Capter1-2: Tachibana Muneshige and His Samurai Vassals of the Yanagawa Domain

ーSpecial Exhibition to commemorate the 450th anniversary of Muneshige's birthー

Mogami-do armor with Gachirin ring (16th century, Momoyama period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

Chapter1: The Birth of Muneshige in 1567

Section1 Muneshige and His Father Johun

Portrait of Takahashi Johun/ Tenso-ji Temple (1644) by UnknownTachibana Museum

1. Portrait of Takahashi Johun, father of Muneshige
with inscription by Gen-itsu (the 48th chief priest of Kourasan temple)
hanging scroll, colour on paper
Kan’ei 21 (1644)

Portrait of Souun'in/ Tenso-ji Temple (19th century, Edo period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

2. Portrait of Souun’in, mother of Muneshige
hanging scroll, colour on paper
Edo period

Portrait of Tachibana Muneshige/ Fukugon-ji Temple (1643) by Unknown, inscription by TeikiTachibana Museum

3. Portrait of Tachibana Muneshige, the first lord of the Yanagawa domain
with inscription by Teiki (chief priest of
Baigaku-ji temple)
hanging scroll, colour on paper
Kan’ei 20 (1643)

Copy of genealogy of side lines of the Ohotomo family: the Yoshihiro, Tawara and Takahashi families/ Private collection, Unknown, 1854, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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4. Copy of genealogy of side lines of the Ohotomo family: the Yoshihiro, Tawara and Takahashi families
Kaei 7 (1854)

Copy of genealogy of side lines of the Ohotomo family: the Yoshihiro, Tawara and Takahashi families/ Private collection, Unknown, 1854, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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4. Copy of genealogy of side lines of the Ohotomo family: the Yoshihiro, Tawara and Takahashi families
Kaei 7 (1854)

Records of the Takahashi family, complete volumes/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Ito Issa, 1819, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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5. Records of the Takahashi family, complete volumes

Records of the Takahashi family, complete volumes/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Ito Issa, 1819, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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5. Records of the Takahashi family, complete volumes
Bunsei 2 (1819)

Tachibana family tree, Unknown, 19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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6. Tachibana family tree
Probably 19th-20th century

Biography of Rissai (Muneshige), vol.1/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Takemori Tsuguyuki, 1689, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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7. Biography of Rissai (Muneshige), vol.1
Genroku 2 (1689)

Biography of Rissai (Muneshige), vol.1/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Takemori Tsuguyuki, 1689, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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7. Biography of Rissai (Muneshige), vol.1
Genroku 2 (1689)

Oral transcription by Asakawa, vol.1/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Asakawa Denemon, 1643, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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8. Oral transcription by Asakawa, vol.1
around Kan-ei 20 (1643)

Oral transcription by Asakawa, vol.1/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Asakawa Denemon, 1643, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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8. Oral transcription by Asakawa, vol.1
around Kan-ei 20 (1643)

Copy of memorandum consisting of five articles by Takahashi Johun/ Private collection, Takahashi Johun, 1581-10-25, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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9. Copy of memorandum consisting of five articles by Takahashi Johun
dated Tensho 9 (1581) October 25

Letter from Setoguchi Masayoshi/ Private collection, Setoguchi Masayoshi, 1677, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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10. Letter from Setoguchi Masayoshi
Enpo 5 (1677)

Mogami-do armor with Gachirin ring (16th century, Momoyama period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

11. Mogami-do armour having horizontal plates covered with grained leather decorated with Gachirin ring (a ring around the moon)
owned by Tachibana Muneshige
16th century, Momoyama period

Copy of genealogy of the Ando family, vol.1/ Yanagawa City, Unknown, 1783, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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12. Copy of genealogy of the Ando family, vol.1
Tenmei 3 (1783)

Draft of a brief genealogical chart of the Ando family/ Private collection, Unknown, 1797, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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13. Draft of a brief genealogical chart of the Ando family
Kansei 9 (1797)

Draft of a brief genealogical chart of the Ando family/ Private collection, Unknown, 1797, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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13. Draft of a brief genealogical chart of the Ando family
Kansei 9 (1797)

Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)/ Private collection, Bekki Akitsura, 15th-16th century, Sengoku period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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14. Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)
16th century, Muromachi-Momoyama period

Genealogy of the Ohga-Ason Yufuin clan/ Private collection, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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15. Genealogy of the Ohga-Ason Yufuin clan
17th-19th century, Edo period

Genealogy of the Yufu clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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16. Genealogy of the Yufu clan
17th-19th century, Edo period

Genealogy of the Yufu clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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16. Genealogy of the Yufu clan
17th-19th century, Edo period

Brief genealogy of the Totoki clan in the line of the Ohga clan/ Private collection, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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17. Brief genealogy of the Totoki clan in the line of the Ohga clan
17th-19th century, Edo period

Brief genealogy of the Totoki clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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18. Brief genealogy of the Totoki clan
probably 17th-19th century, Edo period

Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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19. Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan
probably 17th-19th century, Edo period

Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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19. Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan
probably 17th-19th century, Edo period

Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Unknown, 17th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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19. Genealogy of the Ono clan in the line of the Fujiwara clan
probably 17th-19th century, Edo period

Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu) to Ono Nobuyuki/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Akitsura, 1554, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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20. Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu) to Ono Nobuyuki
probably Tenbun 23 (1554)

Certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Akitsura, 1558-03-16, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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21. Certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)
dated March 16, probably Eiroku 1(1558)

Certification letter granting a fief issued by Ohtomo Yoshishige (Sourin)/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Ohtomo Yoshishige, 1559, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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22. Certification letter granting a fief issued by Ohtomo Yoshishige (Sourin)
Eiroku 2 (1559)

Certification letter guaranteeing Shigeyuki’s succession of the Ono family headship/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Ohtomo Sourin, 1567, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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23. Certification letter guaranteeing Shigeyuki’s succession of the Ono family headship
Eiroku 10 (1567)

Approval letter for name change issued by Bekki Dousetsu/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Dousestu, 16th-17th century, Momoyama period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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24. Approval letter for name change issued by Bekki Dousetsu
16th century, Momoyama period

Genealogy of the Bekki family, Unknown, 19th-20th century, Meiji-Taisho period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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25. Genealogy of the Bekki family
probably19th-20th century, Meiji-Taisho period

Certification letter guaranteeing ownership of inherited estate issued by Ohtomo Yoshishige (Sourin), Ohtomo Yoshishige, 1550, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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26 . Certification letter guaranteeing ownership of inherited estate issued by Ohtomo Yoshishige (Sourin)
Important cultural property
Tenbun 19 (1550)

Mt. Tachibana (19th century, Edo period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

Chapter 2 : To the Tachibanayama-jo Castle

Section1 Dousetsu and His Daughter Ginchiyo

Portrait of Bekki Dousetsu/ Fukugon-ji Temple (1624) by UnknownTachibana Museum

27. Portrait of Bekki Dousetsu, foster father of Muneshige
with inscription by Daiki (chief priest of
Baigaku-ji temple)
hanging scroll, colour on paper
Kan’ei 1 (1624)

Portrait of Ginchiyo/ Ryosei-ji Temple (17th century, Edo period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

28. Portrait of Ginchiyo, wife of Muneshige
hanging scroll, colour on silk
17th century, Edo period

Mt. Tachibana (19th century, Edo period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

29 . Mt. Tachibana
Important cultural property
17th century, Edo period

Wakizashi sword, named Raikirimaru (13th-16th century, Kamakura~Muromachi period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

30. Wakizashi sword, named “Raikiri-maru”
owned by Bekki Dousetsu
12th-16th century, Kamakura-Muromachi period

Gilded peach-shaped helmet (16th century, Momoyama period) by UnknownTachibana Museum

31. Gold gilding helmet in the shape of a peach
worn by attendants of Tachibana Muneshige
16th-17th century, Momoyama-Edo period

Copy of assignment from Bekki Dousetsu to his daughter Ginchiyo, Bekki Dousestu, 1575-05-28, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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32 . Copy of assignment from Bekki Dousetsu to his daughter Ginchiyo
Important cultural property

Brief genealogical chart/ Private collection, Unknown, 16th-19th century, Edo period, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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34. Brief genealogical chart
17th-19th century, Edo period

Copy of certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Akitsura, 1571-09-13, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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35. Copy of certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)
dated September 13, probably Genki 2 (1571)

Certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Akitsura, 1571-09-13, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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36. Certification letter granting a fief issued by Bekki Akitsura (Dousetsu)
dated September 13,probably Genki 2 (1571)

Copy of land ledger jointly signed by chief vassals of the Bekki family/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Yufu Ietsugu, Hori Gyokuin, Ando Iehide, Morishita Choun, Ando Ietada, 1571, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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37. Copy of land ledger jointly signed by chief vassals of the Bekki family
probably Genki 2 (1571)

List of chief vassals in Tachibanayama-jo Castle/ Private collection, Unknown, 1582, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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38. List of chief vassals in Tachibanayama-jo Castle
Tensho10 (1582)

Certification letter guaranteeing ownership of inherited estate issued by Bekki Dousetsu/ Private collection, Bekki Dousestu, 1578, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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39. Certification letter guaranteeing ownership of inherited estate issued by Bekki Dousetsu
dated December 29, probably Tensho 6 (1578)

Approval letter for name change issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)/ Private collection, Tachibana Munetora, 16th century, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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40. Approval letter for name change issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)
16th century, Tensho period

Memorandum of Buzen, Unknown, 1615, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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41 . Memorandum of Buzen
Important cultural property
Tenna 1 (1615)

Letter of commendation jointly signed by Munetora (Muneshige) and Bekki Dousetsu/ Private collection, Bekki Munetora, Bekki Dousetsu, 1581, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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42. Letter of commendation jointly signed by Bekki Dousetsu and Munetora (Muneshige)
dated November 11, probably Tensho 9 (1581)

Appointment letter of official post jointly signed by Bekki Dousetsu and Munetora (Muneshige)/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Bekki Munetora, Bekki Dousetsu, 1581, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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43. Appointment letter of official post jointly signed by Bekki Dousetsu and Munetora (Muneshige)
probably Tensho 9 (1581)

Letter from Ohtomo Yoshimune/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Ohtomo Yoshimune, 1585, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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44. Letter from Ohtomo Yoshimune
probably Tensho 13 (1585)

Letter from Ohtomo Yoshimune/ Private collection, Ohtomo Yoshimune, 1585, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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45. Letter from Ohtomo Yoshimune
probably Tensho 13 (1585)

Certification letter granting a fief issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)/ Private collection, Tachibana Munetora, 1586, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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46. Certification letter granting a fief issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)
probably Tensho 14 (1586)

Copy of land ledger jointly signed by vassals of the Tachibana family/ Private collection, Yufu Sekka, Totoki Tsurehide, Hori Hide, Ando Tsurenao, Yufu Koretoki, Ando Sekko, Ono Sosan, 1586, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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47. Copy of land ledger jointly signed by vassals of the Tachibana family
dated Tensho 14 (1586) June 17

Letter of commendation for military success from Ohtomo Yoshimune/ Private collection, Ohtomo Yoshimune, 1586, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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48. Letter of commendation for military success from Ohtomo Yoshimune
probably Tensho 14 (1586)

Certification letter granting a fief issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)/ Private collection, Tachibana Munetora, 1586, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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49. Certification letter granting a fief issued by Tachibana Munetora (Muneshige)
probably Tensho 14 (1586)

Letter of commendation for military success from Ohtomo Sourin/ Private collection, Ohtomo Sourin, 16th century, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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50. Letter of commendation for military success from Ohtomo Sourin
probably Eiroku period (1558-1570)

Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Dousetsu/ Private collection, Bekki Dousestu, 1579, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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51. Letter of commendation for military success from Bekki Dousetsu
Tensho 7 (1579) August 26

Genealogy of the Komono family/ Fukuoka Prefecture, Tachibana Masuyoshi, 1705, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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52. Genealogy of the Komono family
Hou-ei 2 (1705)

Letter from Takahashi Johun, Takahashi Johun, 1584, From the collection of: Tachibana Museum
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53 . Letter from Takahashi Johun
Important cultural property
dated July 29, probably Tensho12 (1584)

Credits: Story

Sponsored by:
Executive Committee of the 450th anniversary of Muneshige’s birth

Exhibited in
Library of Yanagawa Archives

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