8 Museums in Rwanda You Should Know

Museum for Campaign Against Genocide by National Museum of RwandaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Rwanda Museums

Public museums in Rwanda are under the management of  Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy,  an institution that also manages heritage sites, National Archives and Library services. It has a mission of safeguarding the language of Ikinyarwanda and preserving Rwanda’s heritage, culture, and values as a foundation of national unity and dignity. 

Tap to explore

1. The Ethnographic Museum of Rwanda

Located in Huye District, Southern Province and formerly known as National Museum of Rwanda, this museum provides insight not only into pre-colonial lifestyles, but also into Rwanda’s later development as a modern African state. The museum orients to the social and cultural aspects of Rwanda. 

View three cultural objects of the museum you must see below:

Kagondo, Musee National, From the collection of: Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy
Royal drum (2), Original Source: Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy
Performance urugangazi, National Museum of Rwanda, From the collection of: Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy
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Image 1: Kagondo traditional hut  built inside the museum 2. Nanguburundi:  drum captured in the kingdom of Burundi by the army of the Rwandan Mwami Cyirima II Rujugira during 17th century. In  Burundi, the drum was called “Nangurwanda / I hate Rwanda.” It was renamed "I hate Burundi" after killing the Burundian King Mutaga Senyamwiza and capturing the drum  3. Urugangazi Cultural Troup

KambereOriginal Source: Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

2. Kings' Palace Museum

The Kings' Palace is located in Nyanza District, Southern Province. It was constructed in 1931 and served as the home for King Rudahigwa and his family until the King’s death in 1959. In addition to displaying objects, furniture, and photographs belonging to the King, the museum offers a detailed overview of the Rwandan monarchy system since the 15th century and its abolition in the early 1960s.

Mwima - Mausoleum by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Must see at King's Palace Museum

1. Kambere traditional Hut:  a replica of the late-19th century palace complex of Mwami Yuhi V Musinga, re-constructed using local materials and traditional building methods. 
2. Inyambo parade and cattle poems
3. Mwima mausoleum where King Mutara III Rudahigwa, his wife Queen Rosalie Gicanda, and King  Kigeli V Ndahindurwa are buried.

Inyambo parade and cattle poems

Cows form an integral part of Rwandan culture. Inyambo, the gentle and elegant special breed were the King’s symbol of prestige. With their impressive long horns, they were trained to parade accompanied by the traditional flute and cattle poems, amazina y’inka.

Rwesero - Kwigira Museum by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

3. Kwigira Museum

The museum building was originally built to serve as the new royal palace for the King Mutara III Rudahigwa who unfortunately died before its inauguration. It hosts a permanent exhibition that is about home grown initiatives and describes in details how Rwandan culture and history played a key role to deal with different matters caused by 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, striving for self-reliance and rebuilding social cohesion of Rwandan society. 

It is located in Nyanza District, Southern Province.

Trench Mulindi by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

4. Rwanda Liberation Museum

Rwanda Liberation Museum's exhibition presents the struggle for liberation of Rwanda by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF/RPA - Inkotanyi). Upon visiting the open-air museum, visitors will encounter the bunker used by the former RPA Chairman of High Command, Major General Paul Kagame now the President of the Republic of Rwanda, as well as other structures that were used in the struggle for liberation. 
The museum is located in Gicumbi District, Northern Province

Museum for Campaign Against Genocide by National Museum of RwandaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

5. Museum for Campaign Against Genocide

Located in Rwanda’s Parliamentary building, the museum for Campaign Against Genocide was inaugurated on December 13, 2017 by H.E Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda. The Museum presents in details how the genocide was stopped by former Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA).

Monument for the 12.7mm machinegunRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Must see at the Museum for Campaign Against Genocide

1. 3rd Battalion (3bn) trenches
2. 3rd Battalion (3bn) Sick bay: 
3. Outdoor monuments
4. Heroes garden

Tap to explore

6. Kandt House Museum

The former Natural History Museum opened on December 17, 2017 as the Kandt House Museum named after Dr. Richard Kandt, the first German Resident of Rwanda.

The museum provides an overview of Rwanda’s social, economic, and political systems before and during German colonial period. It also traces the experiences of Rwandan people under colonial rule, as well as the foundation of Kigali as the colonial capital city.

Rwanda art MuseumRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

7. Rwanda Art Museum

Located in Kanombe, Kigali City,  Rwanda Art Museum houses artworks acquired from African artists via donations, competitions, workshops, and festivals related to the  themes of healing, reconciliation, tolerance and peace. 

The permanent exhibition Art for Peace showcases more than 120 art pieces from the museum’s collection made by over sixty artists from the African continent.  

Museum of environmentRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

8. Museum of Environment

Located at the shore of lake Kivu, the museum was opened in 2015, it exhibits natural history collections but also addresses issues the environment is facing, mobilizing the community to take action. There is an outdoor garden of indigenous medicinal plants.

Credits: Story

Content development: Chantal Umuhoza, Andre Ntagwabira, Karangwa Jerome, Yvette Tuyishime (Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy)
Curatorial layout: Chantal Umuhoza

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.