How to Make Nano's Biryani (Grandmothers Recipe Biryani)

Mrs. Azra Syed's special Chicken Biryani recipe.

Biryani Plating (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Biryani is a dish best prepared by seasoned cooks with a knowledge of ingredients, and who better to prepare such a delicious dish than a grandmother with years of experience and expertise under her belt? In this recipe, learn how Mrs Azra Syed prepares her version of chicken biryani, a recipe she has refined and defined as her own.

Grandmother's Recipe: Chicken Biryani (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Watch: Our grandmother, Azra Syed, makes her special family recipe of biryani.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Preparation time: 20 minutes, Cooking time: 40 minutes, Serves 6

1 ½ kilo/3 pounds chicken pieces
1 kg/2 pounds basmati rice (soaked for 30 minutes)
4-5 large onions (fried till golden brown)
2 tbsp ginger paste, 2 tbsp garlic paste
1 tbsp chili powder
2 tbsp cumin powder
2 tbsp coriander powder
1 tbsp garam masala powder

For cooking Rice:
2 tbsp salt
2 tez pata (bay leaves)
2 tbsp whole black cumin
5-6 cardamoms
2-3 cinnamon sticks
4-5 cloves
10 black peppercorns.
4 tomatoes (chopped)
4 potatoes (parboiled and chopped into 4)
½ cup yogurt (whipped)
10-12 dried plums (alu bukhara) soaked in water
6 whole green chilies
6 tbsp chopped cilantro leaves
4 tbsp chopped mint leaves
1 tsp rose water or kewra (optional)
Saffron or yellow food color
1 ½ tbsp salt (or more to taste)
1/3 cup oil

Meat prepped for Biryani (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Whole pieces of chicken are are cut up by a butcher and washed.

Soaked Rice (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Basmati rice is taken (in roughly the same ratio as the chicken), washed several times and soaked for about 20 minutes.

Chopping Onions (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Onions are sliced and then fried till golden brown.

Garlic Paste (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Whole ginger and garlic are made into a paste.

Ingredients for the biryani (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Biryani is a complex mixture of different spices. Here we can see chili powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder.

For cooking the rice, salt, bay leaves, black cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, peppercorns are also used to enhance fragrance of the dish.

Ingredients for the biryani (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Tomatoes & potatoes entered the subcontinent relatively late, but they are essential ingredients in today's Pakistani kitchen.

Here we have yogurt, dried plums, alongside green chilies, cilantro & mint leaves as part of the ingredients.

Biryani is ready (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

How to Make Nano's Biryani (Grandmothers Recipe Biryani)

Slow cooking in steam (dum) is an integral part of cooking a biryani, with rice and meat lovingly slow cooked to perfection in the home by our grandmother.

Adding oil (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Oil is first added to a pan.

Oil and Garlic Paste (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Ginger and garlic paste are fried together.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Gradually chicken pieces and yogurt are added...

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Ground spices are combined in a container

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

and mixed in with the chicken pieces.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Whipped yogurt is slowly added once the raw smell of the chicken and spices has subsided.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Chopped tomatoes are then added and cooked...

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

until the chicken is cooked through.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

When the chicken juices start to thicken, soaked dried plums (alu bukhara) are added...

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

along with green chilies, cilantro & mint leaves and parboiled potatoes.

Biryani Curry prepared (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

This is cooked on a low flame for a few minutes.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Creating steam is important to the cooking process of a biryani.

Biryani in the making (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Two liters of water is brought to the boil in a separate pan with salt and the other whole spices added to flavor the water.

Adding Rice to the Curry (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

The soaked rice is drained and cooked till 70% done. The spiced water is then discarded.

Parboiled Rice is layered in a pan (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

In a large pan, some oil is added and rice is layered on.

Curry added to the Rice (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

The chicken mixture is then placed over this rice, and garnished with extra cilantro leaves, green chilies, mint leaves and fried onions.

Curry added to the Rice (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Another layer of rice is placed on top after the first layer of chicken.

Mixing the rice and the curry (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Another layer of chicken and garnishes are added, with a final layer of rice at the top.

Biryani is ready (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

The topmost layer of rice is sprinkled with saffron or food coloring and cooked on a high flame for 5 minutes. After which when steam starts to appear from the pot, the flame is reduced to low, the pot sealed firmly with a cloth or foil and cooked till the rice is completely cooked, approximately 25 to 30 mins.

Biryani Plating (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

The rice and chicken are served on a decorative dish.

Biryani Plating (2020)SOCH Outreach Foundation

The final biryani is ready to serve.

Credits: Story

Produced by SOC Films
Project Director: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy
Producers: Syed Ayub , Sameer Khan
Project Manager: Huma Shah
Director of Photography: Murtaza Ali
Photography: Karim Baig , Murtaza Ali
Photography Editor: Karim Baig
Additional Video & Photography: Khurram Victor
Exhibits Writer: Nazia Latif , Sameer Khan
Exhibits : Syed Ayub , Sameer Khan
Art Direction : Rahat Niazi
Associate Producer : Asad Pabani
Video Editors: Nina Zehri, Farhad Jamali
Color Grade: Sourath Behan
Assistant Editor: Mishal Adhami
Sound Design: Sameer Khan

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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