Somethin' missing... Somethin' promised

curated by Makeda Jean Lewis

"Slipping" (2020-02-29) by Makeda Lewis, Hanna Newman, and Zipporah Camille ThompsonMINT

Makeda Jean Lewis

Makeda Jean Lewis is an artist, barista and program coordinator looking for a water source in a burning room.  Makeda has been a part of the MINT Family for many years. We have seen her grow into a fantastic writer, curator, artist, and human. 

"queen cobra" (2020-02-28) by Hannah Newman, Makeda Lewis, and Zipporah Camille ThompsoMINT

Our mission

aims to explore the symbiotic relationship of and effects on healing between the community and the individual. The curatorial debut of Makeda Jean Lewis, this show features works by Arianna Khmelniuk/Zapah Lab,MaDora Frey, Zipporah Camille Thompson, Hanna Newman, and Charity Harris.

"queen cobra" "Big River Zen" "captio (capture)" and "Desire" (2020-02-29) by Zipporah Camille Thompso, Charity Harris, Arianna Khlemnuik, and Madora FreyMINT

Zipporah Camille Thompson uses various colored and textured cloths and fabrics to express her exploration through alchemical transformations of the universal unknowns. The chosen medium reflects chaos and wrestling with self and identity.

"indigo pastoral" (2020-02-29) by Zipporah Camille ThompsonMINT

Zipporah Thompson creates pieces that are far from literal. Her work embodies surrealism and out of the box, unknown thinking, through hand crafted pieces made of fabrics and woven elements.

"Slipping" "Please stay/go." (2020-02-29) by Hanna Newman and Madora FreyMINT

Hanna Newman's full body sculpture portrays a common human figure but beyond physical appearance, she uses nonbodily colors and materials to express her relationship and journey with unconscious and conscious thought, as well as the mind and the physical world.

"Apparently at some point last night I turned the shower on and left it running..." (2020-02-29) by Hanna NewmanMINT

Hanna Newman uses ceramics, foam, and plaster casts to mimic human limbs and body mass as a means to portray an otherworldly appearance. The bright colors contrasting with the skin like color creates an experience of realism and surrealism.

"Please stay/go." (2020-02-29) by Hanna Newman and Makeda LewisMINT

This bright and captivating sculpture piece by Hanna Newman expresses her experience with sleep paralysis and the overwhelming distortion of realism caused by the mind. This abstraction of reality communicate a certain emotional state and mindset.

"Big River Zen" (2020-02-29) by Madora FreyMINT

Madora Frey's sculptures of neon lights beaming from the wall, represents an internal geography that has emerged from her childhood residences. She uses nonlinear movements and colors to highlight her journey through her life.

"Big River Zen" (2020-02-29) by Madora FreyMINT

Madora Frey's pieces are mesmerizing and appealing to the human senses. There's a sense of comfort and ease that radiates through her work. The perfect wall pieces for your home and personal spaces.

"Astral Basin" (2020-02-29) by Madora FreyMINT

Madora Frey's eye-stopping pieces incorporates linear movements as well as geometric shapes and textures to create a cohesive, calming feel. The bright lights and reflections grab the viewers attention and leave them wandering their own minds.

Credits: Story

Group Exhibition held at MINT Gallery

February 29- March 28, 2020

Curated by Makeda Lewis

Featured Artists Arianna Khmelniuk/Zapah Lab, MaDora Frey, Zipporah Camille Thompson, Hanna Newman, and Charity Harris.

Artists sites

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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