Emma Jones

Photographer in Birmingham

Saima by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Model: SaimaRaze Collective

Saima by Emma Jones

"Pride Inside authentically represents our grassroots communities by stripping away the commercial gaze that unfortunately taints Pride events up and down the country." - Saima, Birmingham

Emma Jones - Self PortraitRaze Collective

Birmingham photographed by Emma Jones


Emma photograph events and portraits and love experimenting with different mediums.

Emma said: "I took part to bring a bit of joy and happiness during these difficult times and highlighting the importance of celebrating and keeping spirits high. Whatever distance there may be we can still be united."



Adam Carver by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Model: Adam CarverRaze Collective

Seana by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Model: SeanaRaze Collective

"I felt it necessary as a trans woman to partake in celebrating our diverse community. Plus Pride is a huge party and i’m never one to turn down a drink." - Seana, Birmingham

Rico & Luke by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Models: Rico & LukeRaze Collective

"Pride means community, and we want to represent our community." - Rico & Luke, Birmingham

Dan, Meg & Zed by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Models: Dan, Meg & ZedRaze Collective

"I started going to Pride in the eighties. It was DEFINITELY a protest. Clause 28, the lack of funding for HIV research and the climate of hate brought us out. We're still not done. Pride still needs to be loud." - Zed, Birmingham

Rico & Luke by Emma Jones (2020-06) by Photographer: Emma Jones and Models: Rico & LukeRaze Collective

Credits: Story

All photographs by Emma Jones

For Pride Inside www.prideinside.co.uk

Raising funds for the LGBT+ Consortium.
Show you support by donating here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/PrideInside

Administered by Raze Collective

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions (listed below) who have supplied the content.