Images from the Front

The Great War 1914 - 1918 from Cesare Pozzo Library archive

Sentinella all_imbocco di una galleriaFondazione Luciana Matalon

The significant moments of the Great War, the first line and above all the daily life in the background, are the protagonists of the photographic exhibition "Images from the front".    

Riposo in prima lineaFondazione Luciana Matalon

Presented from 3 to 29 May 2022 at the Luciana Matalon Foundation in Milan, in collaboration with the Cesare Pozzo Foundation for mutuality and under the patronage of the City of Milan. 

Visita ufficiale di CadornaFondazione Luciana Matalon

The wide selection of over 120 unpublished photographs belonging to a photographic collection owned by the Library of Transport and Mutuality Cesare Pozzo was dispayed for the first time.

ToelettaFondazione Luciana Matalon

The collection of photographs documents not only a crucial historical moment but also the birth in Italy of a photographic genre: that of photojournalism.

Motoscafo sommergibile MASFondazione Luciana Matalon

The authorship of the images was discovered thanks to the stamps on the back of the photographs, refer in large part to the photographic and cinematographic sections of the Royal Italian Army and the Supreme Command and to images taken by private photographic laboratories.

Credits: All media
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