open to everyone and allows you to rediscover the neighborhoods of Nîmes with a different perspective.

For almost 10 years, this festival has created a real energy for the north of the city, by bringing color to the lives of the inhabitants. Over time, Gambetta and Richelieu have become one of the essential passages for lovers of street art.

Fresque d'Adec réalisée en Septembre 2022 (2022-10)Le Spot

Cédric Crouzy, creator of the festival, said: With L'Expo de Ouf, you don't have to enter a museum to see a work of art. Our city is the gallery.

Sol de la Rue de la Poudrière réalisé en Septembre 2022 (2022-10)Le Spot

Guided tours are held during the two months of the festival for people to discover the hundreds of frescoes. The open-air exhibition also lasts throughout the rest of the year, with more and more public visits, led by cultural mediators.

Fresque de Tito & Mulk réalisée en octobre 2022 (2022-10)Le Spot

Street art is above all a possibility to give newcomers, as well as the most talented artists, a chance to express themselves, to question the public or to depict historical facts.

Fresque d'Eva Khatchadourian réalisée en septembre 2022 (2022-10)Le Spot

It was in 2022 that the festival team chose to establish a partnership with the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Nîmes for the first time. The first contemporary art fresco on the route was created by Eva Khatchadourian, a 5th year student.

L'oeuvre de Supo Caos et Isaac (2022)Le Spot

Discovering iconic frescoes

Here, the work of Supo Caos and Isaac illustrates the idea that street art could count as a movement in its own right in the history of the Arts. Artists show their culture by referring to large paintings.

La baleine de Bellus (2022)Le Spot

A committed fresco depicting a huge yellow whale, a symbol of the history of Belluce, is by a young Guinean artist who crossed the Mediterranean in 2018 on a rubber dinghy as one of 52 migrants trying to escape poverty.

L'oeuvre de Güntan et Mahn Kloix (2022)Le Spot

Güntan and Mahn Kloix talk about the 2020 fires in Australia.

In a charred landscape, we see a man's hand reaching out to an animal while he holds a box of matches in the other. The artists condemn the man's denial regarding his actions on the environment.

Le bateau de Mister Thoms (2022)Le Spot

The philosophical work of the Italian artist Mister Thoms. With his Noah's Ark, he evokes the many floods of which the city may have been a victim. But also changes over time. He asks what we want to preserve from our civilization.

Credits: Story

Le Spot - Nîmes -
Creation: Le Spot
Photos: © Office de Tourisme de Nîmes, © Adrien Lesaffre

Credits: All media
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