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The world on a plate...

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Now an inspiring culinary story

Museum spotlight

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Bogotá houses a collection of over 1,000 works, focusing on Colombian and Latin American artists.

See the collection

The Sky Fits on a Wall

This is a site-specific artwork, that covers an entire wall in the exhibit space of the National Gallery in Rome.

Simple Tools

The artwork was made only with white marker pens.

Liquid Stars

Water floats in a dark universe, creating a sort of poetic cosmology.

Nights of Hope by Sandra Cinto

Click the spots to learn about the artwork


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Can you guess what they're eating?
Clue: this food is native to the Americas but widely eaten worldwide
'The potato eaters' by Vincent van Gogh, Van Gogh Museum

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How Does Keith Haring Connect to Hieroglyphics?

Discover connections between culture with Machine Learning

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