Women and Photography

The protagonists of photography from the first post-war period to today

VB52. 98. NT Castello di Rivoli (2003) by Vanessa BeecroftFondazione Luciana Matalon

In October 2021, the Luciana Matalon Foundation hosts an exhibition curated by Maria Francesca Frosi and Dionisio Gavagnin and produced in collaboration with the cultural association Mandr.agor.art and with the patronage of the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Milan. 

Republican militia members, Barcelona, August 1936 (1936) by Gerda TaroFondazione Luciana Matalon

The extensive photographic documentation consisting of about 90 original photographs of the time, is the result of a careful selection of photographs to tell the female point of view in the photographic field and its process of evolution over almost a century.

Post-Consumer Art (1971) by Natalia LLFondazione Luciana Matalon

The exhibition was built around two thematic cores: that of empathy and that of the search for identity which were identified by the curators as peculiar to the female gaze and contribution to photographic art.

Joey in my mirror. (1992) by Nan GoldinFondazione Luciana Matalon

«The female artistic production differs from the male one - explain the curators - for a specificity determined by a distinct sensitivity for reasons of nature, culture, social role. On the one hand, the woman is influenced by her role as a mother, which makes her empathetic and sensitive to survival and human well-being. The second driving theme is that of identity in the social sphere, felt as compressed or unexpressed ".

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