Trifacial Trinity

Symbol of the Trinity. (Siglo XVII) by Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y CeballosColonial Museum

image shows Jesus Christ with three faces,  representing the Holy Trinity:
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

“Trifacial” representations of the Holy Trinity were censored by Pope Urban VIII in 1628.

Due to the prohibition, the lateral faces of Jesus were later on covered, simulating hair.

The pigments that covered the lateral faces was removed during the 1980's decade, revealing the true iconography of the image.

The following words are written in the circles: Father, Son, Spirit and God (in the center).

The figures at the ends are joined by a ribbon with the inscription “non est” (it is not).

The circles are linked to the center by stripes with the word: “est” (it is).

The triangles represent the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. This dogma holds that there is only one God that exists as three different persons.

Credits: Story

Museum Director: María Constanza Toquica Clavijo
Museology: Manuel Amaya Quintero
Editorial: Tanit Barragán Montilla
Collection Management: Paula Ximena Guzmán López
Curatorship: Anamaría Torres Rodríguez, Diego Felipe López Aguirre
Communications: Juan Camilo Cárdenas Urrego

Credits: All media
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