Books Online

A Collaborative Project for Digitizing Copyright-free Library Collections

By Bavarian State Library

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Autor / Hrsg.: Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm ; Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymus ; Schröter, Johann Samuel (1786)Bavarian State Library

Start of the cooperation between the Bavarian State Library and Google

On March 6, 2007, the Bavarian State Library in Munich, the then Bavarian Minister of Science, Dr. Thomas Goppel, and Google announced that the library would be involved in Google's Book Search project. The library's copyright-free collections would be digitized in partnership with Google, focusing in particular on books from the 17th century to the end of the 19th. This set a key milestone for the Bavarian State Library's digitization strategy. After developing and establishing a complex work flow, digitization work finally began in early 2008. Since then, over a million copyright-free books have found their way onto the web this way, with the lion's share of the work being carried out in 2014. Volumes were made available to anybody, at any time, free of charge, and from anywhere in the world. Today, 10 years later, the Bavarian State Library has more than 2 million volumes online, making it the owner of the largest digital library database in Germany. The project has since been extended to include collections from the State Libraries in Regensburg, Passau, and Augsburg, subordinates of the Bavarian State Library. To celebrate 10 years of collaboration, this exhibition will provide a brief and varied—although certainly not exhaustive—insight into the collections digitized by Google. We hope you enjoy exploring and discovering the world of old books.

P. Bertii Commentariorum rerum germanicarum libri tres : Primus est Germaniae veteris ; Secundus, Germaniae posterioris, a Karolo Magno ad nostra usq[ue] tempora, cum Principum Genealogiis ; Tertius est praecipuarum Germaniae urbium cum earum iconismis et Descriptionibusm Autor / Hrsg.: Bertius, Petrus (1616)Bavarian State Library

A Chronicle of German History. Volume 1 covers old Germania/Germany, and Volume 2 covers the reign of Charlemagne up to the book's publication in 1616, as well as the family trees of important rulers. Volume 3 describes important cities in Germany.

Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Autor / Hrsg.: Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm ; Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymus ; Schröter, Johann Samuel (1786)Bavarian State Library

The ninth volume describes the second sub-stage of the Lettenkeuper Formation and shows land and river snails, 1786.

Der Spiel- und singende Clavierschueler, in einigen vermischten Liedern vorgestellt von Peter Paulsen, Autor / Hrsg.: Paulsen, Peter (1762)Bavarian State Library

Data on the Net

The Bavarian State Library's special collection is one of the most significant of all German libraries. Copies of all digitized books, created by Google from the library's collection at its own expense, were given to the Bavarian State Library for free use and are hosted on servers at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Free State of Bavaria. The digitized books are available through the OPACplus library catalog, the library's digital collections, and Google Book Search. They're also part of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, Germany's virtual library, and Europeana, the European digital library.

Der Spiel- und singende Clavierschueler, in einigen vermischten Liedern vorgestellt von Peter Paulsen, 1762

The playing and singing piano student, introduced to a variety of songs by Peter Paulsen

Victoria : illustrirte Muster- und Moden-Zeitung (1872)Bavarian State Library

Victoria : illustrirte Muster- und Moden-Zeitung, 1872

Victoria: illustrated patterns and fashion magazine

M. Z. Topographia Superioris Saxoniae Thüringiae Misniae Lusatiae etc: Das ist Beschreibung der Vorn[embste]n vnd Bekantesten Stätt vnd Plätz in Churfürstenthum Sachsen Thüringen Meissen, Ober vnd NiderLaußnitz vnd einverleibten Landen; auch in andern Zu dem Hochlöblichsten Sächsischen Craiße gehörigen Fürstentumen (.außer Brandenburg und Pommeren) Graff: vnd Herrschafften etc:, Autor / Hrsg.: Zeiller, Martin ; Merian, Matthaeus (1650)Bavarian State Library

M. Z. Topographia Superioris Saxoniae Thüringiae Misniae Lusatiae etc: Das ist Beschreibung der Vorn[embste]n vnd Bekantesten Stätt vnd Plätz in Churfürstenthum Sachsen Thüringen Meissen, Ober vnd NiderLaußnitz vnd einverleibten Landen; auch in andern Zu dem Hochlöblichsten Sächsischen Craiße gehörigen Fürstentumen (.außer Brandenburg und Pommeren) Graff: vnd Herrschafften etc:, 1650

Author / Editor: Zeiller, Martin ; Merian, Matthaeus <der ältere>

National Theater Munich (1865)Bavarian State Library

The program for a performance by Emilia Galotti on January 14, 1865 at the Königliches Residenztheater in Munich.

Bilder-Atlas : Ikonographische Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste ; ein Ergänzungswerk zu jedem Conversations-Lexikon ; 500 Tafeln in Stahlstich, Holzschnitt u. Lithographie ; in 8 Bänden, Autor / Hrsg.: Berneck, Karl Gustav von (1875)Bavarian State Library

Bilder-Atlas : Ikonographische Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste ; ein Ergänzungswerk zu jedem Conversations-Lexikon ; 500 Tafeln in Stahlstich, Holzschnitt u. Lithographie ; in 8 Bänden, ca. 1875

Pictorial Atlas: an iconographic encyclopedia of science and art; a supplementary work for every conversation lexicon; 500 plates with steel engraving, wood carving, and lithography; in 8 volumes

Author / Editor.: Berneck, Karl Gustav von

Der Zeitgeist und die Menschen, ein Sündenspiegel für die Welt : eine Oktoberfest-Predigt, sammt der Beschreibung aller Feyerlichkeiten und lustigen Dingen (1835)Bavarian State Library

Der Zeitgeist und die Menschen, ein Sündenspiegel für die Welt : eine Oktoberfest-Predigt, sammt der Beschreibung aller Feyerlichkeiten und lustigen Dingen, 1835

The signs of the times and the folk, a reflection on sins for the world: an Oktoberfest sermon, together with a description of all festivities and frivolous things

Robert und Linchen's unzerreißbares Leinwand-ABC-Bilderbuch (1867)Bavarian State Library

Robert und Linchen's unzerreißbares Leinwand-ABC-Bilderbuch, 1867

Robert and Linchen's tear-proof fabric ABC picture book

Des heutigen Frauen-Zimmers Sturm-Haube : das ist: Kurtzes Bedencken von denen Hohen Köpffen und Haupt-Schmucks, Damit das Frauen- und Jungfer-Volck sich ausrüstet ... (1690)Bavarian State Library

Des heutigen Frauen-Zimmers Sturm-Haube : das ist: Kurtzes Bedencken von denen Hohen Köpffen und Haupt-Schmucks, Damit das Frauen- und Jungfer-Volck sich ausrüstet ..., 1690

Today's women's balaclavas: that is, a brief consideration of their tall headpieces and main jewelry that the women and young folk wear [...]

Moral Emblems with aphorismes, adages, and proverbs, of all ages and nations from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie : With illustrations freely rendered from designs found in their works, by John Leighton, the whole translated and edited with additions by Richard Pigot, Autor / Hrsg.: Cats, Jacob (1860)Bavarian State Library

Moral Emblems with aphorismes, adages, and proverbs, of all ages and nations from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie : With illustrations freely rendered from designs found in their works, by John Leighton, the whole translated and edited with additions by Richard Pigot, 1860

Author / Editor: Cats, Jacob

Der durchlauchtigen Welt ... neu vermehrter und verbesserter Geschichts-, Geschlechts- und Wappen-Calender : auf d. Jahr ... (1731)Bavarian State Library

Der durchlauchtigen Welt ... neu vermehrter und verbesserter Geschichts-, Geschlechts- und Wappen-Calender : auf d. Jahr ..., 1731

The illustrious world [...] newly expanded and improved historical, lineage and heraldry calendar: from the year [...]

Munich DigitiZation CenterBavarian State Library

Inside the Munich DigitiZation Center

As part of the project, even 16th century works that needed to be preserved were digitized by Google. All participants emphasized achieving the highest standard of quality, and the safety and preservation of the works was always considered paramount. Manuscripts, incunabula, particularly valuable documents and special formats and materials were and continue to be digitized in the library's own scanning center. For more information on the Munich DigitiZation Center and the Bavarian State Library's digital collections, visit

Missale ad usum Cisterciensis Ordinis ... (1556)Bavarian State Library

Ein Messbuch (Missale) für den Gebrauch im Zisterzienser-Orden, 1556

A Missal for Use in the Cistercian Order

Commentarii in P. Dioscoridis libros de materia medica, Autor / Hrsg.: Mattioli, Pietro Andrea (1570)Bavarian State Library

The second, extended edition of a commentary by Petrus Andreas Matthiolus Senensis on the 6 books by Pedacius Dioscoridis Anazarbeius on medicine. This edition also contains images of plants and animals, as well as an index of herbs and medicinal products and their corresponding Greek names, 1570.

Cosmographia, Autor / Hrsg.: Apian, Petrus ; Gemma Frisius, Rainer (1584)Bavarian State Library

A cosmography, or a description of the whole world, "complete" thanks to the discovery of the Americas, by the authors Petrus Apianus and Gemma Frisius, two significant natural scientists at the time. The book, written in 1584, contains highly detailed and precise descriptions of the locations, inhabitants, and history of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Digitization of a book of heraldryBavarian State Library

Knowledge for the Whole World

It was only through this collaboration that the library was able to digitize so many volumes and make them available for research, science, professional development and education, teaching, and private use in such a short space of time. The data volume of the digitized books created by both Google and the Munich DigitiZation Center itself is now over 800 terabytes, and continues to grow rapidly.

La Ilustración española y americana (1875)Bavarian State Library

La Ilustración española y americana, 1875

Enthaltend etliche Orden, welche in den zween ersten Theilen übergangen worden, desgleichen unterschiedliche Collegien für arme Schüler, und Versammlungen derer Frauen, denen gewisse Lebens-Regeln und Kleidungen, dadurch sie von einander unterschieden, vorgeschrieben worden. Aus der Reihe: Verzeichnüß Der geistlichen Ordens-Personen in der Streitenden Kirchen : in nette Abbildungen und einer Kurtzen Erzehlung verfasset ... Sr. Päbstlichen Heiligkeit Clementi XI. ; 3Bavarian State Library

Enthaltend etliche Orden, welche in den zween ersten Theilen übergangen worden, desgleichen unterschiedliche Collegien für arme Schüler, und Versammlungen derer Frauen, denen gewisse Lebens-Regeln und Kleidungen, dadurch sie von einander unterschieden, vorgeschrieben worden. Aus der Reihe: Verzeichnüß Der geistlichen Ordens-Personen in der Streitenden Kirchen : in nette Abbildungen und einer Kurtzen Erzehlung verfasset ... Sr. Päbstlichen Heiligkeit Clementi XI. ; 3

Atlas Minor, Das ist: Eine kurtze jedoch gründliche Beschreibung der gantzen Welt : In zwey Theile abgetheilt, Autor / Hrsg.: Mercator, Gerhard ; Hondius, Jodocus ; Uffenbach, Peter (1651)Bavarian State Library

Atlas Minor, Das ist: Eine kurtze jedoch gründliche Beschreibung der gantzen Welt : In zwey Theile abgetheilt, 1651

Atlas Minor, that is: a short yet thorough description of the whole world: divided into two parts

Author / Editor.: Mercator, Gerhard ; Hondius, Jodocus ; Uffenbach, Peter

Costumes anciens et modernes ; Band 2, Autor / Hrsg.: Vecellio, Cesare (1859)Bavarian State Library

Costumes anciens et modernes ; Band 2, 1859

Author / Editor: Vecellio, Cesare

In Italian and French

Tausend und eine Nacht : arabische Erzählungen, Autor / Hrsg.: Weil, Gustav (1872)Bavarian State Library

Tausend und eine Nacht : arabische Erzählungen, 1872

One Thousand and One Nights: Arabic stories

Author / Editor.: Weil, Gustav

Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften : für das Verständniß weiterer Kreise und auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage bearbeitet ; in drei Bänden ; 1, Autor / Hrsg.: Dippel, Leopold ; Masius, Hermann (1860)Bavarian State Library

Die gesammten Naturwissenschaften : für das Verständniß weiterer Kreise und auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage bearbeitet ; in drei Bänden ; 1, 1860

The collected natural sciences: edited for the understanding of wider circles and on a scientific basis; in three volumes; 1

Author / Editor: Dippel, Leopold ; Masius, Hermann

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote De La Mancha, Autor / Hrsg.: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de ; Pellicer y Saforcada, Juan (1798)Bavarian State Library

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote De La Mancha, 1798

Author / Editor.: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de ; Pellicer y Saforcada, Juan

Die kleine Menagerie : Schaulust für das zarte Jugendalter in Abbildungen der merkwürdigsten wilden Säugethiere ; in 8 colorirten Stahlstichen (1854)Bavarian State Library

Die kleine Menagerie : Schaulust für das zarte Jugendalter in Abbildungen der merkwürdigsten wilden Säugethiere ; in 8 colorirten Stahlstichen, 1854

The little menagerie: a visual curiosity for delicate youth in pictures of the most remarkable wild mammals; in 8 colored steel engravings

Fauna Boica oder gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte der Thiere Bayerns, Autor / Hrsg.: Reider, Jakob Ernst von ; Hahn, Carl Wilhelm (1834)Bavarian State Library

Fauna Boica oder gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte der Thiere Bayerns, 1834

Fauna Boica or common natural history of the animals of Bavaria

Author / Editor: Reider, Jakob Ernst von ; Hahn, Carl Wilhelm

A history of the colleges, halls, and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford : including the lives of the Founders ; 2, Autor / Hrsg.: Chalmers, Alexander (1810)Bavarian State Library

A history of the colleges, halls, and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford : including the lives of the Founders ; 2, 1810

Author / Editor: Chalmers, Alexander

App "First editions of German classics"Bavarian State Library

Digital Use Scenarios

Numerous first editions of well-known classics from the Bavarian State Library's collection were also digitized as part of the digitization for the Google Book Search project. These digitized books were included in the development of the BSL app "Deutsche Klassiker in Erstausgaben" (first editions of German classics). Delve into "The Sorrows of Young Wether" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), follow in the footsteps of Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) in "Germany: A Winter's Tale," or be fascinated by the portrayals of nature in the collection of stories by Adalbert Stifter (1805–1868), "Colorful Stones." The app lets you view a hybrid version and a modern e-book version alongside the original. It's a prime example of how data created through digitization can be processed and used for modern use scenarios, which is one of the clear goals of the Bavarian State Library's digitization efforts.For more information, visit our website at

Image film "First editions of German classics"Bavarian State Library

Credits: Story

An exhibit by the Bavarian State Library on the occasion of the 10 year anniversary of the cooperation between Google the Bavarian State Library for digitizing Copyright-free library collections.

Edited by: Peter Schnitzlein
Image selection: Martina Albrecht
Technical implementation: Christian Eidloth

Munich, 2017

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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