Exhibit "Amanhã Serei Raiz" - Tomorrow I'll Be Root by Coletivo 1MULHERporM2Unibes Cultural
Tomorrow I'll Be Root
A rescue of the historical importance of women through cultural, social and anthropological roots, worked on in a broad or personal way by the artists of Coletivo 1MULHERporM2.
These works were conceived as lambe-lambe ("lick-licks”) street posters, seeking to reach a greater number of people in public places, in a safe way and as a democratic invitation to any passerby.
TWEETY brings this blurry, moving image. It speaks of the layers of time that form us as an accumulation of past lives and influences that are in our DNA and the environment in which we live. The movement expressed in the image reminds us of the time that flows, from generation. The sister portrait speaks universally about any sister, any woman.
Tweety by Iara VenanziUnibes Cultural
FADA brings the multiplication and disfigurement of a female image, unfolded in her many roles: courageous woman, zealous mother, demanding mother-in-law, mysterious grandmother... This feminine capacity to be thousands by being one. In the shield of the scrambled face, a detachment towards silence and recollection; a certain harshness, almost antipathy.
Fada by Karen CaetanoUnibes Cultural
Mãe Árvore
The distant green of the forest is also of those eyes that for years have mothered those who today pay homage to him in portraits. The memory, with the flavor of Minas Gerais food, is kept alive in so many ways and through the connection with nature, a great source of inspiration for this mother so remembered by her strength and beauty. Red activates tribal, indigenous and African ancestry, and remains as a spark inspiring reconciliation between generations.
Mother Tree by Paula MarinaUnibes Cultural
Women suffer a constant historical, social and economic erasure. They are erased by violence, by physical and psychological torture, by femicide. Unacceptable events, which occur daily and have shown even higher rates during the pandemic. It is necessary to pay homage to the memory and achievements of our ancestors who were so often massacred, wronged and silenced.
Irma by Fernanda KleeUnibes Cultural
Pessoais [Pronome]
The generational influences of a lineage and the formative character they exert on a person's biography. The strong personality of a grandmother, her stories and also her distance. A path of re-signification of memory through objects and the proposal of an exercise of hierarchical alternations from the place of the child.
Personal [Pronouns] by Carla VenusaUnibes Cultural
In several ancestral mythologies, old trees are symbolically associated with old ones, from where life is renewed and wisdom is guarded. LINHAGENS speaks of the veins of consanguinity that weave time, from generation to generation, as well as the veins of ancient trees, which sustain the life of the tree, from root to crown, from past to future.
LINEAGES by Laura CorreaUnibes Cultural
Sem título
The rescue of documents, objects, photographs and family memories as an archeology of memory reconstruction, forgotten in the neighborhood, in the house, in the drawers and in the albums. It is the recreation of the present reality to reformat the past and support the future, through the selection of characters, residues, relationships and feelings in the form of an image.
Untitled by Marcia GadioliUnibes Cultural
The redefinition of the adored object, maternal history and ancestral gifts feminine, brought to the surface, by the displacement of matter, meaning and feelings. SUNFLOWER rescues memory and sewing erasure with
the delicacy of a shadow, marking the land and the next generations, like a homage and hope in the birth of a new life.
Girassol by Lucrécia CousoUnibes Cultural
Mais Compaixão
The resignification of the adored object, of the maternal history and of the female ancestral gifts, brought to light by the displacement of matter, meaning and feelings. SUNFLOWER rescues the erasure of memory and sewing with the delicacy of a shadow, marking the land and the next generations, like a
homage and hope in the birth of a new life.
MORE COMPASSION by Fulvia MolinaUnibes Cultural
São muitas camadas
The hair intertwined in the performance held in front of the Senzala restaurant, in a “upscale” neighborhood in the city of São Paulo, records an act in which the specificity of this place was a driving force for reflections and learning about structural racism; part of our heritage as a colonized country and a slave-holding structure. The tangle of hair,reveals this complex ancestral relationship and the many layers to be transformed. It is a cry for anti-racism. A tribute
There are many layers by Lynn CaroneUnibes Cultural
Quem cuida de quem cuida?
Various teachings from eastern, indigenous and African cultures serve as the basis for the rituals of the Makota group doulas. Surrounded by flowers, stones, herbs and essential oils that they themselves produce; they energize and purify the environment where they massage and chant ancestral chants. A cult of care for women and life.
who takes care of who takes care by Cami OnukiUnibes Cultural
Tina transporta vida
Representation of the strength of the female body, a consciousness lost by most women today, and inherent to this indigenous of the Guyanese Amazon. Supported by the ancestral wisdom contained in the making of its own freighter basket, it is capable of carrying 50 kilos of cassava, a root so original to our food, without getting tired or harming your spine. Fibers, vines and so many other wefts in a single image.
TINA TRANSPORTS LIFE by Tina Leme ScottUnibes Cultural
TINA TRANSPORTS LIFE by Tina Leme ScottUnibes Cultural
Água é vida
Water, ancestral mother of life. Essence that flows through the rivers, these sources that continue crying out for preservation and showing us the consequences of so many aggressions. The rationing of water contrasts with the abundance of affection of this mother who prepares her children's bath under meager conditions. Nutrition running its vital course.
Water is life by Bia ParreirasUnibes Cultural
The erasure of the memory in life in the confirmation of the laboratory diagnosis. MARIA portrays the image of the disfigured face, attesting to the psychological repression between wanting to remember and forgetting, the constant conflict between the internal and the external, the erased human face that remains, horrified by its lack of humanity between the real and the imaginary.
Maria by Adriana BertiniUnibes Cultural
Maria by Adriana BertiniUnibes Cultural
Meu reflexo é você
The forgetting of the family ties of the centenarian figure, the presence of the female lap, the maternal warmth, the maintenance of vanity and the delicacy of the granddaughter-grandmother relationship. MY REFLECTION IS YOU reveals the perpetuation of life in small details as a reference manual for future generations.
MY REFLEX IS YOU by Melissa HaidarUnibes Cultural
The blessing follows a family tradition passed down through generations. Within a lineage of healers formed by strong and special women, is Ana Roberta, the artist's namesake great-grandmother. A remarkable figure, she was a midwife, neighborhood leader, organizer of fairs, novenas… a local reference. His ritual began with three short questions and used coals and a glass of water and charcoal. Women drawing shapes and destinations.
Benze by Ana Roberta LimaUnibes Cultural
Benze by Ana Roberta LimaUnibes Cultural
Exposure Amanhã Serei Raiz
Patrocínio Master: Ernst & Young
Patrocínio: Banco Safra
Apoio: Basf
Realização: Coletivo 1MULHERporM2, Unibes Cultural, Unibes
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