Representations of Jesus Christ in Art and Paintings


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This gallery showcases paintings of Jesus Christ throughout history. It's been known that there are different representations by different artists of the same character throughout history and I find this really interesting. So here's a collection of my favorite paintings.

Christ and Mary Magdalene, a Finnish Legend, Albert Edelfelt, 1890, From the collection of: Ateneum Art Museum
Here we see Christ and Mary Magdalene, this painting was made during 1890 by Albert Edelfelt. This depiction reflects another representation of Jesus Christ in paintings. I love the way each subject is painted because it's very emotional in my opinion, the use of lines in this painting is spectacular as you can see so much emotion in Mary Magdalene's eyes being in the presence of Christ.
(Front), From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
This is a depiction of Christ cleansing the temple of Jerusalem. This is an excellent painting by Bernardino Mei because the lines and shading in this painting captures such a raw and intense emotion. The colors used in this painting are also wonderful making it look very realistic. The story behind this painting that people were disobeying Christ in this temple and using it for other reasons so he bursts in anger trying to clean the temple of sin. I love how this painting Christ looks a bit different which fits perfectly with my theme since it's about the different representations of Christ throughout history by different artists.
Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Pierre Mignard, 1681, From the collection of: North Carolina Museum of Art
This is a representation of the event of Christ and the Woman of Samaria. This is a nice painting by Pierre Mignard, he did an excellent work with the lines and colors of this artwork. The attention to detail is immaculate, especially the other people you can see behind Jesus. This representation of Jesus looks closer to the famous paintings we still see today of him and for that it perfectly relates to this theme I'm sharing with you.
Christ on the Sea, Josef Führich, 1832 - 1832, From the collection of: Regional Gallery in Liberec
This is a representation of the event of Christ walking on water and saving one of his disciples life, this is called "Christ on the Sea", by Josef Fuhrich. This one painting struck me visually because of it's shading, lines and colors. I love how the colors in the disciples clothes has some light bouncing off his chest from the light that surrounds Christ, you can also see the other disciples in the dark. This is another great representation of Jesus throughout history.
Christ on the Mount of Olives (Christ’s Fear of Death), Giovanni Battista Caracciolo, called Battistello, 1615/1617, From the collection of: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
This is a representation of Christ's Fear of Death. An excellent painting by Giovanni Battista Caracciolo. This painting is one of the darker and sinister ones in my opinion and I love how much emotion you can see and appreciate in this painting. The colors and shading lend do the dark vibe you see in this painting. The lines on the eyes of Christ capture the emotion he felt in that moment, you can't see his eyes clearly and are barely open lending it to make you feel as if he was worried or crying at that precise moment. This representation of Jesus is a bit different from the other ones in this collection which is exactly why I chose it for this theme, because there are in fact many representations of the same Christ in different eras.
The Last Supper from The Passion of Christ, Hendrick Goltzius, 1598, From the collection of: Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Here we see the famous event of the last supper interpreted by Hendrick Goltzius (1598). Although this came after Da Vinci's representation of the same event, you can still appreciate a certain fresh perspective on this. In my opinion I find it more sinister since there are no colors aside from the sepia-like color you see in this painting. All in all it's another representation of Jesus Christ in paintings.
Baptism of Christ, Verrocchio / Leonardo da Vinci Verrocchio, Leonardo da Vinci, 1470 - 1475, From the collection of: Uffizi Gallery
This painting represents the Baptism of Christ. While it's a little different from Da Vinci's famous work, I can still appreciate it. I like what he tried to do with the white dove and rays of light coming through on top of his head, representing a day of celebration in the kingdom of heaven. Overall it's not my favorite painting because of the choice of colors and lines, because it seem a bit amateur compared to his other work. His representation of Jesus is very different from the other work I've posted, which is why I've included this in my theme and fits very well.
The Prayer in the Garden, Baltasar de Echave Orio, ca.1610, From the collection of: Museo Nacional de Arte
This painting is a representation of The Prayer in the Garden by Baltasar de Echave Orio. This event took place after celebrating the last supper with his disciples. I love how the shading and space between each subject make you think as if it were two different places, like if Jesus was praying and the angel was looking towards him from heaven. The attention to detail around Christ's halo was excellent too since I didn't notice it at first glance. This representation of Jesus was a nice selection for my theme since it capture an emotion and I really enjoy paintings with emotion.
The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin, Hans Memling, (1475) {or (1479)}, From the collection of: National Gallery of Victoria
This painting is The Man of Sorrows in the Arms of the Virgin by Hans Memling. This is one of the more striking paintings in this collection as you can see the open wounds of Christ resting in the arms of his mother the Virgin Mary. In my opinion I really enjoyed the lines and colors of this painting, especially the gold background, lending to a euphoric moment or it may represent heaven. Overall, this is another great painting that I enjoyed watching because it's another different representation of Christ and related directly towards it.
Christ in the Realm of the Dead, Joakim Skovgaard, 1891-1894, From the collection of: SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
This painting is Christ in the Realm of the Dead by Joakim Skovgaard. The story behind this event is that Christ descends into the realm of the dead on easter eve to release the lost souls. This is another one I actually enjoyed, because of it's choice of colors, lines and shadings. Once again Christ is shown with light around him (like Christ on The Sea) representing him as a light through darkness or a saviour of mankind through a sea of evil. The representation of Jesus Christ in this painting, while you can see some similarities in other paintings, it's also fairly different from others in this collection, making it an excellent selection for my theme "Representations of Jesus Christ in Art and Paintings"
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.
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