Welcome to Rwanda

Explore Rwanda’s culture guided by Ambassador Robert Masozera, Director General of Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Kigali view from Golf course Nyarutarama by Government of RwandaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

A digital exploration of Rwanda

Learn about Rwanda by exploring the country's history, art and culture through a new lens. Scroll down to learn more about The Land of a Thousand Hills...

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Our rich landscape

For centuries, Rwanda's landscape has woven itself into the nation's rich heritage. Mountains, rivers, and valleys hold layers of history, alongside royal tombs, sycamore trees, and more. 

11 breathtaking locations to visit in Rwanda

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Museums in Rwanda

Rwandan museums fall under the Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy, an  which safeguards Ikinyarwanda, preserves heritage, and fosters national unity through museums, archives, libraries, and historical sites. Learn about 8 Museums to visit and their different specialist subjects.

Flame of remembranceRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Our history

From 7th April to July 1994, Hutu extremists of the regime in power in Rwanda carried out a genocide in which more than one million Tutsi were killed.

Rwanda's Genocide Memorial sites

Kigali Convention Centre by Office of the Government SpokespersonRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Find out how Kigali became Africa's cleanest city

Kigali's sparkling cleanliness is a far cry from its past. How did this developing country achieve such a dramatic transformation? The answer lies in a commitment to waste management, plastic bag bans, and community participation. 

Learn more about Kigali's cleanliness efforts

King Rudahigwa with chiefs and dignitaries by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Our fashion

Rwandan clothing has evolved through the centuries, but its core purpose remains – adorning the body and conveying social status, age, marital status, and region. 

contemporary jewellery design

Cows - Inyambo by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Cows in Rwandan society

Rwandan myths link cows' arrival to the 12th-20th century Nyiginya Dynasty. Since then, cows have been central to Rwandan life, impacting the economy, politics, and social fabric. 

the cattle keepers who tend them

KambereOriginal Source: Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Our architecture

Shaped by tradition and evolving with time, Rwandan architecture blends functional design with symbolic elements, creating a unique aesthetic for both homes and public spaces. 

the art of decorating houses

Gihanga by Rwanda MuseumsRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

The heroic figures that shaped our history

Rwandan history echoes with the bravery of its heroes, who continue to inspire resilience and national pride. 

Meet some of these iconic figures, such as 
Gihanga Ngomijana, the founder of the Rwandan Kingdom, Robwa, the princess heroine, Ndabaga, the masked warrior heroine.

Dancers - Urugangazi by National Museum of RwandaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Art and Culture in Modern Rwanda

Rwanda's culture, dance, and crafts are a living part of its rich history, not just a relic of the past. As Rwanda grows, these arts continue to be important, guiding the country towards a brighter future.

Discover more about Rwanda on the Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy page.

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