By Fubon Art Foundation
Fubon Art Foundation
粉樂町之所以充滿迷人的魔力乃在於它以裝置藝術為號召,搭起了藝術在因地制宜空間下的爆發力,一種讓觀者產生更貼近生活感受的理解。而富邦藝術基金會在跨越十年有成的腳步之後,再邁出的第一步顯然格外重要,即便在二十一世紀的當下,全球化使然的發展讓生活中已處處藏匿美學的養分,藝術更隨著五感神經大方地出走美術館奔放玩耍,然而我們得以如此自由灑脫,不能諱言地這是從過去到現在的一種蛻變歷程。若將時間倒退一些來看,1990年代是「裝置藝術」觀念剛引進台灣藝壇的最初時期,從當時創作的表現形態、觀念意識、複合媒材的豐富使用等,無疑地為這塊土地的藝術生態帶來許多新興面向,而這一路的發展,到新媒體的出現、政府大力標榜著「old is new」的標語推動文化創產,種種後浪推前浪的源源不絕,讓當今的藝術面貌如此多元,當然跨領域合作也不再陌生,比起過往,人們對美感經驗的學習與認知已然提升。那麼,在這個美力時代之外,我們還有什麼寶貴的經驗傳承能夠從中再度被焠煉出來?
2008粉樂町,將是一個宣示性的開始,我們都知道起跑前,最重要的力量來自於那股踏緊腳跟,用力回蹬後的反彈作用力,蹬地爆發力越大,地面產生的反作用力也越大,身體跳離地面就越高。因此,這一回蹬,2008粉樂町以歷史回溯的角度,讓我們跟隨藝術家的敏銳觀察,閱讀他們所表述台北東區在時代變遷下的故事和容貌,有些從地理年代說起、有些結合展點空間的記憶、抑或是創作者們思忖自身的轉變歷程到對台北東區的眷戀情感等等,在此引用波根(Louise Bogan)在《環屋之旅》(Journey Around My Room)中所提到的一段話:「任何旅行最初的秘密在於:旅行者一開始怎麼來到起點的?我怎麼到這窗口、這牆邊?這火爐?這房 間?我怎麼會正好站在這天花板下和這地板之上?啊!那是讓人臆測,值得正反兩面辯論,讓人研究、猜測、推論的問題!;如果我曾擁有指南針,則它已失蹤良久。然而,我之所以在此, 必有某種合理的解釋。我為何舉步朝此,而非地球上其他任何地點?我必須思考,我必須找出原因。」
對生長在東區、年過五十長輩們的記憶中,六O年代的台北東區有著整片的農地菜圃,走的是田埂路,是安靜的巷道,聽過 公圳故事,或曾眺望「復旦落日」美景等,這一路上有許多令人津津樂道的回憶大事紀,像台北市第一批建造為四層公寓集合住宅的光武新村、叱吒七O年代全盛期的阿波羅大廈、到八O年代各式百貨業如雨後春筍般快速發展,就此大大顛覆了東區的生活型態。有多年發展沿革的建築或商行也成為今日我們提及東區地理所在的地標:擁有四十年歷史的順成蛋糕、三十年歷史的復興小學、二十年歷史的東區粉圓、更有頂好商圈、龍門廣場、香檳大廈、216巷等如數家珍的「古蹟」隱匿於此。當然新穎文藝味兒的,就屬誠品書局。當我們行走在台北東區裡,若有幸福滋味,想必該是這新舊交替之間,有些人從過往走來,有些人在未來參與,雖不同世代,卻仍隱隱滲透於空氣中的相同情懷吧!
2008 Very Fun Park 01Fubon Art Foundation
Piece of cake (2008) by Wang Liang-YinFubon Art Foundation
The Travels of the Sperm Spoon Series: 1. Cloud Travel 2. Somewhere out there? (2008) by Legend Li-Chen LinFubon Art Foundation
Legend Li-Chen Lin uses the theme of a nomadic nest to look into the concept of human's future and the continuation of life, and amain elemant in her creative works is the sperm spoon.The tadpole sperm-like icon comes from the French word,L’oeuf ,which means egg and sounds similar to the English word, love, and the L’oeuf icon "," then becomes the source of transformation in Lin's iconic creations. Through the fusion of love and life as the starting point, various creative works are extended out from dialogues with life.
Run! (2008) by Kwon Ki SooFubon Art Foundation
This simple character is cute and amicable, and is not set out to probe at any complex ideologies. It is merely trying to lead a trouble-free life. Kwon Ki Soo has enlarged this simple image on the facade of the building.
Happy Taxicabs、City Yeas (2008) by AGUA DesignFubon Art Foundation
Happy Taxicabs is a project in conjunction with the taxi company, and has transformed a familiar mode of transportation into a nostalgic ride. Upon sitting in a Happy Taxicab, you will hear classic old songs, and the blissful message board inside the cab welcomes anyone to leave a message for your friend or be pleasantly surprised to find a message that was left for you. When getting out of the cab, you will receive a blissful receipt from the driver in six different versions of Luck, Peace, Health, Diligence, Perseverance, and Wellbeing. Each receipt will have on it a touching short story to fill your heart with blissful happiness.
Recollect VS. Reminisce (2008) by Hung YiFubon Art Foundation
Omnipresent (2008) by Yu Wen-FuFubon Art Foundation
Taking of photographic framing (2008) by Chung Shung-TaFubon Art Foundation
I love cactus (2008) by Chen Jun-HauFubon Art Foundation
Chen once again uses push pins, and attempts to develop a three dimensional work from his past two dimensional work. By layering and using multiple combinations, a hypnotizing group of cacti seems to have emerged from the illusive desert, and the shimmer from the push pins gives a mirage-like temporary optical illusion, and an alternative visual experience is presented.
Scattered Coordinates Sound (horizontal version) (2008) by Yao Chung-HanFubon Art Foundation
Information supercharged is a kind of attitude that Yao Chung-Han uses to describe today's life. Replacing the anxiety that information explosion brings, scattered coordinates resemble this type of attitude that he describes.
Emptysigns (2008) by Anthony LuensmanFubon Art Foundation
In the Memories of … (2008) by Lin Guan-MingFubon Art Foundation
City -the Neon Theater (2008) by Lai Pei-YuFubon Art Foundation
Neon Nightfall (2008) by Huang Pei-YingFubon Art Foundation
The Memory, Sign, Record of the Objects、The Memory of the Objects 1、The Memory of the Objects 7 (2008) by Chu Fang-YiFubon Art Foundation
The “Objects” guide us to trace back to the first mode of communication for man-kind, the imageries. The written languages of man-kind have derived from images, and in the beginning, each image represents a certain meaning, and it is deciphered by the communal experiences and memories that the community holds together.
2008 Very Fun Park ENDFubon Art Foundation
CEO:Maggie Tsai
Director:Vivian Hsiung
Administration:Tai-Mou Li, Yen-Hsin Chen, Yu-Hsuan Lu
Exhibition:Yu-Lun Liang, Wei-Lun Chen, Wei-Ling Tsao
Promotion:Jada Chan, Chyi-Ju Chiu, Shu-Li Chen
Animation:Kuo-Feng Yao
Photography:Shun-Lung Chung
Documentary Production:On-Works
Book Design:Onion Design
Chen Wan-Ling, Huang Chien-Hua, Wu Keng-Chen, Lin Taifong, Huang Wei-Huei, Liu Shih-Tung, Yu Wen-Fu, Chen Jun-Hau, Chung Shung-Ta, Kwon Ki Soo, Legend Li-Chen Lin, Kang Ya-Chu, Huang Pei-Ying, Wang Shin-Yi, Chen Hon-Wei, Anthony Luensman, Wang Liang-Yi, Chou Chu-Wang, Hu Hui-Chin, Wang Chung-Kun, Chow Y.Y. April, Hung Pei-Chi, Tsao Ting-Ting, Hou Lien-Chin, Huang Hsin-Yu, Li Hsin-Yuan, Hung Yi, Hsu Yung-Hsu, Chu Fang-Yi, AGUA Design, Yao Chung-Han, Sung Heng, Chou Weng-Yeh, Lin Guan-Min, Lai Pei-Yu
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